Ukrainian War Developments

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I’m sure that the faithful, here, are still claiming that Putinini is playing 4D Chess, but this operation is more on the level of 1D checkers!

Well, at least he proven that there’s no justification (and certainly no need) for NATO!
The more I look at the war, the more I'm convinced there's a 4D chess going on. This just might be the first hybrid war waged at a global scale. Frankly, the war in Ukraine is merely the sideshow, the main battlefields are in the arena of financial and geopolitics. Putin must had put a lot of thoughts into this. There are many missteps for sure but he's hurting the west really bad, and the worst is yet to come. The western politicians just haven't realized yet.


Junior Member
The B-52 doesn't even bomb B-52 style anymore. Still drops all the bombs but they're guided. Carpet bombing in a war like this is retarded. I think the last time the US carpet bombed anything were Iraqi troops out in the middle of the desert during Desert Storm. Id'be surprised if the US even bothers with dumb bombs anymore.

:) US carped bombed Syria and Iraq isis targets


Richard Santos

Registered Member
The more I look at the war, the more I'm convinced there's a 4D chess going on. This just might be the first hybrid war waged at a global scale. Frankly, the war in Ukraine is merely the sideshow, the main battlefields are in the arena of financial and geopolitics. Putin must had put a lot of thoughts into this. There are many missteps for sure but he's hurting the west really bad, and the worst is yet to come. The western politicians just haven't realized yet.
“4D chess” is euphemism for morons acting like morons but other would, against all evidence, not believe it when they see it.


Registered Member
Has Mariupol been taken
We are waiting for someone to say the official words but it seems like there are multiple signs of big progress by Russians and Azov Battalion might have been destroyed as a cohesive unit.
DPR seems to think enough of the city is taken and resistance has been reduced to such a level that they can start to claim Mariupol is now part of DPR.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
:) US carped bombed Syria and Iraq isis targets

View attachment 85901
Uhm yeah, but no. Those were guided bombs. "Carpet bombing" is dumb bombs hitting along a path, walking from one end to the other, hitting whatever is there indescriminantly. These were all guided and timed to impact as close to simultaneously as possible. If you watch the video, then watch a video of a large load of dumb bombs, you'll see the difference.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
If your game plan is to fight in cities you've already lost the war.
Russia will win Ukrainian war, it has never been in doubt by anyone, but it's going to take longer, more civilian casualties, and likely more economic sting that initially expected by Putin.

They can just sit outside and shell the place to the ground (as what seems to have happened in Mariupol).
The air and missile campaign suggest Putin is interested in minimizing civilian casualties to leave the door open for a political settlement. Using strategic bombardment or mass artillery to raze cities is still an option on the table, but in the interest of a political settlement, maintain domestic support, and avoiding further economic sanctions, it's the least preferred option.
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