Ukrainian War Developments

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Do we know how much Xi knew about it before Putin made the move? When did Putin tell him his plan?
Well I mean, Putin know he will be sanctioned so he went to China and Xi agreed to buy an extra 10 billion cubic meters of natural gas a year from Russia and issued that 5000 word statement together in support of no more NATO expansion. Presumably then Xi said

"But I have just one condition, no fighting until the Olympics are over"

20th of Feb - last day of Olympics, closing ceremony
21st of Feb - 2000 cases of ceasefire violation in one day
22nd of Feb - Russian forces enter Eastern Ukraine

Surely that's not all a coincidence.


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Oh right, I am a "pro-US shill" because I do not demonstrate un-blinding utmost loyalty to Russia. No criticism of Russia is allowed because you are so insecure about Sino-Russia alignment?

If you are so easily triggers by legitimate criticisms of Russia, then perhaps the Sino-Russia alignment is built on sand to begin with and there is not much strength in relationships if basic criticism can disrupt it so easily. Grow up.
I don't exactly agree with all your talking points but I have to admit that sometimes it indeed feels like I am reading russiadefenceforum not sinodefence. Plenty of those Russia shills also talk shit about China or Asians in general behind the back like that pmc guy. Funny how that behavior is not reciprocal on Russian sites - go to, switch to EN (it will just Google Translate everything, the originals are all in Russian obviously), find some articles on China, and see that the perception is very mixed - some do indeed praise China but many talk shit how China stole everything from them and that every single Chinese tech is inferior to white tech (yes, they do use that term), upvoted comments about "Russia should help Taiwan", yellow peril, bizarre takes like "our Harbin" and all that crap. Russian-speaking part of the internet reads like Stormfront sometimes, seriously, there is A LOT of unabashed overt racism that is not limited to slurs but fully-fledged Nazi-esque racial theories (with whites on top, obviously), and such sentiments are more obvious with the younger generations, something to consider. Compare that to Sinodefence where there are swathes of people who are shilling for Russia more than they support China, lol.

No one is saying that China should ally with the West, what I am saying is that China needs to act on its own interests first. People suggesting to dick ride on Putin's conquest of Ukraine clearly do not care about Chinese foreign policy priorities, they are just enamored with Putin's strongman vibes. China for now will support Russia economically behind the stage through buying their energy exports and will act neutral \ slightly pro-Russia on the international stage.

If anyone dares to accuse me of being pro-West or anti-China, then I suggest them to read my posting history.


Registered Member
Plenty of those Russia shills also talk shit about China or Asians in general behind the back like that pmc guy. Funny how that behavior is not reciprocal on Russian sites - go to, switch to EN (it will just Google Translate everything, the originals are all in Russian obviously), find some articles on China, and see that the perception is very mixed - some do indeed praise China but many talk shit how China stole everything from them and that every single Chinese tech is inferior to white tech (yes, they do use that term), upvoted comments about "Russia should help Taiwan", yellow peril, bizarre takes like "our Harbin" and all that crap. Russian-speaking part of the internet reads like Stormfront sometimes, seriously, there is A LOT of unabashed overt racism that is not limited to slurs but fully-fledged Nazi-esque racial theories (with whites on top, obviously), and such sentiments are more obvious with the younger generations, something to consider. Compare that to Sinodefence where there are swathes of people who are shilling for Russia more than they support China, lol.
China's rise is too sudden for those people to change their minds. This is why I have been saying all along that only after 2030, people (from around the world) would start recognising China as a proper superpower.

Today, people are thinking that China is still the 2000 China.

China for now will support Russia economically behind the stage through buying their energy exports and will act neutral \ slightly pro-Russia on the international stage.
This is what will happen. And this is also in China's interest. What will also happen is that China will now pressure Russia in order to get some good discounts from it. This would be a good win for China's industry
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Junior Member
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No one is saying that China should ally with the West, what I am saying is that China needs to act on its own interests first. People suggesting to dick ride on Putin's conquest of Ukraine clearly do not care about Chinese foreign policy priorities, they are just enamored with Putin's strongman vibes. China for now will support Russia economically behind the stage through buying their energy exports and will act neutral \ slightly pro-Russia on the international stage
Exactly. China needs a powerful Russia that is friendly, so the northern border is safe and natural resources are cheap. China doesn't benefit from a superpower Russia that thinks of itself as a peer to the US and China. It's not in China's interest to pay an economic price for Russia's priorities in eastern Europe


Registered Member
Exactly. China needs a powerful Russia that is friendly, so the northern border is safe and natural resources are cheap. China doesn't benefit from a superpower Russia that thinks of itself as a peer to the US and China.
China doesn't have anything to fear because Russia isn't and won't be a superpower. A quick look at it's economy and its lack of reforms is enough to dispel this myth


The Capitalist
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We are still in the muscular diplomacy phase and very little as actually changed on the ground, except in terms of perception.
The fact is that the Russian security proposals are still on the table and now Putin has showed them a little piece of what the alternative looks like.
I expect to see far more diplomacy over the coming weeks and very little military action.


Junior Member
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I don't exactly agree with all your talking points but I have to admit that sometimes it indeed feels like I am reading russiadefenceforum not sinodefence. Plenty of those Russia shills also talk shit about China or Asians in general behind the back like that pmc guy. Funny how that behavior is not reciprocal on Russian sites - go to, switch to EN (it will just Google Translate everything, the originals are all in Russian obviously), find some articles on China, and see that the perception is very mixed - some do indeed praise China but many talk shit how China stole everything from them and that every single Chinese tech is inferior to white tech (yes, they do use that term), upvoted comments about "Russia should help Taiwan", yellow peril, bizarre takes like "our Harbin" and all that crap. Russian-speaking part of the internet reads like Stormfront sometimes, seriously, there is A LOT of unabashed overt racism that is not limited to slurs but fully-fledged Nazi-esque racial theories (with whites on top, obviously), and such sentiments are more obvious with the younger generations, something to consider. Compare that to Sinodefence where there are swathes of people who are shilling for Russia more than they support China, lol.

No one is saying that China should ally with the West, what I am saying is that China needs to act on its own interests first. People suggesting to dick ride on Putin's conquest of Ukraine clearly do not care about Chinese foreign policy priorities, they are just enamored with Putin's strongman vibes. China for now will support Russia economically behind the stage through buying their energy exports and will act neutral \ slightly pro-Russia on the international stage.

If anyone dares to accuse me of being pro-West or anti-China, then I suggest them to read my posting history.

You'll find all kinds of unhinged people on the internet. Indian's visiting SDF will find the same kind of hostility you described being directed at India. Internet commentary does not represent foreign policy of a country.
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