Ukrainian War Developments

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@2handedswordsman bro sorry but I disagree, it's the other way around, Ukraine badly needed Russia especially on Energy, they are neighbors, the US and Europe are far away. And this Ruckus is all about Nord Stream 2, if it become operation, it can sidelined Ukraine cause there is an alternative, The Ukraine pipeline is old and Dilapidated and in needs of repair, if EU is serious about helping Ukraine they should provide money and repaired it instead they build and finance another one. Ohh I forget to include the Gas transit revenue that will be lost amounting to billions of Dollar if Nord stream 2 become operational.

The West is losing its grip in Ukraine, the Neocon project is a failure cause the Russian respond aggressively. The same thing with Taiwan cause both countries has Escalatory Dominance and the peripheries don't want a war in their neighborhood.
Ooops i misused a word that changed the meaning of what i was saying! Arguably means the exact opposite of what i was trying to say and found it out after your response. lol Thank you! I totally agree with your analysis


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When you eliminates the impossible, what remains must be the truth. Why would Europe take out a blunt kitchen knife and start cutting its own throat? The answer is, it is not in control of its own destiny. The U.S. is pulling the string behind these groups that now come to power (in Germany, for example). All the slogans of going green etc. are just a cover for the people behind pulling the strings, which is the U.S. government. To a lesser extend, the same thing that is currently happening to Ukraine is also happening to a various degree throughout Europe. Once in a while, you get a strong leader like Merkel who will stand up to the U.S. to some degree for their own country. Invariably, the next group swing the other way, to the detriment of their own country. Hopefully, the new leaders will care about Europe more than the leaders of Ukraine care about Ukraine.
I recognised the reason behind the ukraine wirtschaft .

The USA gas producers become lazy in the past few years, and haven't moved ahead the projects .

The USA nat gas production peaked in 2020, and now flatlining, and so the LNG export capacity.




Registered Member
and did Russia recognize Crimea as part of Ukraine between 1989 until 2014?

"It used to belong to us." is a slippery slope.

It allows the Koreans to reclaim Manchuria/Gando because of Goguryeo/Balhae legacy.
It allows the Outer Mongolians to reclaim Inner Mongolia because of the Yuan dynasty (or all of China for that matter).
It allows China to reclaim Vietnam because of 1,200 years of Chinese domination of Vietnam.

Just in principle, it's just bad to justify annexation because: "We used to own it (at one point in time)" because who is preventing the revival of Mongol empire or British empire?
Just my two cents - it's only an issue if the claiming party is strong enough to contest it. Otherwise, outer mongolia can continue to scream and shout about altaic supremacy whilst achieving nothing


Registered Member
C'mon, there is no spot on the surface of earth that wasn't claimed hundred times by different groups in the past few thousand years.

The only reason is why the current borders are so sacred is beacue they drawn by the USA/UK, and they want to see any changes.


Registered Member
Just my two cents - it's only an issue if the claiming party is strong enough to contest it. Otherwise, outer mongolia can continue to scream and shout about altaic supremacy whilst achieving nothing
Exactly. People act like "international law" or whatever has existed since the beginning of mankind

The truth is that whoever is strongest, can do a lot of things
If Outer Mongolia wants to "reclaim" Inner Mongolia then it is welcome to try. It should keep in mind though that once it starts something, China will take appropriate measures.
In that case, Outer Mongolia would wish that it had the Ukrainian treatment which "only" lost Crimea for crossing a major power

So to make things clear, Russia acts like that in Ukraine because it is a regional great power


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Moderator - World Affairs
Exactly. People act like "international law" or whatever has existed since the beginning of mankind

The truth is that whoever is strongest, can do a lot of things
If Outer Mongolia wants to "reclaim" Inner Mongolia then it is welcome to try. It should keep in mind though that once it starts something, China will take appropriate measures.
In that case, Outer Mongolia would wish that it had the Ukrainian treatment which "only" lost Crimea for crossing a major power

So to make things clear, Russia acts like that in Ukraine because it is a regional great power

I agree with you. Principles matter if ALL sides are playing by the same rules. US has destroyed so much principles since it's a hypocritical asshole, and China doesn't need to abide by principles, since at the end of the day "principles" are all theatre and show for domestic consumption. Might makes right, and if Russia can enforce domination of Eastern Europe, then it deserves it. Much like China deserves it in Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia.


I agree with you. Principles matter if ALL sides are playing by the same rules. US has destroyed so much principles since it's a hypocritical asshole, and China doesn't need to abide by principles, since at the end of the day "principles" are all theatre and show for domestic consumption. Might makes right, and if Russia can enforce domination of Eastern Europe, then it deserves it. Much like China deserves it in Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia.

What makes you think they want to? So far, Putin has only reacted to Western incursions on Russia interests. Crimea was in response to Western color revolution taking over Ukraine. The latest Russia military build up is in response to Western salami slicing tactics to put NATO troops on the Russian border.

Seems to me Putin is only looking to establish a safe buffer zone between NATO and Russia.
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