Ukrainian War Developments

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Ukrainian doctor comments on his ‘castration of POWs’ interview​

A Ukrainian doctor who claimed during a live interview that he had ordered his volunteer unit to castrate captured Russian soldiers has stated that his words were not true.

“Those were the emotions. I’m sorry. We are saving lives. Period,” the post said.

“I gave my doctors … a very strict order to castrate all men, because they are cockroaches and not people,” he had claimed.

The swift U-turn echoes that of a Ukrainian TV host who, addressing the Russian people, declared on air that he was adopting the “doctrine” of Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann and would “do everything in my power to ensure that you and your children never live on this earth.” The reasoning cited by Fahruddin Sharafmal, who is of Middle Eastern origin, was that by mass-murdering a nation’s children, one could eliminate the nation itself.

After a public outcry, Sharafmal apologized for having advocated genocide, and said he was sorry if his rant had damaged the reputation of Ukrainian troops. His words had spilled out “due to emotions” stemming from having lost a friend to the conflict, he said. He stated that Ukrainians would “never be inhuman, unlike the Russians.”

Both Sharafmal and Druzenko are being investigated in Russia for possible crimes related to their respective remarks.

I have not committed any war crimes. Please stop tightening the rope. - Ukrainian Idiot.

TV host isn’t likely to face anything but the doctor is a much more complicated situation lmao.


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without guarantees for Donetsk, Lugansk and Crimea, Russia will reject this. Indeed, Russia has upped the requirements in negotiations yet again and included Kharkiv.

This offer was on the table at Minsk. They should've taken it.
As time goes by, day by day development... if Kiev regime keeps on delaying any substantial negotiation just intend for stalling... they may end up negotiating for CAPITULATION instead of any peace settlement!

Map from
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showing the military operation to liberate #Mariupol from AZOV banderites

Military Situation in Mariupol - SouthFront_Org 20220321.jpg

Via Mango Press 2022.03.22
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Putin's popularity was the lowest it has been since he came to power because of his handling of COVID. If he comes out of this having conquered Ukraine and stood up to America he will become very popular again.

Economically it will hurt Russia but not by much. Most of the things it buys from Europe are high end luxury items. All that will happen is that whole market will be replaced by Chinese versions. In areas like the car industry it was going to happen in a decade or two anyway, thanks to these sanctions it will happen now. Oil and gas prices are high right now, which will offset a lot of the costs.

Europe is going to be hurt really badly on the other hand. Some European companies have walked away from their investments already (i.e. giving up billions), others like volkswagen are probably going to need government aid to offset the losses they will incur.

I never thought Europe would be stupid enough to sanction China but now I'm 100% sure they will.

It will literally drive them back to the dark ages but they will do it if America tells them to.
INDEED in longer term, after 2024 onwards, the Russian economy will be healthier with higher reliance on the domestic industries, empowering the domestic producers and more rational spending incl. axing the big spending on those luxurious goods made in Europe.

All this time Russia has been relatively sluggish as a nation and society, too much relying on the established system instead of building up their own. Now this economy split will enforce them to be more economically independent regardless the initial pains thus in long term this shock therapy heavy smashing by the West/G-7 will be good to keep the Russian awake and change! A huge nation very rich of all important materials in no way will live in misery... this is all about the paper wealth vs. the real materials (energy, food, raw materials, metals) -- give it a couple of years things will be obvious!

* * * * *


The knee jerk “sanction everything” reaction (theft by any other description) will backfire on EUROPE spectacularly. Food, energy and raw materials were already rocketing in price even before this conflict.

You can’t eat house price inflation which is all the U.K. economy is underpinned by, real inflation caused by disruptions and scarcity will be hellish for those in Western Europe leading comfortable lives, while clutching their pearls and virtue signalling about Ukraine.

Basic bags of pasta will treble in price as will a simple loaf of bread and domestic energy will double. And what these ‘master strategists’ fail to realise is that once you kick Russia out of the clubs they won’t come back in, even if you beg or pay them.

Starting an economic war with Russia is perhaps the dumbest economic move I’ve ever witnessed. There’s no turning back, and the tsunami effects are only just building up and will be catastrophic.

Nor is it confined to the economic sphere. Ukraine is the proxy war zone of "NATOstan", so the European governments will be seen by Russia as having the blood of Russians on their hands. That will have consequences in future years.

Even the blind and stupid are aware of the tsunami of abuse heaped upon Russia for decades and decades now, even if they agree with it. Russia has said enough, politely, and then not as politely. And now the time for politeness has ended. No more hopping on one foot, the west will now live or die with the consequences of their actions.

MARCH 2022


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The Ukrainian constitution was revised in 2019 with neutrality replaced by a commitment to join NATO.

There seems to be a lack of awareness of the difference in contexts.

From the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine:
"The Ukrainian SSR solemnly declares its intention of becoming a permanently neutral state that does not participate in military blocs ..."

This was part of the formally declared basis of Ukraine's independence.

"On 7 February 2019, the
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voted to amend the constitution to state Ukraine's strategic objectives as joining
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This was a purely aspirational political outcome.

It seems strange that a nation's basis for independence must be strictly tied to its aspirations for a foreign alliance.
Note that Ukraine still claims to be a sovereign state even though it's not a member of the European Union or NATO.

Should a slight majority--at any time--of the US Congress, for instance, have the power to revise the US Declaration of Independence?


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First of all, I prefer not to take too seriously either side's claims of enemy casualties or losses.
"Truth is the first casualty of war." I expect most of these claims to be exaggerations (at best), if not outright lies.
US propaganda cited 'body counts' to claim that the USA was overwhelmingly winning its war in Indochina.
I would add that historians still have disputes about the real casualties in some battles of the Second World War.

Sherlock Holmes once made a famous deduction based upon a dog that did not bark at night.
Likewise, has anyone noticed Western media mentioning anything recently about Ukrainian air power other than drones?
If Western media fail to mention Ukrainian aircraft making sorties, then may one infer that Ukraine's combat aircraft
have been destroyed or forced into concealment to avoid their complete destruction?


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Are there also other type of screenshots like webpages screenshot on computer instead of an Iphone to prove it authenticity? And, what is the source? Why was it posted and deleted later?
Are hackers capable of hacking into website and making it?

These are all question that needs to be asked in order to increase the believability and authenticity of this piece of information.

We are serious about authenticity and reliability of information on this forum.
If you are willing, please follow up on this. We would love to see more evidences and details about this media incident.
From the Gaurdians live blog
Almost 10,000 Russian soldiers may have already been killed in the war in Ukraine since Russia invaded almost four weeks ago, and more than 16,000 wounded, according to reports of previously-undisclosed figures from the defence ministry in Moscow revealed in a pro-Kremlin tabloid newspaper, Komsomolskaya Pravda. The paper later released a statement claiming it had been hacked.


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Are there also other type of screenshots like webpages screenshot on computer instead of an Iphone to prove it authenticity? And, what is the source? Why was it posted and deleted later?
Are hackers capable of hacking into website and making it?

These are all question that needs to be asked in order to increase the believability and authenticity of this piece of information.

We are serious about authenticity and reliability of information on this forum.
If you are willing, please follow up on this. We would love to see more evidences and details about this media incident.
I've seen the archive version of the article and it's real, the casualty report is there.
I'm pretty sure hackers could use a false identity of that tabloid company to access the article and edited it themselves


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Hungary quits and is the first to stab Ukraine in the back. Maybe they should invade Ukraine while they are weak and take Transcarpathia.

I'm suprised they were first, my money was on Bulgaria or Greece. I thought Hungarians hated Russia?
The name of the guy is not Peter Siatro, but Peter Szijarto, as a starter.

Hungarians know the meaning of war, the Serbian-NATO war happened next to them.

Ukraine outlawed the usage of Hungraian in the schools,abused and supressed the hungarian minority, theft the natural gas sent to hungary, and generally string the s****.
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