Ukrainian War Developments

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Richard Santos

Registered Member
Iran: Welly, welly, welly well, to what do I owe the extreme pleasure of this surprising visit?
The US is so eager to get Iran to help alleviate the hole in world oil and gas supply created by cutting off Russian gas, that she gave in to Russian demand for written guaranty that any future Russo-Iranian transaction under the 6 party Iranian nuclear agreement will never be subjected to American or EU sanction.

The whole reason why the US needed to be red faced and ask for this favor is because the selfsame US decided to unilaterally trash this deal under trump.


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Ukraine Solider mocking dead Russian soldier family.JPG

Got a report from the Intel Slava Z Telegram Group. Some depraved Ukrainian soldiers used a the phone from a dead Russian soldier to call and mock his family. Needless to say, those Ukrainian soldiers will be marked by the Russians. This is the level of depravity in modern Ukraine today. The Russian side did humiliate captured Ukrainian soldiers and Azov fighters, but they didn't do depraved stuff on this level.

This kind of depravity is quite observable among scum sponsored by the US govt, CIA, NED, and George Soros. People like: Euromaidan Nazis, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and the HK protesters. This is why US-sponsored Colour-Revolutions are some of the worse things that could happen in any country.


Junior Member
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View attachment 85968

Got a report from the Intel Slava Z Telegram Group. Some depraved Ukrainian soldiers used a the phone from a dead Russian soldier to call and mock his family. Needless to say, those Ukrainian soldiers will be marked by the Russians. This is the level of depravity in modern Ukraine today. The Russian side did humiliate captured Ukrainian soldiers and Azov fighters, but they didn't do depraved stuff on this level.

This kind of depravity is quite observable among scum sponsored by the US govt, CIA, NED, and George Soros. People like: Euromaidan Nazis, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and the HK protesters. This is why US-sponsored Colour-Revolutions are some of the worse things that could happen in any country.
Must be DPR/LNR because Russian troops are banned from using cellphones in operation.


Registered Member
An-124 heavy transport aircraft of the Ukrainian company Antonov State Enterprise returned to ...jpg
Ukrainian An-124 apparently flying from Turkey to Zheshov, Poland with a new supply of Bayraktar TB2 drones. The plane was obviously not given permission to fly through Hungary. Those brand new Bayraktars are going to be used to kill more Russian troops. Why does Putin still count Turkey among those 'friendly countries'? If Turkey was truly friendly, it could halt the supply of TB2 drones to Ukraine, even if there is a contract to fulfil. Russia did that with its S-300 sale to Syria and Iran under pressure from the West. France canceled the delivery of Mistrals to Russia after US-EU pressure.

Just because Erdogan wouldn't join Western sanctions on Russia, why does that make Turkey a 'friendly' country? Erdogan shows a friendly face to Putin on one side. Then on the other side, continues to supply TB2 drones to Ukraine. Is Putin really that desperate for friends? Who needs friends like Erdogan?


Senior Member
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why does that make Turkey a 'friendly' country? Erdogan shows a friendly face to Putin on one side. Then on the other side, continues to supply TB2 drones to Ukraine. Is Putin really that desperate for friends? Who needs friends like Erdogan?

Well the most reasonable asnwer would be to maintain balance on Syria and has Turkey stopped trading with Russia ? if no then it's the answer. This is geopolitics tho, "friend" or "enemy" is an abstract concept. "Common interest" Is the keyword to understand how countries behave.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
well, he nationalized several hundred commercial aircraft owned by western leasing firms. This is the reason why the story of Russia requesting parts for these aircraft from china is credible.
The Russians are still working on this situation. But from what I understand the aircraft they seize are planned to be refunded in rubles.
The Russians will basically terminate the lease and pay the residual on the value of the aircraft.
The EU did this to themselves by freezing the Euros the Russian Central Bank had and unilaterally terminating the leases.

The fundamental short sightedness of the west lies in the fact that Russia will not go down in defeat like the third reich because of ukraine. Russia is not out to conquer the world more than the usual revanchist power, and not nearly in the same overreaching league as the third reich or imperial japan. So a bigger war in which russia will go down in defeat is not imminent. So the west has to continue to deal with and engage russia in the near future.
Instead of keeping this in mind the west has climbed onto a horse that seems very high only to itself, but a horse that is very difficult to climb down from nonetheless.
It will not end with Ukraine. Putin said it before the war started. This is all about NATO expansion. Until NATO goes back to the ABM, INF, and Conventional Forces in Europe treaties they pulled out of, the reasons for conflict will still be there.

And I totally get where you're coming from. But even if we agree with that standard, some people may argue that it's still not clear who won. After all, Russia is not the only country that had objectives before this thing started; so did Ukraine. One of Ukraine’s central objectives, if you believe Zelensky and his officials, was to preserve the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.
If they wanted to really do that Ukraine should have accepted the Minsk agreements. It would have settled the situation in the Donbass and Crimea could have been taken care of later. But the Ukrainians thought Russia was a pushover. So they got this situation. I think they will be lucky if they lose only the Donbass and Crimea. I doubt they will get the Kherson Oblast back for one.

If Putin thinks he can use nukes without catching some in the face in return he's even dumber than this war is making him look.
You are the one who proposed for the US to nuke Sevastopol. You are an idiot who thinks the US has an advantage in deployed strategic weapons. This is false and anyone who knows the current strategic situation would tell you that. Russia has over a thousand strategic nukes in service, not counting ones in storage, they can wipe the entire Northern Hemisphere out of the map if they wanted to.

They just reframed their operation as just taking Donbass, a massive admission of defeat.
Actually it sounded more like an escalation to me. He said the original plan was to destroy the forces the Ukrainians have deployed around Donbass. But given the current situation where Ukraine is refusing to withdraw their forces from Donbass they are giving consideration to proceed with the option of entering Ukrainian cities. And in fact they already are doing this.

Russia simply doesn't have the forces necessary to fight Ukraine and win.
Have you ever read about the Norman Conquest of England? The Normans were also supposed to have lost there.

They should have mobilized their whole population for a much bigger war by now. They should have put atleast 600k ground force by mobilizing reserves.
So the US could have just nuked their entire army on the field? No the Russians are doing just fine with this plan.


Registered Member
Well the most reasonable asnwer would be to maintain balance on Syria and has Turkey stopped trading with Russia ? if no then it's the answer. This is geopolitics tho, "friend" or "enemy" is an abstract concept. "Common interest" Is the keyword to understand how countries behave.
Common interest up to what point? Russian MOD had reported that Ukraine has only 1 TB2 left. When the new batch of TB2s delivered to Ukraine starts killing more Russian troops. How the Russian MOD and Putin are gonna explain that?

If Erdogan does something to Russia in Syria. Turkey will be in serious trouble. Turkey is still trading with Russia. And so is the EU still buying gas from Russia.

Germany supplies weapons to Ukraine. Its an 'unfriendly country'. Turkey supplies TB2s to Ukraine. Its a 'friendly' country. The only difference between them is sanctions. But both are still supplying weapons to kill Russian troops. Is money more important than Russian lives?


Registered Member
View attachment 85968

Got a report from the Intel Slava Z Telegram Group. Some depraved Ukrainian soldiers used a the phone from a dead Russian soldier to call and mock his family. Needless to say, those Ukrainian soldiers will be marked by the Russians. This is the level of depravity in modern Ukraine today. The Russian side did humiliate captured Ukrainian soldiers and Azov fighters, but they didn't do depraved stuff on this level.

This kind of depravity is quite observable among scum sponsored by the US govt, CIA, NED, and George Soros. People like: Euromaidan Nazis, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and the HK protesters. This is why US-sponsored Colour-Revolutions are some of the worse things that could happen in any country.
Which is why when the day comes for the USA to finally get what’s coming to them, they shouldn’t expect a drop of mercy. One must honestly wondering what kind of hatred that the Russians have for the USA right now, because sooner or later, Putin is going to bring the big guns. And unlike the USA right now with their woke and bravado, Russia is obviously in a sense like China, in that they remember the harm done and will at a time of there choosing, pay back that slight many times over and lots of things have been done by the USA to Russia that Russia obviously remembers but the USA has no clue anymore
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