Ukrainian War Developments

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Grumpy Old Man
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Moderator - World Affairs
I’m glad the Haitians didn’t have that attitude in 1804, and the ‘Muricans in 1776. I like brushin’ my teeth!

Sorry to offend, but, to me, that’s simply an expression of having achieved a level of material comfort that one doesn’t want to risk. The biggest reason communism failed was because of its emphasis on materialism.

If that’s the case, why not just worship America; we got more stuff than anybody!
On a separate tangent, l read somewhere in today‘s South Korea the descendants of resistance fighters to the Japanese occupation are dirt poor while the descendants of Japanese collaborators became rich elites.
Totally unrelated to the current discussion. IMHO, I didn’t any sense anyone being unpatriotic.


Junior Member
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Dude, posing with no shirt on is tabloidy!

I’m simply questioning whether, or not Putin is acting in Russia’s interests, or his own! I doubt I’d be scrutinized so thoroughly we’re I questioning Drumpf’s strategic assessments, at least by most in this forum. Am I correct?
What would you consider to be Putin’s personal interests in this?


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Moderator - World Affairs
I'd not be of much help to your questions, but one thing I can say for sure is Putin has a strategic prepared mindset to give a march order when it is time to give a march order. When it's time to press the button, he'll press the button. It was the west that got their pants down. But I believe nuclear blasts are far quicker than the pain in a visit to dentist office, so no worries.
Exactly. So if Putin is willing to go nuclear to win Ukrainian war, no Chinese military aid is needed. Problem solved.

james smith esq

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And you're free to do so, I'm not thought police lol.... Just saying I don't want go down that route since it is a realm of zero data infinite subjectivity where no conclusion can be made.

Even with Trump I'd still first think in terms of his action related to US interest.... unless it is obviously off the fucking rail.... which is numerous in occasion I'll admit....
I was talkin’ ‘bout Putinini!


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1. So you are saying that you believe that if China provides arms to Russia for use in this conflict, the US/Europe/rest will not seek to escalate economically and technologically against China? If so, then I simply disagree with you.

2. That is very much in China's interest for the short and medium term, and China should seek to avoid doing actions to disabuse them of their current policy

1. I said arms sales are still fake news. If it does happen, it will be many many steps and events on escalation ladder on all sides before reaching to that point, measures and counter measures, so on and so forth. So every party in that cluster fuck would have an ample considerations to ponder upon before taking each step, that's for sure.

2. So should they, mark my word.
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james smith esq

Senior Member
Registered Member
On a separate tangent, l read somewhere in today‘s South Korea the descendants of resistance fighters to the Japanese occupation are dirt poor while the descendants of Japanese collaborators became rich elites.
Totally unrelated to the current discussion. IMHO, I didn’t any sense anyone being unpatriotic.
So, it is about material!


Senior Member
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Yeah, essentially he asserts that anything short of a complete invasion, including Western Ukraine, is irrecoverable strategic defeat.
Well hindsight is 20/20. But its a bit hard for me to accept that the Russians got so much wrong? Were they Really that incompetent? Definitely attacking in 2014 would have been a better bet but there must have been more reasons or info for them to attack now. If this War doesn’t work out for Putin then united Russia is done at the next election.

i still feel Russia is winning the war. I don’t know if they really expected the rest of Ukraine to fold like Crimea. there is so much we don’t know at this point.
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Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
1. I said arms sales are still fake news. If it does happen, it will be many many steps and events on escalation ladder on all sides before reaching that point, measures and counter measures, so on and so forth. So every party in that cluster fuck would have an ample considerations to ponder upon before taking each step, that's for sure.

2. So should they, mark my word.
1. The problem is Ukraine war would already be won if Russia used it's full military might. So no Chinese military aid is necessary. You can't start with your desired conclusion (China military aid to Russia) and work backwards to justify it (Russia losing Ukraine war means China is next) without forcing Russia to expend everything within it's arsenal to win Ukraine. That's just disingenuous argument. China and Russia are not formal treaty allies for a reason, to not get dragged into wars like Ukraine.
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