Ukrainian War Developments

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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
The Netherlands have a huge amount of farm animals. They have way more pigs than people. And even more chickens.
These are raised in highly intensive operations. All those animals need to be fed. And probably with cheap wheat grain.
That is one of the issues the EU has. They do not grow GMO soy and corn in crop rotation like the US. So animal feed is way more expensive.
GMO is banned in the EU for the most part.

But then again I have heard a lot of people claim the US is suffering from soil erosion. If that is true, the West probably got into deep shit with their sanctions shenenigans on Russia.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
The Netherlands have a huge amount of farm animals. They have way more pigs than people. And even more chickens.
These are raised in highly intensive operations. All those animals need to be fed. And probably with cheap wheat grain.
That is one of the issues the EU has. They do not grow GMO soy and corn in crop rotation like the US. So animal feed is way more expensive.
GMO is banned in the EU for the most part.

But then again I have heard a lot of people claim the US is suffering from soil erosion. If that is true, the West probably got into deep shit with their sanctions shenenigans on Russia.
Singapore and i think China has developed high rise poultry farm. This is an ukraine conflict thread... Oh vey!


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
No one in the EU sanctioned food of course. But how are they going to pay for it?
They banned all banks except the ones owned by the oil and gas companies.
And Russia banned all wheat exports until the end of the year as reprisal. A lot of people probably did not even notice.
Traders started trying to export wheat and sugar from Russia to other EEU countries in massive quantities to leverage low prices in Russia. So the Russian government stopped exports. They will likely have to feed not just themselves but also Ukraine this season.

Serbia also announced they froze wheat exports because of this trader speculation.


Registered Member
Interesting footage and the use of drone in this case. You can see when the drone gain altitude it can see significant distance in front of the tank to next street and beyond behind the row of buildings in front, good for spotting ambushes. The peekaboo corner shoot very much reminds me of WoT.

Looks like that tank has been in that position for a while, judging from how many spent casings it's ejected on the ground at that intersection.

Bill Blazo

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Paratroopers are not good at fighting pitched battles, they're good at taking control of a point where the enemy does not expect. Not sure how are they going to help with the situation.

The current Russian tactics seems to be optimal, slowly and methodically grinding towards their target with heavy weapons support.
Yeah what you're describing is definitely their approach, but it's taking a lot of time. And they really need to wrap up in Mariupol this coming week at the latest, because getting bogged down there is hurting their entire war effort on other fronts.


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"Finally. I can’t belive this. MSM in Poland, very popular television channel Polsat watched by milions of Poles have reported crimes of Nazis from Azov in Mariupol. They are talking now about destruction on purpose of civilian infrastracture by Azov troops and there is an Ukrainian lady, who admitts that she learned the hard way that true enemies are Ukrainians from Azov Battalion. Wow
I don’t watch Polish MSM media for some time now, but I can’t belive that after making for 8 long years Ukrainians as literal saints now they finally reported how big scum they are."
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