Ukrainian War Developments

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These content creators are quite young individual with """"open-minded""" perception of the situation in Russia, and comparing it to the west
So them being anti-Putin should be something that are unsurprising

Besides Natasha
There's also NFKRZ, he once made a video "Why you shouldn't trust RT" (it seems now it has been deleted)
And looks like now he already left Russia
Looks like the mask already falling off....
Again, here's a list of Natasha's videos (none of which have political titles):

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Can you point out which of these 45 videos has major anti-Putin political content in your view?


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So, Putinini basically punked himself, damn-near bankrupted his country, revealed Russia’s military weakness, got his Oligarch buddies jacked, and made NATO seem relevant!!!

All because he thought he could out Thug and out Gangster the biggest Thugs and Gangsters in history.

And, to make things worse, little bitty Yemen demonstrated the balls and strategic acumen that Putinini didn’t, i. e., to attack the Saudi Oil infrastructure! Had Putinini simply used Russian air-power to do that, he could have raised the price of oil and gas, made the EU even more dependent on Russian energy, and sent a (possibly) more impressive message regarding Russian military capabilities. Oh well?

And I thought Drumpf was stupid!
His sentimentality for Ukrainian "brotherhood/kinship" is what I believe blinded the man for taking a military action in such a haphazard way. He's military intelligence either misled or miscalculated the Ukraine's ability and will to resist the Russian actions or Putin was too sure of his own kool-aid that he may have dismissed the advice given to him from a combination of group think (afraid to give bad news to the leader) and Russian hubris.

But the war must succeed at all cost otherwise what the f..k was the point of executing such a ham fisted operation if the best he could extract from all the losses Russia is experiencing is a measly little territory.

No matter how one look at this situation the Russian so called "special operation" which is essentially an invasion is unmitigated strategic disaster. And as you said, it definitely exposed the glaring weaknesses in the Russian military which was one of Russia's strategic asset in terms of protecting power, and the ability to intimidate European nations into capitulation pre-Russian invasion. Now, with the embarrassing losses of the once vaunted Russian military nations that used to fear Russia has seen that credibility withered away, and if it wasn't for Russian nuclear power, NATO would have definitely gotten involved in the conflict and that would have been very difficult for Russia to manage, ditto for NATO.

I don't know why Putin took this action with such immediacy without considering all the geopolitical ramifications his actions entail. Putin, if he has any semblance of strategic acumen left ought to reevaluate the people he has surrounded himself with which means, he should now see the value in retaining people with great skills, and further more people that has enough courage to speak up against dumb ideas (Russian invasion of Ukraine) and to commit one's armed forces in trying to achieving one's goal must no be hijacked by nonsensical sentimentality (Russians are loved by Ukrainian people) and not all Ukrainians want to be Russians to avoid the stupid severe constraints placed on the Russian military ROE.


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Quite an assumption. For the record, I hate suffering anywhere, even though i'm "white".

People are people, stop trying to create division.
As usual, white people tend to be willfully blind toward endemic racism that non-white people readily observe.
And white people like to regard themselves as the ultimate authorities on racism--and everything else.

Academic studies (including some made by white people) have found a major double standard in how the media
in white-dominated societies (at least in the USA) covers violence toward white and non-white people.
Put simply, non-white lives usually receive less attention and be less valued than white lives, allowing for other
factors (such as age, class, gender, etc.) being equal.

As usual, white people demand that racism never be mentioned because it's 'divisive' and makes them uncomfortable.


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Learn how to read and stop putting words into my mouth!

"So now you're shifting your position from "Most Russian (sic) does not support the war"...

I never wrote that or believed that. Can you quote where you fantasize that I wrote that?
Your 'reading comprehension' is abysmal if you believe that I wrote or implied that.
Those are words that you put into my mouth.

I always have believed (as I made clear enough in multiple posts) that only a brave small minority support the anti-war
movement in Russia for various reasons, including nationalism, state control of information, and penalties for criticism.
It's Natasha's belief (which I quoted) that many Russians are brainwashed by propaganda.
I have not met her Russian acquaintances, so I have no basis to confirm or dispute her belief.

It's a waste of time to keep arguing with someone who's so arrogant (note his conceit of 'intellectual superiority)
and so stupid that he utterly fails to comprehend the basic meaning of my statements.

Fair enough. You see this is the problem with anecdotal evidence, because I have no way to ascertain your position except to make assumptions without you stating it explicitly. And for every anecdotal evidence you propose I can find another one that contradict it and we both have no way to verify each others claim anyway.

This is why anecdotal evidence is utterly worthless, I hope it doesn't take advanced mathematical training to understand that.

So before you criticize me for my reading comprehension, the onus is on you to make sound argument not on me to try to make sense of your jumbled words.

Again you put words into my mouth like you accuse me of, when had I expressed "intellectual superiority"? Care to point that out?

I'm stating the fact that I am being objective and rational, which has nothing to do with "intellectual superiority". Even an intellectually challenged person can strive for rationality, perhaps you should try it.


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His sentimentality for Ukrainian "brotherhood/kinship" is what I believe blinded the man for taking a military action in such a haphazard way. He's military intelligence either misled or miscalculated the Ukraine's ability and will to resist the Russian actions or Putin was too sure of his own kool-aid that he may have dismissed the advice given to him from a combination of group think (afraid to give bad news to the leader) and Russian hubris.

But the war must succeed at all cost otherwise what the f..k was the point of executing such a ham fisted operation if the best he could extract from all the losses Russia is experiencing is a measly little territory.

No matter how one look at this situation the Russian so called "special operation" which is essentially an invasion is unmitigated strategic disaster. And as you said, it definitely exposed the glaring weaknesses in the Russian military which was one of Russia's strategic asset in terms of protecting power, and the ability to intimidate European nations into capitulation pre-Russian invasion. Now, with the embarrassing losses of the once vaunted Russian military nations that used to fear Russia has seen that credibility withered away, and if it wasn't for Russian nuclear power, NATO would have definitely gotten involved in the conflict and that would have been very difficult for Russia to manage, ditto for NATO.

I don't know why Putin took this action with such immediacy without considering all the geopolitical ramifications his actions entail. Putin, if he has any semblance of strategic acumen left ought to reevaluate the people he has surrounded himself with which means, he should now see the value in retaining people with great skills, and further more people that has enough courage to speak up against dumb ideas (Russian invasion of Ukraine) and to commit one's armed forces in trying to achieving one's goal must no be hijacked by nonsensical sentimentality (Russians are loved by Ukrainian people) and not all Ukrainians want to be Russians to avoid the stupid severe constraints placed on the Russian military ROE.

"he [Putin] should now see the value in retaining people with great skills, and further more people that has enough
courage to speak up against dumb ideas."

Few organizations sincerely encourage people to be very critical of their superiors, particularly the leader at the top.
And that's true whether the organization's in a democracy or a dictatorship.

I have attended work meetings where the boss boasts that he's doing a great job and most of his subordinates eagerly
chime in to assure him that he's doing a great job, even when they privately say the opposite to me.

When I have spoken out 'against dumb ideas' at work, I almost always have been ignored (at best), demoted, or sacked.
Later, someone else may say exactly what I did and get praised for it, but it's too late to erase my 'original sin'.


Junior Member
Registered Member
As usual, white people tend to be willfully blind toward endemic racism that non-white people readily observe.
And white people like to regard themselves as the ultimate authorities on racism--and everything else.

Academic studies (including some made by white people) have found a major double standard in how the media
in white-dominated societies (at least in the USA) covers violence toward white and non-white people.
Put simply, non-white lives usually receive less attention and be less valued than white lives, allowing for other
factors (such as age, class, gender, etc.) being equal.

As usual, white people demand that racism never be mentioned because it's 'divisive' and makes them uncomfortable.

Please explain to me how I am racist based upon the colour of my skin?

That sounds entirely hypocritical to me.
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