Ukrainian War Developments

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"This is something you can't seem to comprehend, must I kneel down and weep for Ukraine to satisfy your requirement of empathy?"

No. Indeed, I am disgusted by the many Westerners whose tears flow easily for Ukrainians (or white Europeans) while they
shrug off any news of much longer or greater suffering by non-white peoples, often at the hands of Western imperialism.

Quite an assumption. For the record, I hate suffering anywhere, even though i'm "white".

People are people, stop trying to create division.


Registered Member
LOL!!.... A bit late now. These mentally slow morons from the EU regime are entertaining.

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The Ukrainian crisis and the West’s reaction to could “push” Russia towards China, the EU’s foreign-policy chief Josep Borrell warned during the opening session of the Doha Forum on Saturday.

Doing so could lead to the creation of a major rift between the global north and south, the diplomat said, stressing that such a scenario should be avoided.

“One of the bad consequences of what’s happening is that we can push Russia to China, and we can create a division between the global southeast and the global northwest,” Borrell stated.

First of all, the West should ramp up its efforts to end the Ukrainian conflict in order to avoid the emergence of such a global rift, he explained, describing Russia’s ongoing offensive in Ukraine as a “war of attrition.”

“In order to avoid this trend, the first thing to do is to stop this war of aggression, war of attrition today,”
the diplomat said, outlining the West’s strategy as a mix of military aid to Ukraine and anti-Russian sanctions.

The diplomat did not elaborate on how such a strategy would help to avoid “pushing” Russia into China’s arms. Since the beginning of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Beijing has taken a neutral stance, urging all parties to stick to diplomacy, calling upon the West to address Russia’s longstanding security concerns and opposing unilateral anti-Russian sanctions.

China’s stance has been interpreted by the West as pro-Russian, with the US-led NATO bloc openly urging Beijing to “to abstain from supporting Russia’s war effort in any way, and to refrain from any action that helps Russia circumvent sanctions,” as well as accusing it of providing Moscow “with political support, including by spreading blatant lies and misinformation.”

Beijing, however, has refused to bow to such demands, pointing to NATO’s continued expansion into Eastern Europe as a key factor behind the current conflict, as well as citing the bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade during the 1999 Yugoslavia attack as one reason it won’t listen to a “lecture on justice from the abuser of international law.”

Russia attacked Ukraine in late February, following a seven-year standoff over Kiev’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements and Russia’s recognition of the Donbass republics with capitals in Donetsk and Lugansk. The German- and French-brokered protocols had been designed to regularize the status of those regions within the Ukrainian state.

Russia has demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join NATO. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked, denying claims it was planning to retake the Donbass republics by force.
@Strangelove Josep Borrel there is no downside for being stupid after all you don't have to subject yourself to judgement since your position is unelected one. The EU is a dictatorship masquerading as a Democracy, the officials are not elected BUT selected by the oligarchy elite of Europe.


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"This is something you can't seem to comprehend, must I kneel down and weep for Ukraine to satisfy your requirement of empathy?"

No. Indeed, I am disgusted by the many Westerners whose tears flow easily for Ukrainians (or white Europeans) while they
shrug off any news of much longer or greater suffering by non-white peoples, often at the hands of Western imperialism.

Of that we're in agreement


Junior Member
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lol this is a very pretentious point of view and quite hypocritical. You blame many here for lapping up so called “Russian propaganda” while not acknowledging that you may have lapped up too much “western propaganda”?

as the saying goes, “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter”. Things are never black and white, your views are not always the only right way to look at things. Using YouTube videos to prove as evidence of anti Russian views are plagued by extreme Sampling error due to western complete censor of pro Russian views. how is what the west is doing regarding Russian related news different than what Russia is doing?

That’s no better than taking videos from China insights or China uncensored as Reality.
Ignorant insults noted.

"You blame many here for lapping up so called “Russian propaganda” while not acknowledging that you may have lapped up
too much “western propaganda”?"

If you had bothered to read enough of my earlier posts, you might have noticed that I have been consistently critical of the
Western media for presenting a very biased, hypocritical, or dishonest framing of the events before and during this war.
I am far from being the regurgitator of Western propaganda that you fantasize that I am.

You seem to act as if the only choice is between swallowing Russian propaganda whole or Western propaganda whole.
On the contrary, I can choose what I consume and digest and spit out what I find inedible.

I am aware of the censorship of pro-Russian views from mainstream Western media, but I am unaware that it has extended
to platforms such as YouTube, Twitter, etc. For instance, I can read Sergey Karjakin (a Russian chess player born in Crimea)
on Twitter, where he absolutely supports Putin and Russia's war on Ukraine. Indeed, Karjakin has written that he always
would--without thinking (his words)--instantly support every war by his country and every decision made by his leader (Putin).
For expressing such opinions, Karjakin has been banned for six months from international chess.
I strongly disagree with what Karjakin said, but I support his right to say it, and I oppose banning him from chess.


Registered Member
Russia was the one who violated not one, but two Minsk agreements due to their '''creative''' interpretations, were already interfering militarily long before Zelensky's time, and knew full well the NATO talk was hot air because no country has EVER entered the alliance while suffering from internal conflict. It's time to call a spade a spade, and this war an imperialistic conquest driven by opportunistic greed.

Calm down the projection
Oh boy, what a load of propagandist bullshit we have going on here. Buddy, not all of us here are brain dead, or gullible enough to buy your American nonsense. It's okay to believe your governments fairy tale but come on dude. We ain't stupid.


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What? Is that another one of your anecdotal evidence now pulled from youtube? So now you're shifting your position from "Most Russian does not support the war" to "A lot of Russian support the war because they are brainwashed"?

Do take a moment and read your own post and think how "close minded" you are. You are pointing finger at a wide swath of people saying because they do not agree with your world view they must be brainwashed by propaganda. Have you thought of the possibility that you are perhaps the close minded one?

I've always tried to discuss things in terms of rationality and logic, I judge facts and data base on evidence and would reserve as much doubt for Russian information as I would for western sources. I would try to keep emotion and feelings out of it, do you know what happens when you get emotional? You are the perfect example of emotion mixing with facts, perfect target for propagandist. Go do some meditation or something.
Learn how to read and stop putting words into my mouth!

"So now you're shifting your position from "Most Russian (sic) does not support the war"...

I never wrote that or believed that. Can you quote where you fantasize that I wrote that?
Your 'reading comprehension' is abysmal if you believe that I wrote or implied that.
Those are words that you put into my mouth.

I always have believed (as I made clear enough in multiple posts) that only a brave small minority support the anti-war
movement in Russia for various reasons, including nationalism, state control of information, and penalties for criticism.
It's Natasha's belief (which I quoted) that many Russians are brainwashed by propaganda.
I have not met her Russian acquaintances, so I have no basis to confirm or dispute her belief.

It's a waste of time to keep arguing with someone who's so arrogant (note his conceit of 'intellectual superiority)
and so stupid that he utterly fails to comprehend the basic meaning of my statements.


Lieutenant General
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Blame game game has started

"Zelensky: Impossible to save Mariupol without additional tanks, planes.

“Ukraine cannot shoot down Russian missiles with shotguns and machine guns,” the president said during his latest address"
Ukraine's old Soviet air defenses are better than any shit the US Army has. Tough luck Zelensky. You had the best ground based air defenses in the whole of NATO and still lost.


Junior Member
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Is that what people's propaganda looks like? The same nuisance?
According to you , Russian people don't want war.

But you did.
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You are a supposed democracy. If you are so fallible to propaganda , how are you fit for democracy where you people controls everything from government to military? Based on what qualification you deserve democracy?

.at, desperately trying to point fingers at supposed tyrants, authoritar.a.....................ns so you can keep your favorite back kissing government in power & use it to do whatever you want, looting, murdering others across the globe.
Do you really think desperate roleplaying to hide what you are born & bred out of , pretending to save world from aliens is gonna save your people? For people like those, they don't belong in a country, they belong in a zoo. World can't be at peace as long as these people live among us.

I didn't ask for word salad. I wanted to know a simple answer, where are 60%? Where are they?
Another failure of reading comprehension.

"According to you , Russian people don't want war."

I never wrote that. If that's supposed to mean that I believe that ALL Russians oppose the war, that's absurd.
Again, I believe that only a small minority of Russians now oppose the war, at least actively, because it's illegal to do so.
I cannot say if most Russians *wanted* the war (Putin never asked them), but most Russians are willing to go along with it.

"You are a supposed democracy."

What a fatuous comment! Who's 'you'? I am not a country or a government.
Is that what people's propaganda looks like? The same nuisance?
According to you , Russian people don't want war.

But you did.
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You are a supposed democracy. If you are so fallible to propaganda , how are you fit for democracy where you people controls everything from government to military? Based on what qualification you deserve democracy?

This is simple mathematical question you keep throwing word salad at, desperately trying to point fingers at supposed tyrants, authoritarians so you can keep your favorite back kissing government in power & use it to do whatever you want, looting, murdering others across the globe.
Do you really think desperate roleplaying to hide what you are born & bred out of , pretending to save world from aliens is gonna save your people? For people like those, they don't belong in a country, they belong in a zoo. World can't be at peace as long as these people live among us.

I didn't ask for word salad. I wanted to know a simple answer, where are 60%? Where are they?
Another failure of reading comprehension.

"According to you , Russian people don't want war."

I never wrote that. If that's supposed to mean that I believe that ALL Russians oppose the war, that's absurd.
Again, I believe that only a small minority of Russians now oppose the war, at least actively, because it's illegal to do so.
I cannot say if most Russians *wanted* the war (Putin never asked them), but most Russians are willing to go along with it.

"You are a supposed democracy."

What a ridiculous comment! Who's 'you'? I am not a country or a government.
You seem eager to make an ad hominem attack against my supposed nationality, but you have no clue what it is.
How do you know that I am not already a queen?

The rest of Nobaru's post is essentially gibberish.
Here's some serious advice:
Enroll in a basic course in English reading and writing.
Your English as well as your 'reasoning' ability is far beneath a well-educated person's in an Anglophone society.
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