Ukrainian War Developments

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I have to both applaud this post and reluctantly admit that I agree with most of it, especially us Europeans losing sight and sleepwalking into this disaster head on. Wouldn't be the first time in history though.
That being said, Putin walked exactly into the same disaster despite all his usual cunning intellect. Playing a loser's game.
That's the real enigma - to me at least.
We share the same view in the underlying causes of this disaster.

However why is there no responsibility on the part of EU being manipulated to confront Russia? Where is the leadership & independence of EU?

Are EU leaders puppets? This makes its citizens puppets too. Similarly to have clown president, the joke will be on its people.
Good luck.

Jingle Bells

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Me too.

It depends on how long more the clown zelensky wants to joke with the life's of Ukrainean instead of seriously accepting the situation.

Besides, many view he is already out of Ukraine, possibly in poland.

The story of 3 leaders visiting him in Ukraine might be fake to support his presence. It's more logical the photo shoot done in Poland. Those 3 are not that brave & stupid to step into a life threatening area for a clown.
Well, from what I am seeing right now. I won't blame Zelensky as much as you would.

Ukraine is NOT what we think they are, Ukrainian society is a actually a lot more torn up internally, and lacking a unified national identity and national will.

The more outlandish/illogical and clownish Zelensky seems to act, the more I think he is pressured and threatened by those around him. For him to ask Azov Nazi to pretty much never surrender and die defending Mariupol instead of trying to get other forces to help them, pretty much showed that he is either unable to control the country, or he is deliberately dragging on the war and using the Russian forces as a tool to get rid of junta factions/militia that does not entirely listen to him (Kiev, the federal government).

In this case, I see a very bad convergence of interests/intentions: Moscow, Kiev (Zelensky), Washington could all be wanting the war to drag on, as their strategic interest aligns. This is at the expense of the common Ukrainian people.


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I keep hearing the word "shelling" applied to everything Russia's doing, so I decided to write a Journalist's Guide To Russian Shelling:
500kg ODAB fuel-air bomb: shelling.
Iskander SRBM: shelling.
Kalibr cruise missile: shelling.
Kinzhal aeroballistic missile: shelling.
152mm artillery shell: bombing.
Feel free to add to the guide.
Calling certain 'journalists' out as the shameless hypocrites that they are

Oh wait that's shilling


Registered Member
I have to both applaud this post and reluctantly admit that I agree with most of it, especially us Europeans losing sight and sleepwalking into this disaster head on. Wouldn't be the first time in history though.
That being said, Putin walked exactly into the same disaster despite all his usual cunning intellect. Playing a loser's game.
That's the real enigma - to me at least.
Putin's popularity was the lowest it has been since he came to power because of his handling of COVID. If he comes out of this having conquered Ukraine and stood up to America he will become very popular again.

Economically it will hurt Russia but not by much. Most of the things it buys from Europe are high end luxury items. All that will happen is that whole market will be replaced by Chinese versions. In areas like the car industry it was going to happen in a decade or two anyway, thanks to these sanctions it will happen now. Oil and gas prices are high right now, which will offset a lot of the costs.

Europe is going to be hurt really badly on the other hand. Some European companies have walked away from their investments already (i.e. giving up billions), others like volkswagen are probably going to need government aid to offset the losses they will incur.

I never thought Europe would be stupid enough to sanction China but now I'm 100% sure they will.

It will literally drive them back to the dark ages but they will do it if America tells them to.


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Hungary is against the creation of a no-fly zone over Ukraine. Because it "poses a danger to Hungary and its citizens in the Ukrainian Transcarpathia"

And they are also against EU sanctions on the embargo on Russian oil and gas.

And they are against peacekeeping missions in Ukraine.

And they are against the supply of weapons to Ukraine through the territory of Hungary "Because such cargoes are considered military objects to be destroyed."

The country calls it a matter of national security. This was stated by Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Siatro.
Hungary quits and is the first to stab Ukraine in the back. Maybe they should invade Ukraine while they are weak and take Transcarpathia.

I'm suprised they were first, my money was on Bulgaria or Greece. I thought Hungarians hated Russia?


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"Минобороны РФ опровергает информацию украинского Генштаба о якобы маштабных потерях ВС РФ на Украине. По данным Минобороны РФ, в ходе спецоперации на Украине ВС РФ потеряли убитыми 9861 человека, ранения получили 16153 человека.

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The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation refutes the information of the Ukrainian General Staff about the alleged large-scale losses of the RF Armed Forces in Ukraine. According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, during the special operation in Ukraine, the Russian Armed Forces lost 9861 people killed, 16153 people were injured.

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The original article mentioning the number of Russian casualties has been edited. In reality, the article claimed to be information from the Russian MoD, but the MoD never confirmed 9000 casualties, the KP website reported that it was hacked.

The original article that was published:
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The edited article:
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The KP website statement:
Both of this statement has been proven to be a hacking problem, but if i'm being genuine, i think Russian casualties already reach around 7k-9k KIA and Ukrainians has already in the 10k-12k KIA
WTF, Lviv isn't even affected by the war. It's hundreds of miles away from any Russian forces.
There's been a few bombing raids in Lviv for the past few days


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Are EU leaders puppets? This makes its citizens puppets too. Similarly to have clown president, the joke will be on its people.
Good luluck.
Please don't get me started.
In my very personal view EU national leaders are not puppets but most of them are local amateurs lacking vision and execution on a larger global scale. Career politicians the lot with the once in a while truly great exception sorely needed to keep the rest in line. The European Parliament is impotent by design and a circus to boot. Clowns the lot. No exception. The bureaucrats all make their french counterparts look good and that's not a compliment. The saving grace are some of the top bureaucrats slash pseudo-politicians in the highest positions within the EU institutions, the ones actually steering the ship. Most of them are even picked based on merit. Shockingly.
Somehow this byzantian mess still works by miracle and has since the inception decades ago.
Totally fun off-topic rant done.
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