Ukrainian War Developments

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The map has not changed in the past 2-3 weeks except maybe Kherson captured and other tiny towns.

I really think the war is not going as initially expected, I think Putin expected a quick victory, negligible to zero Ukrainian resistance, and quick negotiations on DNR/LNR/Crimea and neutrality paper treaty. Afterall, 120,000 troops assault along the entire border is insufficient and too little for prolonged siege or occupation. You need a 3:1 ratio advantage in manpower for assault on defender positions, whereas Russia only committed less than 1:1 ratio. Unfortunately, Putin miscalculated the political resolve and willpower of Ukrainian defenders. It is not similar to the 2014 Crimea annexation.

Russia can likely achieve the same negotiated settlement, but it chew off a lot more than it expected. It will still survive with partial Chinese support, but he was fed poor intelligence. Now it's going to be grinding Ukrainian to ashes/rubbles, which is the last resort....
That is total hubris on the part of the Russians. They should know very well from the Chechnya Wars that urban and semi urban warfare is very difficult, especially against a determined and decently armed opponent.


Registered Member
The map has not changed in the past 2-3 weeks except maybe Kherson captured and other tiny towns.

I really think the war is not going as initially expected, I think Putin expected a quick victory, negligible to zero Ukrainian resistance, and quick negotiations on DNR/LNR/Crimea and neutrality paper treaty. Afterall, 120,000 troops assault along the entire border is insufficient and too little for prolonged siege or occupation. You need a 3:1 ratio advantage in manpower for assault on defender positions, whereas Russia only committed less than 1:1 ratio. Unfortunately, Putin miscalculated the political resolve and willpower of Ukrainian defenders. It is not similar to the 2014 Crimea annexation.

Russia can likely achieve the same negotiated settlement, but it chew off a lot more than it expected. It will still survive with partial Chinese support, but he was fed poor intelligence. Now it's going to be grinding Ukrainian to ashes/rubbles, which is the last resort....
The 3:1 manpower ratio is a myth. Look at the battle for Berlin. Stalin had inferior numbers, used brute force to take it as quickly as possible, and the Germans still lost more.

Another myth is the fact that urban warfare is harder than open warfare. It's usually a last resort for defenders. Most city battles have ended up much worse for the defenders, even in battles they "won", e.g. the first battles of Grozny & Fallujah. It becomes harder to operate artillery, to move around, and very difficult to concentrate forces. While the attacker can pick the time and area of attack. That's assuming they actually bother with urban fighting. They can just sit outside and shell the place to the ground (as what seems to have happened in Mariupol).

If your game plan is to fight in cities you've already lost the war.


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The 3:1 manpower ratio is a myth. Look at the battle for Berlin. Stalin had inferior numbers, used brute force to take it as quickly as possible, and the Germans still lost more.

Another myth is the fact that urban warfare is harder than open warfare. It's usually a last resort for defenders. Most city battles have ended up much worse for the defenders, even in battles they "won", e.g. the first battles of Grozny & Fallujah. It becomes harder to operate artillery, to move around, and very difficult to concentrate forces. While the attacker can pick the time and area of attack. That's assuming they actually bother with urban fighting. They can just sit outside and shell the place to the ground (as what seems to have happened in Mariupol).

If your game plan is to fight in cities you've already lost the war.
I disagree. Urban fighting is difficult against a well equipped and determined enemy, even for the side that has much greater firepower. The Chechen Wars and Fallujah have proven that in recent decades. In the cases of Grozny and Fallujah, yes, the attackers did eventually win, but it was definitely not a cakewalk and it necessitated essentially destroying those cities.


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The B-52 doesn't even bomb B-52 style anymore. Still drops all the bombs but they're guided. Carpet bombing in a war like this is retarded. I think the last time the US carpet bombed anything were Iraqi troops out in the middle of the desert during Desert Storm. Id'be surprised if the US even bothers with dumb bombs anymore.
The last time *on video* was in 2019.
last time in practice...well, I frankly doubt area targets disappeared due to covid-19.


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@Coalescence bro the demonization is centered on Culture itself, trying to justify that The Chinese and the Slavic people are savage. Using the Mongol horde narrative as a scaremongering tactic and @emblem21 is right it had a religious connotation with policy carried over from the middle ages. And here I see why the Collective West hate the Russian so much, they're the last Vestige of Eastern Orthodox Church and its teaching.
Its a tactic as old as when humans first learned war. They would dehumanize their enemies, putting themselves on a high pedestal, provoking fear into their populace that these "savages" is out to get them, and that they are weak enough that "All you have to do is kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will crumble to the ground".

We can see this tactic take many forms throughout history in order adapt to and gain a wider spread, notably starting with "religion" and "spirituality" (Manifest Destiny), and now with ideology like "democracy" and "freedom".

Sorry for the late reply, my internet got cut off for the entire day, just before I finished typing this post.


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I’m sure that the faithful, here, are still claiming that Putinini is playing 4D Chess, but this operation is more on the level of 1D checkers!

Well, at least he proven that there’s no justification (and certainly no need) for NATO!
when there are 4m refugees sent into Nato countries in a month. you still think there is no justification of Nato?
it look like 4D chess as Russia is constantly luring Ukraine to fight and engaging Europe to invest further in unproductive rearmament and bankrupt Ukraine. Putin also gave pause to strikes when Indian students need to rescued. and i am sure his telling his opec partners that since he started this buildup in less than one Year there incomes tripled. every one is benefiting.

$300b of reserves blocked but they owed $480b.
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According to the Institute of International Finance (IIF), Russia’s external liabilities – money owed to creditors by the government, companies and households – have fallen from about $733bn in 2014 to about $480bn. Of this, $135bn is due to be paid to creditors within one year.
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