Ukrainian War Developments

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Thing is, the Monroe Doctrine of the US never really went away, while Russia lost its grip on its sphere of influence for about 15 years. Stopping the NATO eastward advance is one thing, turning back the wheel to 1997 another. The latter is, in my opinion, just not possible. The west used a period of Russian weakness to encroach on its soi, Russia should just stop the further encroachment and call it a day. The window of opportunity for the minor countries surrounding Russia to slip into the arms of NATO is closed. The west should have accepted this fact.
I don't think Russia can turn back the wheel. But I wouldn't rule out Russia using its nuclear arsenals to intimidate Eastern European countries and force them to have more neutral stances. From my perspective, Russia's inability to quickly subdue Ukraine resistance has made its ultimate goal of pushing back NATO to pre-1997 almost impossible.

However, even if Russian's objective of pushing NATO pre-1997 couldn't be achieved, it doesn't mean Russia would simply give up. If Russia can emerge victory in Ukraine, then it would be able to threaten many Eastern European countries. There would be enormous pressure for these countries to rearm and militarize. The question is can these countries rely upon NATO for protection. If these countries have doubt for NATO commitment especially the US, then they might choose to take a more neutral stance or a new organization would emerge which is a United European army. For both instances, NATO would be weakened and Russia would achieve some of its objectives and remove imminent threats of NATO in the next door.


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Zelensky is totally deluded. He's gone back to wanting Ukraine back in NATO. He wants the benefits of NATO without membership whatever that means. If the issue of NATO membership is still a discussion point, the talks have gone nowhere. He's going to get every single person in Ukraine killed if he's that stubborn.

Meanwhile, we got an idea of what Putin is demanding:
President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said that the ultimatums of the Russian Federation are unacceptable for Ukraine. According to him, they can only be accepted in the event of the destruction of Ukraine

. "Ukraine cannot fulfill the ultimatum of the Russian Federation. We must destroy all of us, then their ultimatum will be fulfilled. For example, give Kharkiv, Mariupol or Kiev. Neither Kharkiv, nor Mariupol, nor Kiev nor I, the president, we can do that,” he said in an interview with European public broadcasters, a fragment of which is published by Suspilne.
Kiev in there is interesting. It means the Ukraine that remains will be landlocked and just a strip of land next to Poland. The Ukrainians have also said that Russia keep increasing their demands, so there's a good chance that Ukraine is finished as a country if this continues.

Jingle Bells

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yeah, but Hong Kong is only China in law, not "China" in essence. ;) China don't just issue visa to any "tourists", for any foreigners reside in China for prolonged time, there is the "街道" and "朝阳群众". :D At last there is no "freedom" to protect trouble makers in China.
Well, I think my replies were much better worded and detailed.
It is not JUST that China has no so-called "freedom" as HK profess to have. It is more so that the entire Chinese society is structured and organized in a totally different way than HK. HK society can neither organize, nor sustain a total war. Mainland China's society was DESIGNED for a total-war (People's War), on its own turf!

It is just that the last 30 years has been a very good time both for security and for trade (economy), China lost one of her most dire security/existential threat: the USSR, and the relations with the other superpower the USA has been fairly good (even this last couple of years worsening Sino-US relations is STILL not nearly as bad as how China and USSR relations were back at their worst periods). Because We no longer have a real threat like in the Cold War, we Chinese people lost sight of why our society is organized in our specific ways.

The "Reform and Opening" (改革开放)NEVER changed the fundamental structure of how we organize our society. The Western people has a misconception about us, just has they have a misconception about Chinese Communism/Socialism. Our societal structure is still in essence a militaristic society under the doctrine of People's War (人民战争).

This is why I found some trend and phenomena in Ukrainian and Russian society like neo-nazism, Slavic Neo-pagenism to be much more complex, with a much different driving force/motive than the similar/same things in the West.
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