Ukrainian War Developments

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james smith esq

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Registered Member
I saw a comment from Reddit that complained about Biden being weak and then later edited and said it was a genius move by Biden.

Just like the die hard Trump supporters. The die hard Biden supporters are just as delusional dunces.
They’re all ‘Muricans!

Just imagine living in this shit!

I’m telling you guys, if Russia and China work together to make sure that the US parties alternate single term presidential administrations three more times, the US will implode in its ignorant divisiveness!


Registered Member
All representatives have spoken. Most were pretty boring condemnations of the recognition of DPR and LPR. Kenya's was the only interesting one - pointing out that Russia isn't the only country who has unilaterally violated another countries soverignty.

Only China and India didn't condemn Russia.
China's response was perfect, short and to the point.
Indians was similar to the Chinese statement but being Indians they made it about themselves talking about Indians in Ukraine being at risk. Weren't they signing up to defend Ukraine a few days ago?


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Moderator - World Affairs
It isn't at all the same. Which country is going to recognize or absorb Xinjiang, Tibet, or Taiwan? India? Turkmenistan? Turkey? Let's get real for a moment here. This whole shit show in Ukraine wouldn't have happened if the U.S. knows that there's a limitations to what it wants or wishes to do with respect to it's geopolitical aims in the world especially against proud historical hegemon like Russia and China.

Xinjiang becoming a wayward province or being absorbed by any of China’s neighboring countries invites regional war and annihilation full stop. The same goes to India with respect to Tibet and Taiwan is already a red line where China will drop the massive hammer.
Russia is recognizing the independence of two breakaway states (Donbass/Luhansk). I don't know if Russia will absorb these states?? Putin didn't say anything about absorption/annexation as far I can tell?

This fundamentally violates China's core principles of 1) "non-interference in internal affairs" and 2) "zero recognition of independence of separatist states" because it can happen to China as well. China cannot openly support Russia's actions, it's too brazen.

You are correct that nobody is going to absorb Xinjiang/Tibet/Taiwan. But the point is more about recognition of independent separatist states, we are not sure if Russia will annex these places or not. I bet Russia will just like with Crimea with some "referendum to join Russia" vote... Maybe.
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