Ukrainian War Developments

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There are many in the Trump wing of the Republican party that hoped to have Russia as a partner in containing China. This annexation by Russia almost guarantees animosity with the US even if Trump were to be reelected. It also forces Europe to commit more resources to their defense back home rather than pivot towards Asia like they were hoping to. Depending on how aggressive Russia is with gobbling up Ukrainian territory, this could be a bigger boon for China than 9/11 ever was.

Geopolitically it is impossible for the US to hold on to the West Pacific and Europe simultaneously. A choice needs to be made.


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There are many in the Trump wing of the Republican party that hoped to have Russia as a partner in containing China. This annexation by Russia almost guarantees animosity with the US even if Trump were to be reelected. It also forces Europe to commit more resources to their defense back home rather than pivot towards Asia like they were hoping to. Depending on how aggressive Russia is with gobbling up Ukrainian territory, this could be a bigger boon for China than 9/11 ever was.
Not exactly. The US and EU asked China to stop Russia prior to this situation because they realized China fueled and strengthened the Russian leaderahip's resolve. Russia can only do so much since their economic influence is significantly lower than that of China. If China didn't exist, the Russians will have no one to turn to for economic support. If anything, China made itself a bigger target than it already is. Knocking out China will knock out Russia; it is simple as that. The Chinese should stop carrying this "let others fight for me" and "let's sing kumbaya together" attitudes and accept that they are now at the front. While it is unfortunate that China can no longer bid its time, this change in situation was going to happen sooner or later as long as the Chinese people want to achieve a better life.
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Not exactly. The US and EU asked China to stop Russia prior to this situation because they realized China fueled and strengthened the Russian leaderahip's resolve. If anything, China made itself a bigger target than it already is. Knocking out China will knock out Russia; it is simple as that. The Chinese should stop carrying this "let others fight for me" and "let's sing kumbaya together" attitudes and accept that they are now at the front. While it is unfortunate that China can no longer bid its time, this change in situation was going to happen sooner or later as long as the Chinese people want to achieve a better life.
Other than letting loose with the guns and cannons and missiles, is China not battling US across the globe every day?
Hell, it hasn't even been 24 hours since China sanctioned Lockheed Martin and Raytheon

If China isn't holding US attention fixed in the Western Pacific would Putin have such an easy time doing his thing? Would Iran be able to get the US back to the negotiation table?
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Other than letting loose with the guns and cannons and missiles, is China not battling US across the globe every day?
Hell, it hasn't even been 24 hours since China sanctioned Lockheed Martin and Raytheon
Sanctioning US states whose senators and representatives are China hawks and supporters of Taiwan and kicking out media outlets and investigating their staff who spread lies about Xinjiang are one of many ways for China to apply pressure onto the US. As for those two, they should have been sanctioned a long time ago. For Iran and Russia, they didn't get their Windows of opportunity because of China holding the US's attention. They were able to give the US a hard time because of China's economic support. But their attitudes don't match that of China, and that proves my point.
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Moderator - World Affairs
The notion of Imperialism is subjective, how do you like America labeling China's actions to protect its interests in the South China Sea as being imperialist? Your decision to label Russia's actions to protect its national interest as "Imperialist" shows your malice towards Russia.

America is an Imperialist country that seeks to Destroy China. Russia on the other hand is Chinas primary ally in resisting American aggression and Imperialism. But instead of supporting Russia, you push for narratives that paint Russia in a bad light, and Guess who gains from all this? America. You are Supporting American narratives that is aimed to drive a wedge between China and Russia relations.

Obviously, you are just using anti-white Imperialism as an excuse to mask your Pro-Western and Anti-Russian attitude. Let me just remind you of some Facts. Both Russia and China have NO existing border disputes. Period. Relations between the two countries are at a historic high. Meanwhile, America is churning propaganda 24/7 about how China is an Imperialist country that wants to enslave its neighbors, wants to lure countries into debt traps, committing Genocide in Xinjiang, and all other sorts of smear campaign designed to denigrate China's reputation to the world. And Here you are, repeating the same propaganda that America is throwing at Russia. This raises a lot of serious questions about your REAL intention. What ever it is, its obviously not for the benefit of China.
Oh right, I am a "pro-US shill" because I do not demonstrate un-blinding utmost loyalty to Russia. No criticism of Russia is allowed because you are so insecure about Sino-Russia alignment?

If you are so easily triggers by legitimate criticisms of Russia, then perhaps the Sino-Russia alignment is built on sand to begin with and there is not much strength in relationships if basic criticism can disrupt it so easily. Grow up.


Registered Member
Not exactly. The US and EU asked China to stop Russia prior to this situation because they realized China fueled and strengthened the Russian leaderahip's resolve. Russia can only do so much since their economic influence is significantly lower than that of China. If China didn't exist, the Russians will have no one to turn to for economic support. If anything, China made itself a bigger target than it already is. Knocking out China will knock out Russia; it is simple as that. The Chinese should stop carrying this "let others fight for me" and "let's sing kumbaya together" attitudes and accept that they are now at the front. While it is unfortunate that China can no longer bid its time, this change in situation was going to happen sooner or later as long as the Chinese people want to achieve a better life.
China has been on the front lines since Obama failure with “Pivot to Asia” aka shift more then half the US military to East Asia. The Americans come in to flip some tables and leave again. It’s not China fault the US keeps withdrawing from the “front lines” due to internal politics.

Also as for time. They can continue bidding for time. The US/West shot themselves in the foot with inflation and 1 Fed Member wants a 100 basis point hike (1%) by July. Just take a look at the refusal to sanction Russia because they haven’t “invaded yet.”

If this escalates further then by the time Trump comes around in 2025 then the US economy would be weaken alongside the global economy. If nothing happens then It would still be weaken because the Feds would have slowed the economy with rate hikes to combat inflation. (JPMorgan projects 9 hikes = 2.25% hike. That’s huge.)
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