Ukrainian War Developments

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Bill Blazo

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So anyone want to guess what the Russians are gonna do next after Mariupol?
As many others have said, they will likely send most of those troops north for further operations in the Donbas, the grand hope being to encircle and trap the majority of the Ukrainian army. But for several reasons, it's not clear to me whether the forces from Mariupol are enough to finish the job on the eastern front. First, we don’t know how many Russian troops will actually be sent up north. If it's like 15,000 or 20,000, that could prove to be decisive. But if it's like 5,000, I doubt that would be enough for an envelopment on such a large geographical theater. Second, the Russians are making slow and steady progress in the east, but there has still been no decisive breakthrough in Izium and Severodonetsk. These need to fall soon if the Russians don't want to get bogged down. Another important unknown is just when exactly Mariupol will fall. Its defenders have already hurt the Russian war effort substantially by holding out for so long. The longer it takes for Mariupol to fall, the better things look for the Ukrainians.

Richard Santos

Registered Member
Meanwhile, Former Lt Gen Kellogg Flakes on Fox News is telling everyone how the Russians are getting obliterated.
Not named flake for nothing.

Fox News needs to make up its mind regarding whether it is better to hope Putin can put trump back into the White House again, or hope Putin’s army will bleed to death before he could.


Registered Member
Thought experiment:
What if the Polish Air Force attacked Belarusian ground forces entering Ukraine and flew back to safety inside Poland protected by NATO Article 5.
What could Russia do without escalating things fast?
Russia would just attack Poland. Poland would call for assistance from NATO allies under Article 5. However given the initial attack America will probably say Poland isn't eligible as they attacked first. Unless they wanted to go to war with Russia.

Article 5 isn't a magic spell, countries can still refuse requests even if they are perfectly valid.


Registered Member
Big party is coming up. Popcorn is getting ready

"Russia has given Ukraine until 5am to surrender Mariupol, after which it says it'll let the 130,000 remaining civilians leave.

The language it uses for Kyiv's forces – "nationalists," "foreign mercenaries," "bandits" – leaves little doubt about what Russia has in store for them."
Time to finish this off and lay ground for next phase. Don't know how much ground could be gain per day after Mariupol, they will need to leave troops behind for security.


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One thing from all this mess and I think most here will agree what' s clearly emerging is that western media might as well be state media. Shamelessly supporting Nazi's and not covering their ill deeds of inhuman nature, etc. The populace is not much better. Whom frankly make most ardent communists look less brainwashed at this point. And it's not only twitter or the folks on internet. Then there is the fact that in EU in 2022 there is a hospital that refuses to treat patience because thy are of certain race. Never mind certain slogans I've seen on the side walk done in chalk. It's like a taste of Nazi Germany. It is surreal frankly. And very worrying.

And this is BTW from someone who lives in EU.
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