Ukrainian War Developments

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China has been on the front lines since Obama failure with “Pivot to Asia” aka shift more then half the US military to East Asia. The Americans come in to flip some tables and leave again. It’s not China fault the US keeps withdrawing from the “front lines” due to internal politics.

Also as for time. They can continue bidding for time. The US/West shot themselves in the foot with inflation and 1 Fed Member wants a 100 basis point hike (1%) by July. Just take a look at the refusal to sanction Russia because they haven’t “invaded yet.”

If this escalates further then by the time Trump comes around in 2025 then the US economy would be weaken alongside the global economy. If nothing happens then It would still be weaken because the Feds would have slowed the economy with rate hikes to combat inflation. (JPMorgan projects 9 hikes = 2.25% hike. That’s huge.)
When I said that they need to accept that they are at the front, I mean that they need to act like it. The Pivot to Asia was, relatively speaking, light since the US wasn't as fearful as they are now. You got to remember that the US economy wasn't in shambles as it is now and that China was still relient on external markets for money. Neither side could really do anything to each other.

For time, you are right. China still hasn't hit its full potential and they, along with the weakening US economy, are already causing panic within the US. Eventually the Chinese economy will eclipse that of the US, and there is nothing they can do about it. At the same time, that is why political pressure, particularly the one from the Taiwan card, will be abused. Thanks to China's rapid economic rise, the US will do anything to preserve its hegemony, and like a cornered animal, it will bite.


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That would be a counter resolution by Russia in UNSC, not the coming Western resolution.

I think in both cases, abstention is the most appropriate actions by China because both territory integrity and people choice and life should be respected in principle. There is no better choice for an outsider.
Yes., 1000% agree with you Taxiya :). Imagine what SEAsian nations with large Chinese diaspora will think if China openly supported claims of "ethnic genocide" and "defense of kinsmen" to justify intervention. China should play neutral at United Nations, but obviously covertly economically support Russia to prevent it's total collapse in face of Western sanctions.
We should support the Russian actions 100% & fully. The non interference policy as formulated by Zhou Enlai was our preference for all time but does not work with the hegemonic US and their satellites & vassals. They bother us every day with new hostile actions, ganging up and statements. What has it brought us the last 4 years except a shitload of hostility on all imaginable fronts? We should pay attention to the global balance of power and our interest is not an Ukraine that joins the American Empire aka NATO. A totally wrecked Ukraine and in the Russian orbit is also in our interest. There is a good chance they will eventually turn in to a bigger Lithuania and bother us on behalf of their sugardaddy. I root for Russia to wreck the whole country. Not out of spite but out of extremely deep care for the future of my people. And for us to have a good future the current global order needs to become multipolar.
China should stay hands off, neutral, but help Russia economically if necessary. This action is too brazen for China to openly support.
There are many in the Trump wing of the Republican party that hoped to have Russia as a partner in containing China. This annexation by Russia almost guarantees animosity with the US even if Trump were to be reelected. It also forces Europe to commit more resources to their defense back home rather than pivot towards Asia like they were hoping to. Depending on how aggressive Russia is with gobbling up Ukrainian territory, this could be a bigger boon for China than 9/11 ever was.
This might have secured the "Chinese Century" with US pre-occupied with Russia and Iran while China stealths into world largest economy and most powerful developed nation on earth. We just need to ensure the NATO-Russia animosity continues forever and there is no "Reverse Nixon" by post-Putin successor, which should be doable if China is semi-competent and deftly plays the barbarian whites against each other.
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When I said that they need to accept that they are at the front, I mean that they need to act like it. The Pivot to Asia was, relatively speaking, light since the US wasn't as fearful as they are now. You got to remember that the US economy wasn't in shambles as it is now and that China was still relient on external markets for money. Neither side can really do anything to each other.

For time, you are right. China still hasn't hit its full potential and they, along with the weakening US economy, are already causing panic within the US. However, political pressure, particularly the one from the Taiwan card, will be abused. Thanks to China's rapid economic rise, the US will do anything to preserve its hegemony, and like a cornered animal, it will bite.
And this is where it doesn’t make any sense. If the US is a cornered beast then it will bite because of China rise. Therefore China must escalate tensions to the highest degree to prevent them from biting. Sounds like a self fulfilling prophecy.

The US is ruled by Elites and NeoCons. Wall Street is just as powerful as the politicians here. Chances of any major escalations is not very likely besides the usual saber rattling.


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How does she expect that to happen when toothbrushes are made in China?
We're talking about people who want to sanction China and ask for their help at the same time.

Americans think they OWN the world and China cannot manufacture toothbrushs without US technology or approval. Or China is some vassal slave that can be bullied like Japanese. I can't wait until China eclipses US economically and China flexes some muscles, these idiots will cry in their dreams like Eileen Gu winning two golds. It will be glorious. You can predict the NYT headline: "US GDP eclipsed by China, but at what cost???" US can eat a bag of dicks with their double-standads hypocrisy.


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Not exactly. The US and EU asked China to stop Russia prior to this situation because they realized China fueled and strengthened the Russian leaderahip's resolve. Russia can only do so much since their economic influence is significantly lower than that of China. If China didn't exist, the Russians will have no one to turn to for economic support. If anything, China made itself a bigger target than it already is. Knocking out China will knock out Russia; it is simple as that. The Chinese should stop carrying this "let others fight for me" and "let's sing kumbaya together" attitudes and accept that they are now at the front. While it is unfortunate that China can no longer bid its time, this change in situation was going to happen sooner or later as long as the Chinese people want to achieve a better life.
I still get a sense that China wants to hold off and postpone this inevitability the clash against Western Countries led by the U.S. there are factions within the CPC that are maybe still sanguine on forging a good relationship with the U.S. perhaps some of these people either have their capital invested in the U.S. have properties in the U.S. and are invested in the U.S. in more ways than what's know publicly. Or the Chinese leadership is just being an inward looking power only aims to better the lives of it's people which is why their PR department sucks ass when it comes to offensive Public shaping of perceptions. Always on the defensive and reactive rather than trying to step ahead in building the Chinese narrative and proactively shaping the facts on the ground to place the western countries in the defensive.


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And this is where it doesn’t make any sense. If the US is a cornered beast then it will bite because of China rise. Therefore China must escalate tensions to the highest degree to prevent them from biting. Sounds like a self fulfilling prophecy.

The US is ruled by Elites and NeoCons. Wall Street is just as powerful as the politicians here. Chances of any major escalations is not very likely besides the usual saber rattling.

I still get a sense that China wants to hold off and postpone this inevitability the clash against Western Countries led by the U.S. there are factions within the CPC that are maybe still sanguine on forging a good relationship with the U.S. perhaps some of these people either have their capital invested in the U.S. have properties in the U.S. and are invested in the U.S. in more ways than what's know publicly. Or the Chinese leadership is just being an inward looking power only aims to better the lives of it's people which is why their PR department sucks ass when it comes to offensive Public shaping of perceptions. Always on the defensive and reactive rather than trying to step ahead in building the Chinese narrative and proactively shaping the facts on the ground to place the western countries in the defensive.
I replied in a different thread since this thread is dedicated to the Ukraine situation.
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