Ukrainian War Developments

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She is Anti-Putin. There are some people in Russia like that. Nothing the government does is right.
She also makes Youtube videos for English speaking viewers. I can guess what happened to her income after the US put SWIFT sanctions on Russia. Several Russians who had such kind of occupations left Russia.

Youtube itself might get blocked in Russia eventually. Google News was already blocked.

Do you believe that only people who support Putin should be allowed to speak, write, or live in Russia?
Yes or no?


Registered Member
until this war, the Russians no doubt continued to believe Russia was superior to china in military technology and actual operational skill, such that even if china has something russia doesn’t, russia can more than make up for it from what they do have.
Hopefully this mess is going to wake them up. Just hold off your nose and go for weapons shopping in China. I doubt they will get Pakistan prices but it would still be a very good deal for them.


This forum has many evidently extremely close-minded national or ethnic chauvinists, whose arrogance and prejudices far exceed their intelligence. As such, I have wondered if I am in a forum of 'typical' Americans, only wearing different labels.

War brings out the worst in people. War not only draws lines between "us" and "them" but extinguishes all standards of civil conduct and subordinates our own morality and standards of personal conduct to the hive mind of the tribe. I am disappointed by many of the posts in this thread too, but there are also many posts that are useful and thoughtful. Unfortunately, it is probably not possible to cleanly separate one from the other with fairness and consistency.

All I can advise is to use the block feature, the report button, and to take refuge in the gentle and beautiful things in this world. I am playing Kirby and the Forgotten Land on the Nintendo Switch.


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You wrote: "So to prove the validity of anecdotal evidence, you gave me two more anecdotal evidences?"

You have just failed your basic reading comprehension test of what I wrote earlier:
"No one claimed that 'anecdotal evidence' is a complete substitute for a scientific survey, but it's not necessarily worthless."

On YouTube, it's easy to find (as I did without even trying) some brave Russians who are opposed to Russia's war.
Here's Natasha, who quotes: "War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery, and Ignorance Is Strength" -- George Orwell, 1984

"I'm not arrested *yet*, and I have no words to describe what is happening in Ukraine, and I cannot use that words (sic)
anyway because now in Russia there are new laws that prohibit you from calling what is happening a war. ...
Self-censoring is really hard, but I will try to tell what I can tell in this video. ...
At first it seemed to me that all people share the same [anti-war] opinion as mine, but then I realized that this is only what
I saw in my information bubble, and I learned that actually many people have a different opinion, and I was so disgusted
and terrified by this, I couldn't believe my eyes. I didn't know that propaganda can work so effective (sic), that people
can be so brainwashed. So after seeing the sentiments in Russian society, I understood that instead of asking,
'What do Russian people think about what is happening?' we should ask 'Do Russian people know what is happening?'
or 'Do they know that they are supposed to think about this?' ...
And for these days I felt a lot of anxiety, anger, and helplessness because I tried to talk to people;,
I tried to do some things that I cannot tell you about, but it's so useless; it's like talking to the wall ..."

Note that many writers here are so credulous that they fanatically lap up and regurgitate Russian state propaganda,
even though some Russians can see through that propaganda.

This forum has many evidently extremely close-minded national or ethnic chauvinists, whose arrogance and prejudices far
exceed their intelligence. As such, I have wondered if I am in a forum of 'typical' Americans, only wearing different labels.
lol this is a very pretentious point of view and quite hypocritical. You blame many here for lapping up so called “Russian propaganda” while not acknowledging that you may have lapped up too much “western propaganda”?

as the saying goes, “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter”. Things are never black and white, your views are not always the only right way to look at things. Using YouTube videos to prove as evidence of anti Russian views are plagued by extreme Sampling error due to western complete censor of pro Russian views. how is what the west is doing regarding Russian related news different than what Russia is doing?

That’s no better than taking videos from China insights or China uncensored as Reality.


Registered Member
I go on to sometimes. Most of the comments are negative when Chinese weapons are talked about.
"They stole our carrier design"
"Their new stealth bomber is a copy"
"Don't let our soldiers use Chinese crap"
"Chinese weapons are very low quality, our weapons are better"
"Wing Loong/CH/etc are bad quality American copies, our Orion is so much better"
"Their ships are only about quantity, they build them fast, but there are subpar quality with water leaks!"

lol. Kinda hilarious watching them seethe over Chinese weapons. If I knew Russian I would definetely have a go against them for their "superior" air/drone force
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Junior Member
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Being anti isn't problem. What i found to be funny is she failed to mention what she did to destroy the US funded biolabs in Ukraine aimed at Russia.
Look, by now I know that there are many evidently absolutely close-minded writers here who believe that everything from their
favorite propaganda sources (likely Chinese or Russian) must be true and everything from their hated propaganda sources
(likely American or British) must be false. In countless Anglophone forums, the opposite prejudice prevails.
No one there is even allowed to cite any Chinese or Russian sources and be taken seriously or treated respectfully.
I have been banned for citing American scholarly sources to prove the existence of US war crimes, which are denied, of course.
But many people here seem no less prejudiced.

Regarding the war in Donbas (2014-present), I believe that it's most likely that there have been war crimes on both sides.
Citing 'anecdotal evidence' of some alleged Ukrainian war crimes against ethnic Russians in Donbas falls far short of
proving the existence of any 'genocide', as claimed by Russia and echoed by some writers here. But some writers here
regard this evidently fabricated 'genocide' as a full justification for Russia to invade and conquer Ukraine.


Junior Member
Registered Member
lol this is a very pretentious point of view and quite hypocritical. You blame many here for lapping up so called “Russian propaganda” while not acknowledging that you may have lapped up too much “western propaganda”?

as the saying goes, “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter”. Things are never black and white, your views are not always the only right way to look at things. Using YouTube videos to prove as evidence of anti Russian views are plagued by extreme Sampling error due to western complete censor of pro Russian views. how is what the west is doing regarding Russian related news different than what Russia is doing?

That’s no better than taking videos from China insights or China uncensored as Reality.
Russians people don't support war. That's awesome.

Least we forget
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I have said it before, i have no problem with american government. Bush never wanted to invade Iraq.


Junior Member
Registered Member
She is Anti-Putin. There are some people in Russia like that. Nothing the government does is right.
She also makes Youtube videos for English speaking viewers. I can guess what happened to her income after the US put SWIFT sanctions on Russia. Several Russians who had such kind of occupations left Russia.

Youtube itself might get blocked in Russia eventually. Google News was already blocked.

As far as I know, Natasha's YouTube channel is far from political. She has rarely, if ever, mentioned Putin at all.
Instead, she focuses on introducing Anglophones to the realities of daily life in Russia.
Would not more Anglophones prefer to watch something about Russian life or culture than about Putin?

You apparently insinuate that Natasha is being paid (or bribed) by Westerners to take a stand against Putin.
Surely, whatever contributions she may receive from any anti-Putin Westerners would not be worth her risk
of being arrested and punished for daring to criticize Putin in Russia.
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