Ukrainian War Developments

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I would like to thank Putin for this useful distraction. This will hopefully be as useful for China as 9/11was to keep the West occupied by something else rather than China's rise.
I highly doubt it. Despite all of the hype around this situation, China will always be the main target of the US. China is basically the lynchpin for the Russians' offense, so destroying China will lead to the destruction of Russia. Instead, China should prepare for and thwart any desperate attempts by the US to destroy it; that includes the Taiwan card.


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Let's wait and see. Clearly, they didn't have any ones they were going to do in a snap.

Next real question is in 48 hours or so after the Russians have finishing repositioning into the Donbass, what will they do next?
Sanctions didn't work against Cuba, Iran, North Korea, how are they going to work against Russia?

The only meaningful sanctions would be on gas, good luck getting Europe to agree with that.

I'd imagine they'll sit and wait. The balls in Ukraine's court and if they want to carry on shelling Donbass, it'll be the end of the Ukrainian state.


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That is what you think what China's principle is, I am afraid.

Examples include but not limited to: China recognized Bangladesh's independence from Pakistan
Bad example. China only recognized Bangladesh independence in 1976 after Pakistan formally recognized Bangladesh independence in 1971 and most of the world already recognized Bangladesh independence. So no, it's not comparable.
, recently China recognized South Sudan's breakaway from Sudan
Bad example. Sudan and South Sudan mutually agreed and permitted South Sudan to hold an independence referendum vote, which it overwhelming won. It would be like recognizing Singapore independence after Singapore/Malaysia mutually agree upon separation. It's not remotely comparable to Xinjiang or Donbass.
China's decision is NOT based on some paper or referendum but on the fact on the ground as proof of separation being acceptable.
A bloody conflict can be a proof, such as Sudan. An absolute ethnic majority can be another one such as Crimea and Donbas. Failure of the government in keeping the country together can be also one, such as breakup of Yugoslavia.

But China can refuse and has refused to recognize breakaways such as Kosovo because Serbia is our friend even though Kosovo does fulfil some said conditions (war and ethnic).

One can only be "double standard" if one breaks ones stated principle. But China has never made such statement as you suggested.
None of the examples you put forward is applicable since they are not comparable to Donbass or Xinjiang.
China doesn't need to openly support Russia in liberating Ukraine from the US puppet regime. A Russian victory in Eastern Europe will be beneficial to China. Should I remind you about how the EU and America regularly Spit on China's face in the name of Democracy? Double standards is a norm in world politics since ancient times.
That is realpolitik. China doesn't play realpolitik, as evidence by China foreign ministry's avoidance to openly support Russian actions and calling for all sides to deescalate and respect the Minsk agreement.

You are clearly just using your supposed "opposition" to double standards as an excuse to push your Pro-American narratives. You claim to support China but at the same time also support China's enemies lol.

You need to improve your logic and argumentative skills if you think just calling others a "shill" will make your points valid.

If I am a pro-US shill, then you are an pro-Russia shill. See how easy it is to use emotion and no logic? Gotta put more effort into your pro-Russia defense.


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All representatives have spoken. Most were pretty boring condemnations of the recognition of DPR and LPR. Kenya's was the only interesting one - pointing out that Russia isn't the only country who has unilaterally violated another countries soverignty.

Only China and India didn't condemn Russia.
China's response was perfect, short and to the point.
Indians was similar to the Chinese statement but being Indians they made it about themselves talking about Indians in Ukraine being at risk. Weren't they signing up to defend Ukraine a few days ago?

Key differences between China and India's response: China mentioned the importance of upholding UN Charter but no mentioning of Minsk agreement. The exact opposite is true of India.


The Punisher
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Just my opinions on China's perspectives:
- China will probably abstain from any votes against Russia
- China will not openly support Russia's move into these territories and make it clear China's principle against forced independence
- China will put Donbass, Kosovo, and even Syria into the same basket, and let the hypocrites cry themselves out - The West can either condemn them all, or support them all.

There is simply no reason for China to openly support Russia's military actions.

Bob Smith

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I highly doubt it. Despite all of the hype around this situation, China will always be the main target of the US. China is basically the lynchpin for the Russians' offense, so destroying China will lead to the destruction of Russia. Instead, China should prepare for and thwart any desperate attempts by the US to destroy it; that includes the Taiwan card.
There are many in the Trump wing of the Republican party that hoped to have Russia as a partner in containing China. This annexation by Russia almost guarantees animosity with the US even if Trump were to be reelected. It also forces Europe to commit more resources to their defense back home rather than pivot towards Asia like they were hoping to. Depending on how aggressive Russia is with gobbling up Ukrainian territory, this could be a bigger boon for China than 9/11 ever was.
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