Ukrainian War Developments

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“4D chess” is euphemism for morons acting like morons but other would, against all evidence, not believe it when they see it.
I guess you would know, I heard you're the self-proclaimed aerospace guru on this forum.

Short of a direct military intervention by NATO, Russia will come out on top in this war, bloodied and bruised it may be. Meanwhile, in its zeal to punish Russia, the west is dismantling the very institutions that keep the west in power, such as the petrodollar, SWIFT, the so called rule of laws etc. The west thinks it could bring Russia to its knees by raining down sanctions after sanctions on Russia. But Russia's retaliations have shown that Putin intends to bring down the west along with Russia. Europe will endure economic hardships for years to come. US dollar hegemony is under threat. Sure, Russia will be in similar shoes and will endure economic hardship for a while. But Russia has the potential to retool its economy for the better, especially if it decides to integrate its economy with China. Between Russia and China, they have superiority in resource and manufacturing over the west. It's still a ugly, messy and race to the bottom type of engagement. But it's almost certainly by design given Russia's rather weakened position from the current world order. Only by breaking the existing order can Russia get ahead again. It kind of reminds me of all the shenanigans Francis Underwood pulled in House of Cards. How much of 4D chess? Who knows. Francis Underwood eventually winded up dead. So there's that. But Underwood had quite a ride while it lasted. Franics Underwood was desperate for power and so is Putin. Never mistaken moronic with desperate.


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That twitter bit sorely needs context.


PARIS, March 24 (Reuters) - Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin said on Thursday the sanctions imposed by the European Union on Russia for invading Russia won’t be as efficient as designed if China helps Moscow.

“I think it’s very good that we will also have a discussion today concerning China, there is an EU-China summit coming up and this will be the key topic of course,” Marin told reporters on her arrival to a summit of EU leaders in Brussels.

“If China helps Russia, then the sanctions won’t work as we want them to work, so of course China is a major player and we have to make sure that China is on the right side of history."-


So an admission that sanctions won't work as effectively without China which most of us in this thread agree with anyways.
For the cringy "right side of history" part, well, that's to be expected. All sides in a conflict unfortunately have those.

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If China helps Russia, then the sanctions won’t work as we want them to work, so of course China is a major player and we have to make sure that China is on the right side of history."-
I like how they use the "if" here. Why should China enforce western sanctions to damage its own economy? If it wanted to damage its economy it could create its own sanctions against Russia...

Also, why should China enforce sanctions designed to keep Western Hegemony in place, when this same Hegemony also wants to target China?..


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I just realized this would be an opportunity for Russia to train their troops in Urban warfare. Being in close proximity to the battlefield, allows Russia to easily retreat or rescue their units. If this war continues on for a long time, Russia will become the most trained army for Urban warfare in the world.

Edit: This is an opportunity for China to learn as well, and Russia could teach them a thing or two about urban warfare and strategies that will come out of this experience.
"This is an opportunity for China to learn as well, and Russia could teach them a thing or two about urban warfare ..."

In what future scenario would the PLA have to engage in major urban warfare?
I don't foresee China invading another country and attempting to capture a city.
Would the PLA ever need to fight against a Uyghur guerrilla army determined to 'liberate' Ürümqi (a Western fantasy)?


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My respect for India has increased a lot, after seeing how they act in support for Russia and their own independent policy. Maybe it was too hasty to call them western lapdogs.

Don't get it wrong they are only doing that for survival reasons as they are encircled.

The Ukraine incident has just scared the shxt out of them and they realized the US ain't intervening on their behalf and being encircled by Pakistan-China bloc whom are unpredictable makes them think twice hence Putin has good relations with Xi and the Indians are banking on him to save them from a Pakistan-Chinese blitz in the future by Putin restraining Xi. They view Putin as the only man capable of preventing a Pakistani-Chinese incursion and they know that they have zero to nothing chance against such a force hence they are forced to suking Putin's dick not out of love but out of survival reasons but behind the scenes they are still lackey and their hearts are crying for Ukraine..

I know Indians inside and out.. They are just spoked


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I like how they use the "if" here. Why should China enforce western sanctions to damage its own economy? If it wanted to damage its economy it could create its own sanctions against Russia...

Also, why should China enforce sanctions designed to keep Western Hegemony in place, when this same Hegemony also wants to target China?..
And "if" the western world blames China, they should also blame the UAE and all the rest of them. Because the Gulf region is now the haven of rest for the russian oligarchs and also a prospering place for money laundering.

Instead, Germany "begged" for LNG at Qatar: "Yes, we do not accept the Russian adder, but embrace the Qatarian viper". Hipocracy at its best.

Russia and China are well prepared for this planned crisis. Boths states purchased millions of tons of wheat in the last two years. Their storages are full.


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500 stingers and javelins a day...

That's before other countries send in their missiles too. I think there's about 5 videos of Ukrainians actually using javelins throughout this entire war, I think one video of a stinger actually hitting a helicopter. Javelins still cost $150,000 a pop right?

It confirms my suspicion that the Ukrainians are just selling them straight on to the Russians, or stashing them away to sell on the black market for after the war. This is so corrupt it makes the Afghan government seem honest.

Yep, keep sending them in Americans. :D
Most likelly they use Javelin and Stinger for every purpose that they can imagine.

Like shooting into buildings, attacking unarmored card, attacking sole persons in the middle ow nowhere, using them as table leg, for house refurbishment and most importantly, to sell to Chinese for hard cash.

They running out of othere means, like cheap Russian gas to make money, free Javelin and Stinger will do the job.

I am sure lot of guy in middle east would like to get few stinger to start hunting USA passanger planes aroind the world.

In Syria the USA mercanaries used the TOWs to shoot 1000 dollar worth of cars with a 20k missile.


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"This is an opportunity for China to learn as well, and Russia could teach them a thing or two about urban warfare ..."

In what future scenario would the PLA have to engage in major urban warfare?
I don't foresee China invading another country and attempting to capture a city.
Would the PLA ever need to fight against a Uyghur guerrilla army determined to 'liberate' Ürümqi (a Western fantasy)?

the Uyghurs are like a drop of water in the ocean in comparison to the han. It is like saying would the 2nd generation Chinese-Americans liberate ''San Francisco'' This is logistically and manpower wise not possible for them to fight 330m Americans while being somewhat 2m chinese-Americans in whole of America but the Ugyhur comparison is worse they are about 8-9m against a whopping 1.5billion.. In scale it is equal to 15 people trying to liberate all of germany with it's 80m people..

There are other minorities that are far larger then them inside China and frankly speaking they couldn't even fill out only Hong Kong. They are very small group of people and you could basically count them with your fingers
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