Ukrainian War Developments

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Richard Santos

Registered Member
Yes, so China should support Russia economically and if necessary, militarily
or exact a commensurate price for not supporting Russia.

however, the value of either supporting russia, extracting a price for not supporting russia, does depend on entirely on how much difference the support can make.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
Because we all live on this same rock in this universe.

Also, some of China's progress and development are derived from peaceful trading with other nations; including Ukraine and Russia. China is not doing forceful or unwanted interfering if Russia and Ukraine both accepts help from China to try to resolve their differences through diplomatical means.

Sounds like either you're a minority or democracy is a sham, as none of your stated view and sentiment is shared by ruling white old men in the collective west.
You're begging for help from China who has been constantly accused of human rights violations in HK, XJ genocide, Covid coverups, currency manipulation, unfair trade practices, stealing of technology, cyber hacking, debt trap, assertiveness and coercion, bans and sanctions, etc, etc, etc,
What gives?


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
or exact a commensurate price for not supporting Russia.

however, either supporting russia, extracting a price for not supporting russia, does depend on how much difference the support can make.
Not supporting Russia can lead to existential issues for China (the West’s actions in the last few years have amply demonstrated that). No price is worth endangering the survival of China.


Junior Member
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Alright, it's too hard to reply to everyone that replies to me. So, let's just go through some basic points.

1) China is next, West will go after China.

Guess what, Trump and the China hawks in America tried their hardest to beat China for 4 years. Has that worked? At worst, you get a couple of small sanctions on China and complain that China is violating human rights or copying their products. Is that going to be really a problem for China? China is not that weak. It doesn't need Russia to stand up to the west. It needs to have its own supply chain so that it can have power over the west.

2) Russia will remember China helping them
Remember how quickly Northern Vietnam forgot China helping them? If you listen to Shilao's podcast, vietnam communists wants China to take over some of Xisha islands. As soon as they took over all of Vietnam and got Russians on their side, they turned their back on all of that. Do you really want to bet that Russia will always be under Putin's control and remember China standing by them?

3) So that Russia emerges this as a big threat to the West
That actually is a legitimate reason to dive in completely to help Russia. However, Russia is having trouble right now to even beat a rag tag bunch of Ukrainians. As Western weapons keep flooding in, Russia will just sink into a bigger quagmire. We've got another Afghanistan on hand.

The best thing for China is if Russia can negotiate a quick ceasefire where they retain Donbas and Crimea and Ukraine is demilitarized. Then, the west will be forced to ante up money to rebuild Ukraine. Otherwise, I don't see how all the Ukrainian refugees can go home. Russia will continue to be heavily sanctioned and motivated to work with China to build a competing finance/trade system that other countries can use. And as long as Russia hates the West, NATO cannot solely focus on China.

None of this requires China to provide military assistance to Russia during this conflict. China can help Russia by just keep trading with Russia and doing all the other things it has been doing.

Thanks for your in-depth analysis.
That's truly a level of material that deserves a confirmed blue check of a reputable American think tank of some sort.
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