Ukrainian War Developments

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Which is why I think Russia needs some protectionism and focus on internal market first. By protectionism I mean subsidize prospective industry where Russia still have some competitiveness and attract foreign investment (mainly China) into these areas.
Protectionism seldom lead to prosperity though.
Especially with a relative modest sized population - 145 million is not much of a home market these days.
But yeah some protectionism would be needed, otherwise Russia would be eaten alive by China et al even outside the Western economic sphere.
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Russia is a resource rich state but has no manufacturing to utilize it. Corruption is their biggest and greatest enemy. It is why they are not a superpower. Their elites benefits from this corruption and then are lured to western capitals to hide their wealth and enjoy their lifestyle and women. You can say the soviet union fell because Gorbachev sold the decaying empire for some Mcburgers and some fries.

But that world is ending.

For over 30 years, the west has done a fantastic job in keeping Russia weak. They lure the corrupt elites to their lands, thereby tacitly encouraging their corruption and then on the other hand, sell the promises of globalization to them and they tell Russia to play the role of the commodity supplier. Russia supplies the resource and they get the goods and access to western superior tech and even societies for the few elites.
[China was the cheap goods manufacturer and India, the software experts]

Things will change now. A new order is happening and Russia must first gain some self respects and stop selling themselves to the west. Putin's biggest task should be ending the corruption.
One big plus for Russia and Putin is that finally he has a real chance to weed out oligarchs and blame the west for it. In a sense, what the west confiscate from the overseas oligarchs are their overseas liquid currencies or securities or real estates, but not real enterprises or natural resources in Russia. This west sanction tsunami is a perfect excuse for Putin to re-nationalize and re-distribute. If he does not do just that, then he is not worthy of being Xi's ally.

Richard Santos

Registered Member
Protectionism seldom lead to prosperity though.
Especially with a relative modest sized population - 145 million is not much of a home market these days.
But yeah, some protectionism would be needed, otherwise Russia would be eaten alive by China et al even outside the Western economic sphere.
protectionism coupled with sound industrial policy and assured access to capital is the formula followed by all powers that managed to become prosperous while they were still becoming prosperous.


Registered Member
It can become a problem because they will be cornered. Russian got cornered with Nato expansion and look what happened... Nothing good about isolating parts of the globe, it cause only tension and from tension war. Nobody want a direct war with nuclear country but if one of them is cornered bad, it would use them for deterrence or attack and war will happen.
I doubt it will come to direct war, and America is far from cornered right now unfortunately. Most of the damage from this war is self inflected, and if they wanted they could easily reverse it.

Just hand them over to an international court. If they are not guilty as they claim they are, they have nothing to fear. In some countries like the UK, people like Tony Blair are already hated for what they've done.


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Protectionism seldom lead to prosperity though.
Especially with a relative modest sized population - 145 million is not much of a home market these days.
But yeah, some protectionism would be needed, otherwise Russia would be eaten alive by China et al even outside the Western economic sphere.

South Korea and China all benefited from some form of protectionism, it is more correct to say protectionism alone seldom leads to prosperity.... Many other policies needs to be done right

But you're right, Russia's limited population is a problem. I guess one needs to manage expectation, instead of thinking manufacture powerhouse of the world, Russia should be happy if they can satisfy their own market and have a relatively healthy economy. Which is many times better than what they have now.

China does not want to eat Russia alive though, a bigger North Korea is useless to China.


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so we're just waiting for Putin to press the big red communism button and reestablish the Soviet Union?
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No. The last 40 years of China has provided a classic example of hybrid economic development model with epic success. One first simple step is to nationalize or auction the domestic assets of those "traitors". Then use the proceeds to seed small and medium enterprises in light manufacturing industries. Or open a few industrial parks and attract some Chinese SMEs. Re-industrialization is not nearly as easy as some Americans are imagining. But with savvy Chinese SMEs, Russia should be able to start producing many types of light manufacturing products and services, which also provide lots of employment and tax opportunities. China can provide ample success case studies for that kind of development.

Storm bombardier

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Any esteemed member here can tell what this is ? Uploader of these photos claim that they were spotted over the skies of Kyiv

Thanks in advance


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