Ukrainian War Developments

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US President Joe Biden is going to Brussels to “demand” European allies to completely abandon Russian energy sources :

Canadian National Defense Minister Anita Anand said the country had run out of weapons and there were problems with their production. This situation has developed after sending all stocks of military equipment and equipment to the President of Ukraine :

one of the reasons for the mass demonstrations in Spain - empty food shelves in stores, due to a sharp increase in prices for essential products :


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Calibers rain, but we were told that they ran out of missiles that's why kinzhal is used and bla bla etc.....!

Scholz: Germany will not boycott Russian energy German Chancellor Olaf Scholz once again today rejected calls for Germany to boycott Russian energy sources due to the Russian attack on Ukraine, Scholz stated today that sanctions have already been imposed on Russia and that they are affecting the economy of that country, and that all that "will only be even more dramatic every day".


Registered Member
The Russians are still struggling to take Mariupol, and it doesn't even look like they've made much progress in the siege over the last two days. That doesn't bode well for the rest of their war effort on the eastern front. So what's the basic strategic plan for the Russians now? Take Donbas, reinforce land bridge to Crimea, and then declare victory? Is that what "winning" means for them at this point? I can legit see that as a victory of sorts, but I know they must also be disappointed that they won't be able to turn Ukraine into a client state like they did with Belarus. I mean this primarily in an economic sense, since Ukraine will probably turn to the West to rebuild after the war.
The entire eastern front is the bulk of the Ukrainian forces which are encircled except for a small corridor. The rural cauldron battles in the east will be easier than a city siege as there is much less cover and risk of civilian casualties.


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[Forwarded from МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ ФАН]
[ Photo ] Progress of Russian special military operation in Ukraine, March 22.

#Russia #Rusia #Ukraine #Ucrania #RuSO


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No western military "expert" has mentioned a thing about how Ukrainian plans to supply 200,000 soldiers on the current front line. Do Ukrainian soldiers not need ammo, food and fuel? All airports are gone, I only see videos of Ukrainians transporting things using 4x4s and small flat bed trucks. You can't sustain an army for very long with just that. It's not enough for the civilian population.

Look how far they are from the west of the country where supplies are coming in. They also have to cross a river which has had it's bridges destroyed (by Ukrainians). The Russians meanwhile are 20-30 miles from their own borders with no issues with supplies.

There's lots of posts claiming that Russian/Belarusian rail workers are sabotaging rail lines, but it all seems to be coming from Ukrainian sources with no evidence.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
I was speaking in more general terms, but if you are so hung up on the fifth gen fighters, you need to consider the following,

1. Judging from the fate of the Su57, the Su75 will be delayed for quite sometime. By the time it comes out, if it comes out, a sixth gen fighter maybe close to being ready for China and the U.S. At that time, especially given how slow the Russians were able to produce these, it may no longer pose a threat to China.
2. If J-35 is ready long before Su75, it will take most of the non-Western market such as Iran and Turkey, which would put the viability of the Su75 in question.
3. At that time, especially if Pakistan will be equipped with J-35, India buying a fifth gen plane might be a blessing in disguise for China since more sales to Pakistan and maybe other countries connected to Pakistan.
All excellent and reasonable points.
All military equipment becomes obsolete over time. It may not matter if it comes very late.
Still not akin to US-UK 'special relationship', which is what I am replying to. UK would never sell old/obsolete 3rd or 4th gen to any of US enemies. So it is inappropriate to compare China-Russia relations with the US-UK 'special relationship', that was my point.


Registered Member
US President Joe Biden is going to Brussels to “demand” European allies to completely abandon Russian energy sources :

Canadian National Defense Minister Anita Anand said the country had run out of weapons and there were problems with their production. This situation has developed after sending all stocks of military equipment and equipment to the President of Ukraine :

one of the reasons for the mass demonstrations in Spain - empty food shelves in stores, due to a sharp increase in prices for essential products :
Yeah, if Europe stops buying Russian gas or oil now they're finished as modern nation states.


Registered Member
Without pointing a finger at myself, I like to point out my DJI drone does not always observe the software constraints on flight altitude and airspace classification that DJI attempted to impose upon it.

also, what is DJI’s incentive for attempting to reach across international borders and apply specific software constraints on the users? So the US government can seize upon it as more evidence that DJI drones are security risks and must be excluded from the US markets?

The US is so delighted by the fact that after shedding any constraints on its own behavior, there now appears to be so many new levers it can pull to make things happen, not realizing most of the levers are connected to each-other in some way, so pushing out of sheer delight of being able to push them usually have unintended consequences.
Hilarious, there was the unsubstantiated report that DJI was helping Russia by disabling Ukrainian Aeroscope Drone Control
Now DJI is saying if they did disable it, neither side could use it. Therefore it was never disabled for the Ukrainian military!
I always knew the report was fishy, these are commercial products, there is no way for DJI to know which drone belongs to which side.
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