Ukrainian War Developments

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Registered Member
So either Mariupol is… at 5am.

A) Defences are overwhelm and the Ukrainian army now exist in small pockets

B) Russia has rolled in enough artillery (or explosives) and is about to turn it into asbestos laced rubble.


Registered Member
So anyone want to guess what the Russians are gonna do next after Mariupol?
Maybe push towards Odessa and control the rest of the black sea coast. Not that it matters, nothing is coming to the Ukraine via the sea any time soon. I think they would want to spare Odessa the damage done to Mariupol though, but they may be forced to act if the Ukrainians start killing civilians again.

Ultimately it's game of waiting for the Ukrainian military to collapse. They'll keep working away at the edges with small advances and skirmishes while completely obliterating their bases, warehouses and supply lines. We don't know how close this is to happening as the western/Ukrainian media is full of lies, and the Russians aren't saying much. But it will happen eventually.

When that happens it's game over for Ukraine as a nation. The Ukrainian remnants of the regime will make a dash to the border, the elite have already left. That green screen from Zelensky makes me think he's finally gone as well.

If NATO doesn't ditch Ukraine before it happens then it's GG for them as a credible alliance too.
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