Ukrainian War Developments

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"Japan has stripped Russia of its most-favored nation trade status and frozen the assets of dozens of individuals and groups, among other measures."

Not mentioned in the article and rather amusing is the reintroduction of normal tariffs on Russian exports to Japan, EXCEPT for Russian fish products which the Japanese obviously have great demand for. Would love to see the Russians send all their JPN-bound fishery products to China instead.
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Tuesday, 22 March, during debates in parliament called Russia's decision to stop negotiations on a peace treaty unacceptable.

"We consider this absolutely unfair and completely unacceptable, and we express strong protest."

Earlier, the Russian Foreign Ministry said that Moscow was terminating peace treaty talks with Tokyo in the light of Japan’s newly introduced unilateral restrictions against Russia over the situation in Ukraine.

Japan sacrifices years of negotiations with Russia to please Washington - Russian official.

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All French companies working in Russia remained on the Russian market, the Franco-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry told reporters on Monday.

"Not a single French enterprise left Russia," a representative of the chamber said, criticizing the sanctions imposed against Russia that "hurt the middle class". At the same time, the representative pointed out that "there is no danger for French citizens who continue to live and work in Russia".

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The difference between the victor & the loser of WWII -- France vs Germany response on Washington's pressure -- Less Virtue-Signalling, More Self Confidence!

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The United States condemned Russia’s decision to ban activities of Meta (the organization’s activities are banned on the territory of the Russian Federation) as an extremist organization, spokesperson for the US Department of State Ned Price said.
"We condemn a Moscow court’s decision to designate Meta, including Facebook and Instagram, as ‘extremist’. This assault on access to information must stop," he wrote on Twitter.

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Russia’s mass media and telecommunications watchdog (Roskomnadzor) has blocked access to the Euronews television channel in Russia over what it explained as “fakes about Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine”.

All constitute Russia's Eyes-to-Eyes retaliation... although they take some time for Moscow to put them into action but eventually they realize the said policy to return the favor of each blow from the West/G-7. Strong and determined Russia! The Bear means her words... don't fool around with the Bear, she will definitely claw back!
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No. That is actually bogus. The government budget in Russia only gets like 15% of its receipts from oil&gas. Oil&gas makes like 20% of exports, used to be higher when prices were higher, might be higher again this year. But Russia is not as dependent on trade as some people seem to think. It has a highly self-sufficient economy. They import a lot of consumer goods, electronics, vehicle parts, and the like. To a large degree those consumer goods are relatively easy to substitute. Their industry would also be able to replace most of the vehicle parts if it wanted to. The major problem is electronics. But no one has a 100% native electronics industry in the world.

I hear a lot of people claim that Russia would collapse if the war lasts like a couple of weeks. These people are delusional. Saudi Arabia is right now fighting a war in Yemen where they have 150,000 troops on the ground. That is just their own troops, without counting other Gulf States. The Saudis have been fighting that war for seven years. Their infrastructure gets bombed by the Houtis. The Saudis import most of their weapons and ammo from the US. Most of the troops are foreign paid mercenaries. I do not know why people think Russia could not maintain a similar size volunteer force in Ukraine for a prolonged period of time. Also for reference Saudi Arabia has 34M people and Russia has 145M.
I am not sure where you got your data. But here you are:

"The oil and gas sector accounted up to roughly 40% of Russia's federal budget revenues, and up to 60% of its exports in 2019.
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In 2019, the
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estimated the value of natural resources to 60% of the country's GDP.
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I've seen the archive version of the article and it's real, the casualty report is there.
I'm pretty sure hackers could use a false identity of that tabloid company to access the article and edited it themselves
i am not sure why you think it is real. Ukrainian cannot show single Tochka or air sortie run against formations. they cannot even show two TB-2 flying in same battle space. very limited ability. there are few ambushes here and there on vehicles thats about it. and ambush on vehicles does not mean soldiers were inside it. Syrian rebels have done more damage . here the width of battlefield will be 3000 to 4000km when you include Black Sea blockade and Belarus. fighters and Choppers are coming all directions from numerous bases. its not easy to maintain reliability of crew and systems when things are so dispersed. It is the most Grand way of fighting war since 1945.


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The best part of this:

'The president has been very clear that we will not put American troops on the ground in Ukraine. We don't want to escalate this into a war with the United States,'
'But we will support our NATO allies,' she said. 'We have troops, as you know, in NATO countries. And the president has made clear that if there is an attack on any of our NATO countries, under Article 5, that we will support those countries and defend those countries,' she said, referencing the NATO charter. The U.S. has been boosting troop deployments in the region.
In other words: yes you should all go on this peacekeeping mission into an active war zone, but hell no US won't be touching that with a 10ft clown pole.
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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
I am not sure where you got your data. But here you are:

"The oil and gas sector accounted up to roughly 40% of Russia's federal budget revenues, and up to 60% of its exports in 2019. In 2019, the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry estimated the value of natural resources to 60% of the country's GDP."
As usual these people conflate the numbers on Russian minerals (which includes things like metals) with numbers on oil&gas.
Natural resources also include timber and things like that.
Also like I said because of oil&gas price variations the mix can fluctuate quite a bit. I used 2020 numbers. IIRC.

Oil&gas can be between 20-40% of Russian exports depending on oil price. IIRC in 2020 it was 20%.

Quite often this is a translation problem of people who do not understand Russian official government data. Which then gets amplified by all sorts of wrongly done analysis on top of that wrong initial premise. That is why after they sanctioned the "gas station" the prices for loads of commodities all shot up.

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Richard Santos

Registered Member
Ukraine now and then... Ukraine has joined the new club

View attachment 85722

It used to be Third-Worlder-only club, now Ukraine will be the very first coming from Europe, breaking the record!
on the contrary, Ukraine has long been in the club already, It is decidedly a third world country, substantially poorer then when it was part of the soviet union, when it was already poor compared to western and central europe.

It’s GDP per capita on PPP basis, before the Russians invaded, were actually well below the world average. In fact it is about the same as such under developed states such as Mongolia, Sri Lanka, or Libya.

This is part of the reason western european states in the EU and NATO had no interest in being saddled with such a basket case.
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Senior Member
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on the contrary, Ukraine has long been in the club already, It is decidedly a third world country, substantially poorer then when it was part of the soviet union, when it was already poor compared to western and central europe.

It’s GDP per capita on PPP basis, before the Russians invaded, were actually well below the world average. In fact it is about the same as such under developed states such as Mongolia, Sri Lanka, or Libya.

This is part of the reason western european states in the EU and NATO had no interest in being saddled with such a basket case.

GDP didn't tell the whole story. Ukraine inherited a lot of infrastructures built during the USSR years, so the quality of life was probably quite a bit higher than countries with similar GDP per capita but lower infrastructure stock.

The Russian invasion obviously changed that.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Ukrainian GDP took a massive hit after the 2014 Euromaidan coup and later annexation of Crimea when they lost a huge portion of the trade they used to do with Russia. Ukraine stopped exporting things like gas turbines, which could be used in the military, to Russia. They also signed an association agreement with the EU which meant they lost the status of preferred trade they used to have with Russia. The EU agreement implies you can't have preferred trade deal with another block or nation. They were stupid retards who basically ignored their major trade partner which was like half of their global trade volume when they signed that association agreement.

Any reasonable person would have tried to do a similar deal to the one Norway had instead of pursuing that ruinous EU association deal. But the people behind the coup never had the best interests of the nation in mind I think.


New Member
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Ukrainian GDP took a massive hit after the 2014 Euromaidan coup and later annexation of Crimea when they lost a huge portion of the trade they used to do with Russia. Ukraine stopped exporting things like gas turbines, which could be used in the military, to Russia. They also signed an association agreement with the EU which meant they lost the status of preferred trade they used to have with Russia. The EU agreement implies you can't have preferred trade deal with another block or nation. They were stupid retards who basically ignored their major trade partner which was like half of their global trade volume when they signed that association agreement.

Any reasonable person would have tried to do a similar deal to the one Norway has instead of pursuing that ruinous EU association deal. But the people behind the coup never had the best interests of the nation in mind I think.

Start reading at the section "Ukraine". There you find the MAIN reason why Ukraine never developed unlike other countries.

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From 2014 to 2019 Germany alone gave 1,4 Billion Euro to Ukraine. Since 2014 the EU spent 17 Billion with credits and subsidies.

The EU agreed to give another 1,2 Billion on February 16th 2022.

What happened to that money - rhetorical question? The governments and leaders of Ukraine protect their assets in this war. They do give a shit on their people. Once again disgusting.

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