Ukrainian War Developments

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Lieutenant General
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So you agree that Putin is part of the corrupted elites who did bad job at modernizing russia's economy? All his oligarch buddies were pissing their pants in that meeting they showed us before Ukraine invasion begun. I'm supposed to believe he didn't have any powers to act against these corrupted elites?
I think it is way too unreasonable to expect Putin to do everything. He is not Stalin. And he never wanted to have a centrally run economy anyway. I think it is quite obvious by the way he is reacting even under the current situation. I do not think his generation quite get the technological issues right. And he is making some wrong moves. But he has managed to take care of the most fundamental issues.


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Europe blocks payment to Russian investors
A major clearing house has frozen the country’s depository account

Russia’s National Settlement Depository (NSD) said on Friday that Clearstream clearing house, which processes payments for many of the country’s corporate and sovereign bonds, has blocked its account.

This means that Russian holders of European stocks and bonds cannot receive dividends on their investments through Clearstream.

According to Interfax, the clearing house had informed the NSD that it was blocking its account and was waiting for a decision from the regulatory authorities in Luxembourg.

Operations haven’t been going through since the freeze on March 24, the NSD said in a statement on its website.

Earlier, another European settlement and clearing organization, Euroclear, announced the suspension of transactions with Russian securities due to sanctions.

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Britain sanctions Russia’s gold
The measure follows a similar move by the US

The UK has added a ban on transactions with Russian gold to their list of restrictions placed on the country’s central bank earlier this month. This was announced in an updated version of the sanctions guidance published on the website of the British government on Friday.

“Guidance updated to clarify that the prohibition on providing financial services for the purposes of foreign exchange reserve and asset management also applies to transactions involving gold… It is prohibited to provide financial services to carry out transactions with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation involving its gold,” the guidance document said.

The document, initially published on February 28, states that British entities are restricted from conducting any transactions with the Russian Central Bank, Finance Ministry or wealth fund. The addition of the clarification on gold came after concerns arose that Russia could be using gold transactions to evade sanctions.

On Thursday, the US Treasury also issued a guidance on its website warning that gold-related transactions involving Russia may be subject to sanctions by the US authorities.

The restrictions affect the trade of Russian gold on the metals exchanges in Britain and the US. They do not stop Russia from selling its gold to other countries or exchanges.


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Russia's main problem selling manufactured goods on the global market is competing with a multitude of countries already much better doing those including China. Add to that restricted access to transport, technology, finances, attractive markets and everything in between due to sanctions from the West and I simply don't see Russia having much chance of succes transitioning away from gas, oil and natural ressources as the main source of revenue for the foreseeable future.
Some good points though.

Which is why I think Russia needs some protectionism and focus on internal market first. By protectionism I mean subsidize prospective industry where Russia still have some competitiveness and attract foreign investment (mainly China) into these areas.


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Russia is a resource rich state but has no manufacturing to utilize it. Corruption is their biggest and greatest enemy. It is why they are not a superpower. Their elites benefits from this corruption and then are lured to western capitals to hide their wealth and enjoy their lifestyle and women. You can say the soviet union fell because Gorbachev sold the decaying empire for some Mcburgers and some fries.

But that world is ending.

For over 30 years, the west has done a fantastic job in keeping Russia weak. They lure the corrupt elites to their lands, thereby tacitly encouraging their corruption and then on the other hand, sell the promises of globalization to them and they tell Russia to play the role of the commodity supplier. Russia supplies the resource and they get the goods and access to western superior tech and even societies for the few elites.
[China was the cheap goods provider and India, the software experts]

Things will change now. A new order is happening and Russia must first gain some self respects and stop selling themsleves to the west. Putin's biggest task should be ending the corruption.

Putin is a big part of this exact problem though and it is my biggest criticism of him as a leader. When he was first elected president and started his war against the oligarchs they should have all been thrown under the bus; instead he allowed those that would be loyal to him to retain their wealth and has put other yes men in charge of powerful companies, all whilst probably making himself the wealthiest of them all.

His speech aimed at oligarchs who live abroad has a stench of hypocrisy about it when his own mistress and kids (and that of other top officials) are galivanting all over Europe with wealth they clearly don't deserve in earnest.

I wonder, before this war started, how much support small businesses in Russia receive which have interests outside of oil/gas/metals in comparison to how much oligarchs have spent abroad on trophy assets like property, football clubs, yachts.

tl;dr When it comes to corruption in Russia specifically, the system that Putin set up is way more to blame than anything the West could have hoped to accomplish.


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To date, the sanctions imposed by the United States have prevented American banks and firms from transacting with Russian banks, oligarchs, defense firms and other parts of the Russian economy. But now White House officials are preparing rarely used measures that would also punish third parties in other countries for interacting with parts of the Russian economy that have been sanctioned by the U.S., according to four people aware of administration conversations who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the private talks.
The gift that keeps giving. If US starts targeting third-part countries dealing with Russia, India will be on the list.

I can't believe it but the possibility of China-Russia-India bloc has risen.
WOW. Forget Trump, Biden may be the best thing that happened to China.

From the last article.
It will go against companies that trade with Russia - you trade with Russia, you can't trade in the U.S.," said Ariel Cohen, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council Eurasia Center and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. "Is it going to be every company that trades with Russia? Yes, if they keep behaving like they want to destroy the world - the Indian, the Chinese, the Emirati companies, would be afflicted."
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Registered Member
Which is why I think Russia needs some protectionism and focus on internal market first. By protectionism I mean subsidize prospective industry where Russia still have some competitiveness and attract foreign investment (mainly China) into these areas.
Russia first needs internal reforms in order to take advantage of protectionism. Otherwise it will be another mini Soviet Union rerun


Registered Member
The Americans were nothing but a group of sadistic, ruthless killers, they raped kids, women, girls, and children under the age of 9 and burned their bodies, and they were masterful in sniping civilians and burning cities with White Sulfur and airstrikes, Sometimes they used carpet bombing from their B1B bombers on Arab Jabour villages south of Baghdad and some villages of Diyala. The Americans tried all their weapons including fuel bombs, energy bombs, pulse waves bombs, microwaves waves against civilians, napalm and cluster bombs, 4 tons high explosion bombs besides all kinds of torture, but with all that pain, the Iraqis were able to kill 4,600 Americans pigs, except for the wounded and killed by private companies. Pictures and videos of their rotten coffins were heart-warming. google and media full of their shameful acts between 2003 to 2011. for me as a german woman and originally from Iraq I consider America is the land of killers and sadistic.
The people responsible for the genocide of Iraq are well known as they have no shame and do not hide their complicity. As NATO isolates itself more and more they will find the world around them shrinking and soon there will be no place for them to run to. They won't feel safe even in their own countries.


Junior Member
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Exactly, US strategic thinking is gone. Cancel culture/herd mentality us ruling the day. They cannot even comprehend the win:win is 100% possible.

US left with just brute force and fake news. The brute force has a shelf life due to changes we are experiencing thanks to increase share of China and other countries economic world, though.

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Yup, one usually keep your ace in the hole for critical moments when history is decided. See the Americans (and Europeans as pawns) throwing those one after another is quite a spectacle.


Senior Member
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Which is why I think Russia needs some protectionism and focus on internal market first. By protectionism I mean subsidize prospective industry where Russia still have some competitiveness and attract foreign investment (mainly China) into these areas.

No commodity-export orientation country has been able to successfully transform to a manufacturing powerhouse so far,they all suffer from dutch disease to certain degree. Latin America tried protectionism and domestic substitution but failed, It's going to be a tough task for Russia.
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