Ukrainian War Developments

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More weapons to capture for Russia, which will be used to supply the rebel province for defense against the Nazis.
Yeah, "capture".

At this rate Biden will have done more to modernise Russia's army in 1 month than Putin has managed in 20 years...

I was wrong for doubting Putin's strategy. He should just continue this situation for as long as possible, every few days take a town, then lose one somewhere else. Carry it on for 20 years like Afghanistan if possible, then when America collapses or can't afford it, so will the Ukrainians.

Within a few months all Americans will be paying a 50% "Ukraine freedom" tax.

james smith esq

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There is a sure way of US+EU getting China's guarantee of not aiding Russia in this current conflict. All they need to do is to issue a joint communique with following items:

(1) We recognize that Taiwan is part of the sovereignty of the People's Republic of China.
(2) All things concerning Taiwan are internal affairs of PRC.
(3) We respect sovereignty and territorial integrity of PRC.

See, no-color people, all you need to do is to do the same as what you are asking China to do. Then, we can happily live ever after.
China will achieve all these with no quid pro quo!


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You'd sell out our friendship with Russia for this crap? They already supposedly accept this as the One China Policy or they wouldn't even be able to have relations with China. NATO's promise is worth less than used toilet paper. Today, they agree to your terms; China breaks its relationship with Russia and Russia suffers. 3 years later, they reneg; after all, they are all democracies with newly elected leaders every 2-4 years. Nobody needs accept what the last man said. But you think Russia will forget your betrayal? Accept no words from NATO countries, only solid payment. Make no deals with these lying devils; China+Russia stand together like a steel mountain and push NATO back with every ounce of force from every last man. That's the only way to win.
Take it easy. Look at the context in which I posted that "crap". And have a good laugh on Friday.


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View attachment 85905
On something like the very first day of the war I said because of this war the indo-pacific strategy is dead, sure enough seems to be the case. In fact QUAD may be gone too at this rate.
My respect for India has increased a lot, after seeing how they act in support for Russia and their own independent policy. Maybe it was too hasty to call them western lapdogs.


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Fcck around and find out...

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GT Voice: China will respond firmly, if US hurts Chinese firms over Russia as threatened

By Global Times Published: Mar 24, 2022 09:35 PM

Photo: VCG

Photo: VCG
The US administration appears to be increasingly unhinged in its pressuring campaign to force China into taking sides on the Russia-Ukraine conflict, as US officials have been doubling down on their threat of "economic consequences" against China should Beijing refuses to support Washington's sanctions against Russia.

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said on Wednesday that G7 countries would soon announce a unified response to make sure Russia cannot evade Western sanctions with the help of China or any other country, according to Reuters, which described the remarks as setting "red lines for China."

A more specific muscle-flexing came from US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, who threatened that the US will "absolutely" enforce export controls, if Chinese companies send semiconductors to Russia that were made with US technology. "If we find that they are selling chips to Russia, then we can essentially shut them down by denying them use of that software, and we're absolutely prepared to do that," Raimondo said on Wednesday.

This is hardly the first time that US officials have tried to intimidate China with "economic consequences" over its stance toward the situation in Ukraine. Clearly, as they feel the limitations of their sanctions against Russia, US officials are trying to blackmail China into dancing to its tune.

But to put it simply, China won't buy it. Such threats did not work on China during the US' trade war over the past several years, and they certainly do not work now.

China's objective and impartial position over the Ukraine situation is consistent and is well respected by both Russia and Ukraine, as it promotes a peaceful resolution to the conflict. Moreover, China's normal economic and trade cooperation with Russia is reasonable and legitimate, and the US is no position to point fingers.

Needless to say, if Washington were to be so arrogant and move to hurt Chinese interests, China will respond resolutely and appropriately to protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese entities and individuals. It would be a grave mistake for Washington to think that it can coerce China by imposing chip-related export controls and inflicting pain on Chinese companies.

In recent years, the US has already showed what the "economic consequences" could be like by relentlessly cracking down on Chinese high-tech companies under various made-up pretexts, including national security concerns and human rights violations. China has responded firmly and withstood such crackdowns, proving that Washington's sanctions are not only illegal but also futile.

Such sanctions have also backfired on the US itself. With economic and technological cooperation intricately woven among countries in an era of globalization, any attempt to prevent China from accessing high-tech products or technology will only result in new disruption to global industrial chains, casting a shadow over the interests of relevant companies in the US and the world as well.

While the US is a dominant force in terms of semiconductor technology, China is not unprepared. Ever since the US cut Chinese high-tech companies off chip supplies, China has been firmly pushing forward with its own development of semiconductor technology.

Moreover, with a complete industrial chain and manufacturing system, China is the world's largest semiconductor market with significant chip application manufacturing capacity. China accounted for 34.6 percent of global semiconductor sales and about 25 percent of global smartphone shipments in 2021.

With such massive market demand and manufacturing strength, China has its own strategic initiative in the semiconductor supply chain. If the US insists on using the chip as a bargaining chip to pressure China, it will risk provoking a split and confrontation in the global semiconductor sector.
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