Ukrainian War Developments

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This (Glasgow) dude, Juan Sinmiedo, posted many videos on Mariupol, the fortunate local residents who survive the detentions as the Human Shields... as well as some torture videos of the civilians by various armed elements of Ukraine. This one is merely an intro of what are posted there.

Take a look there on your own... plenty!

His backup ID at Twitter just in case being nuked:
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No wonder there are many vids!

His Telegram Channel is more descriptive!

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People have been been trying to upload these videos since the war started but they keep getting censored by twitter. This is the longest they haven't as far as I'm aware. If they continue to stay up, I'm sure mainstream media will be forced to cover them.

Maybe the Anglos have finally decided Ukraine isn't worth it?


"Pride"? On the contrary, most Americans wanted the US out of Afghanistan because it was a waste of blood and treasure. This is part of the reason Trump won in the first place. As for "humiliating chaos" the Trump administration had an organized exit planned. Brandon chose to do it his own way.

"Most Americans" don't determine American foreign policy, the national security establishment does ("the blob" as Obama described it, the same establishment that has walked Ukraine down the aisle to its present predicament). It's their pride that matters, most of the time. Trump was an outlier in his anti-establishment leanings and his sensibilities were certainly required to get things moving. As to whether he could've ultimately presided over a more dignified withdrawal from Afghanistan than actually occurred: I doubt it, but I don't really care to argue the point.
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The US is no more "occupied" than China is. Unless you're living in Africa you're on "occupied territory". As for "racism-based genocide" you want to talk about the Uighurs? Climb down off your high horse.

What a moronic statement. The Chinese literally EVOLVED to become the genetically distinct people they are in the area in which they live (10s of thousands of years ago, before there were Americans, before there were even your ancestors the English, before even their ancestors the Angles/Saxons/Jutes existed, before even their ancestors the Germanic tribes in northern Germania existed, before even their ancestors the Indo-Europeans existed, and on and on). The story is the same for the vast majority of people. Egyptians, Syrians, Nigerians, Indians, Japanese. Any colonization that caused permanent replacement of a continental sized racial difference was usually during prehistory, and NEVER was it people that were so different (virtually always neighboring and similar populations of the same race). Meanwhile you guys continued settling new land of a people that were as similar to you as the English are to the Bantu into the 20th Century.

Sociopathic Anglos like you would argue the Native Americans did basically the same as you because they physically moved to that area at one point. It's disgusting, but I'm glad you make such excuses for yourself. The more the Whites (especially Anglo Whites) state this shit on the internet where the rest of the world is beginning to be active, the better.


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Still waiting for Putin to ride into Kiev on his white horse. I was told that was going to happen by the end of the second day.

Why didn't you just say a trillion? It would be almost as accurate.

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Are you illiterate? Your own link validates his claims in the second sentence lmao..

"By the end of the 20th century most scholars gravitated toward an estimate of around 50 million—with some historians arguing for an estimate of 100 million or more"


Senior Member
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Are you illiterate? Your own link validates his claims in the second sentence lmao..

"By the end of the 20th century most scholars gravitated toward an estimate of around 50 million—with some historians arguing for an estimate of 100 million or more"
It should definitely be 100 million or more, why?
Well remember that western historians counts 'millions of unborn babies' as deads during Maos reign in China and even recently the UK ruled that genocide was happening in Xinjiang, despite no evidence and only alleged evidence that the chinese government is preventing people from birthing kids lmao.

Rettam Stacf

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When did the US attack Russia? Or right, they didn't. But you're mad that Putin isn't allowed to attack anybody he wants without consequences?
US and NATO have been attacking anybody they wanted without consequences for year. May be Putin just wants to have the same "privilege".

Two wrongs do not make a right. But before you make any hypocritical statement, please reflect on yourself a bit first.
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