Ukrainian War Developments

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Can't wait to see all those proofs on bird bioweapons in those super secret labs which can be found on Google Maps and are funded by the Ukrainian Goverment and which have received funds and support by the USA, EU and WHO for years. Totally secret by the way!
I guess we can count on your full support for a transparent investigation by the independent team into these Bioweapon labs funded by the US.


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The next 10 days should show just how adaptable Russian military planners and commanders are to the facts on the ground!
Alexander Mercouris and/or Gonzalo Lira just said (22 Mar) that APRIL will be the crucial timing of this conflict, and by the end of MAY 2022 the conflict should be over.

Alexander Mercouris 22 March - Ukraine Forces Mariupol Face Destruction, Reject Russian Ultimatum, UK Media Admits War Going Badly

TWITTER just shut more accounts having voices not-in-line with the Ministry of Truth:

Juan Sinmiedo @Youblacksoul and backup acc
must switch to Telegram now to catch him:
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- Juan Sinmiedo / Fearless John. Ukraine exposed.

It seems UkraineMap @mapsukraine is also gone, his backup @maps_ukraine also gone

the BIG TECH keeps on cleaning those accounts posting the TRUTHS against their desperate Propaganda that Ukraine wins, Russia loses LOL This war forces me to engage more in Telegram platform than Twitter as Twitter keeps on axing quality accounts, overcoming my earlier laziness to have more platforms for the more telling news on the real development in the battle grounds.
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Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Putin's popularity was the lowest it has been since he came to power because of his handling of COVID. If he comes out of this having conquered Ukraine and stood up to America he will become very popular again.

Economically it will hurt Russia but not by much. Most of the things it buys from Europe are high end luxury items. All that will happen is that whole market will be replaced by Chinese versions. In areas like the car industry it was going to happen in a decade or two anyway, thanks to these sanctions it will happen now. Oil and gas prices are high right now, which will offset a lot of the costs.

Europe is going to be hurt really badly on the other hand. Some European companies have walked away from their investments already (i.e. giving up billions), others like volkswagen are probably going to need government aid to offset the losses they will incur.

I never thought Europe would be stupid enough to sanction China but now I'm 100% sure they will.

It will literally drive them back to the dark ages but they will do it if America tells them to.
Why would you compare EU sanctions against a shrimp economy (Russia) compared to an economic superpower (China)? Russia's GDP is smaller than a single Chinese province (Guangdong), an economic minnow compared to China.

Yes, in Chinese conflict over Taiwan, the US/EU will sanction the living shit out of occupied Taiwan province to kill it (akin to Xinjiang cotton/labor ban), and likely to impose substantial sanctions on China mainland as well, but the depth and scope will be dramatically limited compared to EU sanctions on Russia, a relatively shrimp economy which it doesn't rely on, except natural gas.

Russian oil/gas is replaceable in long term with printing money and renewable energy, but no nation can replace the Chinese trade and investment for EU companies and US cannot offer an alternative to make up the difference.


Registered Member
Why would you compare EU sanctions against a shrimp economy (Russia) compared to an economic superpower (China)? Russia's GDP is smaller than a single Chinese province (Guangdong), an economic minnow compared to China.

Yes, in Chinese conflict over Taiwan, the US/EU will sanction the living shit out of occupied Taiwan province to kill it (akin to Xinjiang cotton/labor ban), and likely to impose substantial sanctions on China mainland as well, but the depth and scope will be dramatically limited compared to EU sanctions on Russia, a relatively shrimp economy which it doesn't rely on, except natural gas.

Russian oil/gas is replaceable in long term with printing money and renewable energy, but no nation can replace the Chinese trade and investment for EU companies and US cannot offer an alternative to make up the difference.
I prefer to think of it like this: they're already backtracking on sanctioning Russia because even a $1.6 trillion shrimp economy can disrupt the global trade system because of a few strangleholds on key strategic resources. It is already causing pain.

What are they gonna do about a $20 trillion giant economy that has strangleholds in every single supply chain? it isn't gonna be about pain anymore. there's no words sufficient to describe it.


Registered Member
Alexander Mercouris and/or Gonzalo Lira just said (22 Mar) that APRIL will be the crucial timing of this conflict, and by the end of MAY 2022 the conflict should be over.

Alexander Mercouris 22 March - Ukraine Forces Mariupol Face Destruction, Reject Russian Ultimatum, UK Media Admits War Going Badly

TWITTER just shut more accounts having voices not-in-line with the Ministry of Truth:

Juan Sinmiedo @Youblacksoul and backup acc
must switch to Telegram now to catch him:
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- Juan Sinmiedo / Fearless John. Ukraine exposed.

It seems UkraineMap @mapsukraine is also gone, his backup @maps_ukraine also gone

the BIG TECH keeps on cleaning those accounts posting the TRUTHS against their desperate Propaganda that Ukraine wins, Russia loses LOL This war forces me to engage more in Telegram platform than Twitter as Twitter keeps on axing quality accounts, overcoming my earlier laziness to have more platforms for the more telling news on the real development in the battle grounds.

He made an important comment near the end of the video around 42:40.

Alexander said that Russian public opinion is hardening and support is raising. He says the most “disturbing” part was that the most pro-western / anti kremlin polling agency has refused to publish an opinion poll they have made. It may “exacerbate the situation” but Alex says he thinks they are just embarrassed by the degree of support for the war.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
I prefer to think of it like this: they're already backtracking on sanctioning Russia because even a $1.6 trillion shrimp economy can disrupt the global trade system because of a few strangleholds on key strategic resources. It is already causing pain.

What are they gonna do about a $20 trillion giant economy that has strangleholds in every single supply chain? it isn't gonna be about pain anymore. there's no words sufficient to describe it.
Just as US gov't moved to ban all US trade and investment in Russian-occupied DNR/LNR/Crimea, I believe US would do the same to Chinese-occupied Taiwan SAR province, render Taiwan an economic blackhole to Western trade and investment, even if it means Apple/Intel losing all access to TSMC advanced nodes and occupied-Taiwan's economy completely blocked to Western market import/exports.

Their strategy is akin to the Xinjiang cotton/labor ban, to starve Xinjiang of any economic success via Western exports so perhaps they can rise up against Beijing due to resentment and economic decay. They will try to punish China via killing occupied-Taiwan economy, rather than try to kill China directly (and suffer even more huge self-inflicted consequences as you mentioned), though there will be substantial but manageable sanctions on China mainland, the depth and scope will not be as intense as ones targeting Russia or occupied-Taiwan .
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Well, from what I am seeing right now. I won't blame Zelensky as much as you would.

Ukraine is NOT what we think they are, Ukrainian society is a actually a lot more torn up internally, and lacking a unified national identity and national will.

The more outlandish/illogical and clownish Zelensky seems to act, the more I think he is pressured and threatened by those around him. For him to ask Azov Nazi to pretty much never surrender and die defending Mariupol instead of trying to get other forces to help them, pretty much showed that he is either unable to control the country, or he is deliberately dragging on the war and using the Russian forces as a tool to get rid of junta factions/militia that does not entirely listen to him (Kiev, the federal government).

In this case, I see a very bad convergence of interests/intentions: Moscow, Kiev (Zelensky), Washington could all be wanting the war to drag on, as their strategic interest aligns. This is at the expense of the common Ukrainian people.

Zelensky concedes that the Nazi has to go. What better way than to let the Russians do the job for him.


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The following is a quote from George Bush, the senior, in 1991, delivered in Ukraine, warning Ukraine not to declare independence:

"Americans will not support those who seek independence in order to replace a far-off tyranny with a local despotism. They will not aid those who promote a suicidal nationalism based upon ethnic hatred."

This speech is famously known as the "Chicken Kiev Speech" delivered on the eve of the Soviet collapse. Google it.

What this shows, is that even according to NATO of 1991, today's NATO leaders (specifically in the US) are completely retarded. Even the war criminals of Bush Senior's generation would never have gone this far in service of Lockheed Martin. This crises which the US has created is more serious than the Cuban Missile Crisis, which the US also triggered when it placed nukes in Turkey. But at least in the 60s JFK was willing to negotiate. The corrupt chicken hawks today dont even do that. They just wanna keep escalating to find excuses to sell more overpriced F-35 fighters, which by the way, cant even accomplish the mission sets they were originally sold to do.
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