Ukrainian War Developments

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Agreed. Any discussion on politics or morality would attract ideologues like shit attract flies
If people stop arguing or implying that Russia's war is morally justified, then I shall stop arguing otherwise.
I have stated that Russia has some legitimate grievances, which is more than what the West's willing to admit.


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This forum has many evidently extremely close-minded national or ethnic chauvinists, whose arrogance and prejudices far
exceed their intelligence. As such, I have wondered if I am in a forum of 'typical' Americans, only wearing different labels.
Being a humanist in times of crisis is like being the last sheep in a wolf pack. The reality is, with the rise of anti-Chinese sentiment around the world, any ally of the Chinese people and state is welcome. And with the concurrent rise in anti-Russian sentiment, there is a natural ally.

I used to think that the biggest challenge facing humanity was how to control climate change, how to manage AI, how to stabilize the energy and resource supply of our species. I thought that solving those would result in an era of unprecedented peace and prosperity for all. I thought that nationalism is just buying time to improve in the economic/technological game for everyone.

Nope. Some have made it clear that they would rather rule the ashes than be equals in paradise. Through their actions they've shown that they believe even the tiniest step towards better policy or the smallest technological achievement are to be punished, sanctioned, and relentlessly "cancelled" on their controlled social media. So be it. Challenge accepted, just don't say they weren't warned.


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As far as I know, Natasha's YouTube channel is far from political. She has rarely, if ever, mentioned Putin at all.
Instead, she focuses on introducing Anglophones to the realities of daily life in Russia.
Would not more Anglophones prefer to watch something about Russian life or culture than about Putin?

You apparently insinuate that Natasha is being paid (or bribed) by Westerners to take a stand against Putin.
Surely, whatever contributions she may receive from any anti-Putin Westerners would not be worth her risk
of being arrested and punished for daring to criticize Putin in Russia.

These content creators are quite young individual with """"open-minded""" perception of the situation in Russia, and comparing it to the west
So them being anti-Putin should be something that are unsurprising

Besides Natasha
There's also NFKRZ, he once made a video "Why you shouldn't trust RT" (it seems now it has been deleted)
And looks like now he already left Russia
Looks like the mask already falling off....


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If people stop arguing or implying that Russia's war is morally justified, then I shall stop arguing otherwise.
I have stated that Russia has some legitimate grievances, which is more than what the West's willing to admit.

Then you wouldn't have any problem with me because I don't believe war has anything to do with morality any way. I won't be caught dead arguing for a morally justified war.

I've stated in the past I believe the war is not geopolitically/economically sound for Russia either. Now that we get that out of the way just discuss those things like rational beings and stop with the virtue signally shall we?


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You clearly have not watched enough of her videos. She supported a local politician who was jailed for alleged corruption. She has a beef with the central government. His jailing was highly controversial in Russia. I am not saying she is right or wrong or that this politician should have been jailed or not. A lot of people think his jailing was politically motivated since he wasn't from Putin's party. They might be right.
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I am not saying she is being "paid to take a stand against Putin". It is just the reality of being a video blogger on YouTube doing English language videos. Who you think she needs to please to get views? And who do you think is paying her? It also happens to newspapers. They get a tendency to pander to the advertisers.
Here's a list of Natasha's videos (none of which have political titles):

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Can you please specify which of these 45 videos has (objectionable) political content in your view?


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Sorry, but this is a left-wing thought-terminating cliché. As soon you criticize "muslims", you are Nazi or someone provincial.
Like when you criticize West , you become one of their distant family members(like nazi, their euro cousin).
In Germany Ms. Merkel imported Millions of Muslims since 2015. No problem,
So? West has been force exporting their costume wearing role players, popping up hotels in other sovereign territories.
No problem, in case they integrate and accept the way of life, like WE want to live in OUR home country.
Absolutely not. You went to other countries, bombing other homes citing minority rights & "modern" values(whatever that means). You need to be more "adjusting". They can do whatever they want in your "home". That's the "value" you were preaching when you were there.
As soon you criticize "muslims",
How do you do that?
Do you have the "right" to criticize me? I don't think so.

No matter how much you whine, me or anything that belongs to me will never be part of your freedom.

If you have freedom of expression , i have freedom of reaction. I'll react in any way i want to react.
Stop whining about "angry muslims" & get over with it.


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Then you wouldn't have any problem with me because I don't believe war has anything to do with morality any way. I won't be caught dead arguing for a morally justified war.

I've stated in the past I believe the war is not geopolitically/economically sound for Russia either. Now that we get that out of the way just discuss those things like rational beings and stop with the virtue signally shall we?
Your sneering has been noted again. You seem to find it incomprehensible that some other people may take
the moral consequences of war more seriously than you do.

I have noticed that many popular books on the Second World War like to conflate 'Nazi' with 'German'.
For instance, they refer to a 'Nazi tank' as if the vehicle had a political ideology.
I am well aware that Nazi ideology was evil, but I would rather not have to wade through a lot of breathless
anti-Nazi rhetoric before entering a supposedly objective discussion on German military history.

So I don't have a problem with people writing about military affairs without having to throw in 'those evil Russians'.
I have a problem, however, with people (not necessarily you) cheering on Russia to crush the Ukrainians into dust
and then pretending that's just part of an objective military discussion.


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"Their tank still based on our T72 Chassis"
"their copy of german diesel engine only last few thousand hours"
"ZPT98 is a copy of 2A46m-1, they have nothing like our 2a82"
"their ammo basically like ukraine, stuck at 3bm42 mango level. they have no long penetrator like our svinets and vakuum"
"without getting hands on romanian t72, their tanks are still human loaded"
"Their ERA is a copy of our Kontakt 5"
"If we dont sell our bmp turret to China, they can't even have modern BMP (ifv)."

Thats only on tank and bmp. I can write a full page on this.
hope they will humble themselves at some point otherwise they'll never have a blue water navy again.


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Hopefully this mess is going to wake them up. Just hold off your nose and go for weapons shopping in China. I doubt they will get Pakistan prices but it would still be a very good deal for them.

Many Chinese here apparently believe that Russia is ready to accept being a 'junior partner' to China.
In my view, the Russians are a proud people and not ready to accept that.

The USSR attempted to copy few foreign weapons, with the notable exception of the Boeing B-29 becoming
the Tupolev Tu-4 (which was not an exact copy, contrary to what some websites in English claim).
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