Ukrainian War Developments

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"They stole our carrier design"
"Their new stealth bomber is a copy"
"Don't let our soldiers use Chinese crap"
"Chinese weapons are very low quality, our weapons are better"
"Wing Loony/CH/etc are bad quality American copies, our Orion is so much better"
"Their ships are only about quantity, they build them fast, but there are subpar quality with water leaks!"

lol. Kinda hilarious watching them seethe over Chinese weapons. If I knew Russian, I would definetely have a go against them for their "superior" air/drone force
"Their tank still based on our T72 Chassis"
"their copy of german diesel engine only last few thousand hours"
"ZPT98 is a copy of 2A46m-1, they have nothing like our 2a82"
"their ammo basically like ukraine, stuck at 3bm42 mango level. they have no long penetrator like our svinets and vakuum"
"without getting hands on romanian t72, their tanks are still human loaded"
"Their ERA is a copy of our Kontakt 5"
"If we dont sell our bmp turret to China, they can't even have modern BMP (ifv)."

Thats only on tank and bmp. I can write a full page on this.


Lieutenant General
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You clearly have not watched enough of her videos. She supported a local politician who was jailed for alleged corruption. She has a beef with the central government. His jailing was highly controversial in Russia. I am not saying she is right or wrong or that this politician should have been jailed or not. A lot of people think his jailing was politically motivated since he wasn't from Putin's party. They might be right.
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I am not saying she is being "paid to take a stand against Putin". It is just the reality of being a video blogger on YouTube doing English language videos. Who you think she needs to please to get views? And who do you think is paying her? It also happens to newspapers. They get a tendency to pander to the advertisers.


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Note that Nobaru has declared that only people who support Putin should be allowed to speak, write, or live in Russia.
Does Nobaru likewise believe that only people who supported Hitler should have been allowed to speak, write, or live in Germany?

I have far more respect for Natasha than I ever could have for a fanatical totalitarian acolyte such as Nobaru.

"Violence can destroy power, but it can never replace it."
--Hannah Arendt


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You apparently (at best) underrate the extent of Islamophobia in the West.

Sorry, but this is a left-wing thought-terminating cliché. As soon you criticize "muslims", you are Nazi or someone provincial.

There is a history of facts behind every story. You probably should ask the thousands of french jews that immigrated to Israel in the last years because of...come again, what? The jewish community in France was once the biggest in Western Europe.

In Germany Ms. Merkel imported Millions of Muslims since 2015. No problem, in case they integrate and accept the way of life, like WE want to live in OUR home country. Unfortunately our government places their "interests" even before and above the rights of their own people. They leftist love them, but a lot of the "refugees" are not familiar with the western "culture" regarding the definition of family, gender all the rest of it. These causes and will cause civil unrest, they longer the more violent.

Do you have a mosque in your town, where the muezzin is calling for prayer loud and annoying? The leftist say: That is okay, and if not, we should stop also the church bells ringing. Aha...

There is a Saint-Martin feast in November. Children go through the streets with self-made lanterns. In rememberance of St. Martin who shared his coat with a beggar. Fuck, this is a Christian saint, that St. Martin. This will anger the we have to rename it to "Feast of Lights", or "Feast of lanterns". It happended in many communities in Germany. But the Muslims in our country never demanded to rename the feast. What is that? These people are abused for the politics of the globalistic agenda, that simply want to inihilate Christian faith and christian roots.

Like Ms Merkel said: " There are no Germans in this country, only people, that live in Germany". :eek:

Take a look at the results of the International Migration Conference in Maroc in 2018 and the encyclical of Pope France on "brotherhood". The flooding of Western Countries with "refugees - mostly those who are looking out for greener pastures" is at full speed. The globalistic idea is to weaken national states, weaken the peoples inner state of affiliation to a nation. A new religion is implemented, the brotherhood. It is far easier to control people in weak states and who do not know who they are and what real and healthy values they stand for. Offering people in poor countries to have the right to immigrate is a crime also. These people are disrooted and will have an even harder live in their new "home country". The catholic church and most of their "spiritual daughters" are not at all true Christian organisations.

Why was Mr. Trump such a problem for the demented globalistic demo"rats"? One thing for sure, the borders in the south needed to be open again. Bring them in, bring them in...

And now you have Russia, a state which forbid in April 2021 the marriages for all. Only marriages between men and women are accepted. And no right for transgenders to adopt children. Russia has strict laws on possession of cannabis. In contrary to that the Ukraine is one of the most liberal states in Eastern Europe in many issues.

There is not only a war between Ukraine and Russia, but also a war between the cultures. And yes, this is ONE reason why Biden and his entourage in Europe want to replace Mr. Putin and also Mr. Orban and all "conservative" governments and replace them with their "modern and up-to date" insane puppets, like Mr. Trudeau.

Time will tell.



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You clearly have not watched enough of her videos. She supported a local politician who was jailed for alleged corruption. She has a beef with the central government. His jailing was highly controversial in Russia. I am not saying she is being "paid to take a stand against Putin". It is just the reality of being a video blogger on YouTube doing English language videos. Who you think she needs to please to get views? And who do you think is paying her? It also happens to newspapers. They get a tendency to pander to the advertisers.
I usually don't follow people on YouTube. I mentioned YouTube in the context of a demand for 'anecdotal evidence'.

Do you suspect that Natasha's secretly pro-Putin but just pretending otherwise to get more money?
Can you accept that Natasha could be sincerely critical of Putin?
How much would someone have to pay you to make you willing to enter a Russian prison?


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You wrote: "So to prove the validity of anecdotal evidence, you gave me two more anecdotal evidences?"

You have just failed your basic reading comprehension test of what I wrote earlier:
"No one claimed that 'anecdotal evidence' is a complete substitute for a scientific survey, but it's not necessarily worthless."

On YouTube, it's easy to find (as I did without even trying) some brave Russians who are opposed to Russia's war.
Here's Natasha, who quotes: "War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery, and Ignorance Is Strength" -- George Orwell, 1984

"I'm not arrested *yet*, and I have no words to describe what is happening in Ukraine, and I cannot use that words (sic)
anyway because now in Russia there are new laws that prohibit you from calling what is happening a war. ...
Self-censoring is really hard, but I will try to tell what I can tell in this video. ...
At first it seemed to me that all people share the same [anti-war] opinion as mine, but then I realized that this is only what
I saw in my information bubble, and I learned that actually many people have a different opinion, and I was so disgusted
and terrified by this, I couldn't believe my eyes. I didn't know that propaganda can work so effective (sic), that people
can be so brainwashed. So after seeing the sentiments in Russian society, I understood that instead of asking,
'What do Russian people think about what is happening?' we should ask 'Do Russian people know what is happening?'
or 'Do they know that they are supposed to think about this?' ...
And for these days I felt a lot of anxiety, anger, and helplessness because I tried to talk to people;,
I tried to do some things that I cannot tell you about, but it's so useless; it's like talking to the wall ..."

Note that many writers here are so credulous that they fanatically lap up and regurgitate Russian state propaganda,
even though some Russians can see through that propaganda.

This forum has many evidently extremely close-minded national or ethnic chauvinists, whose arrogance and prejudices far
exceed their intelligence. As such, I have wondered if I am in a forum of 'typical' Americans, only wearing different labels.

What? Is that another one of your anecdotal evidence now pulled from youtube? So now you're shifting your position from "Most Russian does not support the war" to "A lot of Russian support the war because they are brainwashed"?

Do take a moment and read your own post and think how "close minded" you are. You are pointing finger at a wide swath of people saying because they do not agree with your world view they must be brainwashed by propaganda. Have you thought of the possibility that you are perhaps the close minded one?

I've always tried to discuss things in terms of rationality and logic, I judge facts and data base on evidence and would reserve as much doubt for Russian information as I would for western sources. I would try to keep emotion and feelings out of it, do you know what happens when you get emotional? You are the perfect example of emotion mixing with facts, perfect target for propagandist. Go do some meditation or something.


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Look, by now I know that there are many evidently absolutely close-minded writers here who believe that everything from their
favorite propaganda sources (likely Chinese or Russian) must be true and everything from their hated propaganda sources
(likely American or British) must be false. In countless Anglophone forums, the opposite prejudice prevails.
No one there is even allowed to cite any Chinese or Russian sources and be taken seriously or treated respectfully.
I have been banned for citing American scholarly sources to prove the existence of US war crimes, which are denied, of course.
But many people here seem no less prejudiced.

Regarding the war in Donbas (2014-present), I believe that it's most likely that there have been war crimes on both sides.
Citing 'anecdotal evidence' of some alleged Ukrainian war crimes against ethnic Russians in Donbas falls far short of
proving the existence of any 'genocide', as claimed by Russia and echoed by some writers here. But some writers here
regard this evidently fabricated 'genocide' as a full justification for Russia to invade and conquer Ukraine.
Is that what people's propaganda looks like? The same nuisance?
According to you , Russian people don't want war.

But you did.
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You are a supposed democracy. If you are so fallible to propaganda , how are you fit for democracy where you people controls everything from government to military? Based on what qualification you deserve democracy?

This is simple mathematical question you keep throwing word salad at, desperately trying to point fingers at supposed tyrants, authoritarians so you can keep your favorite back kissing government in power & use it to do whatever you want, looting, murdering others across the globe.
Do you really think desperate roleplaying to hide what you are born & bred out of , pretending to save world from aliens is gonna save your people? For people like those, they don't belong in a country, they belong in a zoo. World can't be at peace as long as these people live among us.

I didn't ask for word salad. I wanted to know a simple answer, where are 60%? Where are they?


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It seems that some Poles want more than that: Kaliningrad

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They must understand that Kaliningrad is a Russian federal subject and what Russian policy is on attacks against federal territory that they cannot defend conventionally. If they try for it they're gonna find out where half of Russia's military budget went.
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