Ukrainian War Developments

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New toys used by Russia :
9A52-4 Tornado is Russia's newest MLRS system and is supposed to replace the "Grad" and "Smerch" systems in the coming years. It has a parachute system for its rockets & can hit targets very precisely even behind cover. The Ukrainian side confirmed that it was used near Kiev


Washington Post :
The Russian Ministry of Defense announced on Saturday that its forces had used a hypersonic Kinzhal missile to destroy an underground warehouse in the Ivano-Frankivsk region in western Ukraine.


Kinzhal missile caught on camera :

Kinzhal missile with reference to the test image :



Registered Member
Remember when China sent people in to help Vietnam communists fight America? How well did that work out for China? Is Vietnam bonding over China for years and decades to come?
That isn't a proper example. Nothing can be worse for China than a US dominated Vietnam. It would have been best for China to have Vietnam divided, but North Vietnamese and USSR certainly won't accept that. With or without China's support, North Vietnamese would have fought USA any way, and will eventually conquer the south even without China's help, it would just take a longer time. China can either send in help and gaining a chance that unified Vietnam may remain natural between USSR and China like NK did, or not help and gain a new enemy (NV) at the southern border instead of a much stronger enemy (USA). It is the only smart move for China to support NV regardless the outcome.

One have to choose the lesser bad over the worst. I am sure China will make the same kind of choice even today.

History is our best teacher. For the past thousands of years, China is very well aware of Vietnam. Vietnam always at every possible moment tried to challenge China's position in SE Asia, including direct confrontation with various Chinese dynasties, the latest being Ming and Qing. Yet, Qing dynasty fought France in Vietnam to preserve Chinese influence. PRC was simply doing the same. China isn't doing all these for the sake of Vietnam or for what Vietnam is, but for China's own sphere.
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Registered Member
New toys used by Russia :
9A52-4 Tornado is Russia's newest MLRS system and is supposed to replace the "Grad" and "Smerch" systems in the coming years. It has a parachute system for its rockets & can hit targets very precisely even behind cover. The Ukrainian side confirmed that it was used near Kiev

View attachment 85565
View attachment 85566

Washington Post :
The Russian Ministry of Defense announced on Saturday that its forces had used a hypersonic Kinzhal missile to destroy an underground warehouse in the Ivano-Frankivsk region in western Ukraine.

View attachment 85567

Kinzhal missile caught on camera :

Kinzhal missile with reference to the test image :

Seems they decided to cut the bs and go full Syria?

Rettam Stacf

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China has 2 major battle right now: Taiwan and SCS. That's where it's geopolitical capital needs to be spent on.
This is exactly the point.

China needs a friendly and secured northern and western border where energy and food imports are secure and safe from interruption. If Russia failed and falls, the rest of Central Asian countries currently friendly to China will also fall like dominos. Remember who stopped the recent Kazakhstan uprising in just a matter of days, much to the chagrin of countries hostile to China.

A China secured in her energy and food supply, combined with her own manufacturing prowess, is a powerful deterrent against outside interference in Taiwan and South China Sea.
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Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
This is exactly the point.

China needs a friendly and secured northern and western border where energy and food imports are secure and safe from interruption. If Russia failed and falls, the rest of Central Asian countries currently friendly to China will also fall like dominos.

Remember who stopped the recent Kazakhstan uprising in just a matter of days, much to the chagrin of countries hostile to China.
Can someone explain what 'Russia failed and falls' and 'Russia defeated' when NATO is not involved directly and Kiev is surrounded? It doesn't help your point to be hyperbolic and vague... By all metrics, Russia is WINNING, albeit at an intense economic cost, but it will still survive with partial Chinese financial support.


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Seems they decided to cut the bs and go full Syria?
Au contraire my friend. This system is more precise than conventional rockets. They can use it in dense populated area without risking large collateral damage. Russia won´t go "full syria" (albeit "full syria" is a western propaganda term) it is one of the "moral" pillars of the special operation. What we are seeing in the last days is a increasingly use of more complex and precise wepons systems.

Rettam Stacf

Junior Member
Registered Member
Can someone explain what 'Russia failed and falls' and 'Russia defeated' when NATO is not involved directly and Kiev is surrounded? It doesn't help your point to be hyperbolic and vague... By all metrics, Russia is WINNING, albeit at an intense economic cost, but it will still survive with partial Chinese financial support.

You already answered your own question. Since you have a very clearly idea what WINNING means, then just take failing to achieve that as "failed, falls, defeated" ;)


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FM Lavrov: The goal of sanctions is more strategic than just Ukraine. It is quintessence of West’s strategic course to marginalise, contain Russia, stop our development & reduce Russia to zero role in world politics, economy and trade, world sports, art, science and education.

⚡️"Russia will not put forward initiatives to improve relations with the West: let's see how they themselves will get out of the impasse into which they have driven themselves," - Lavrov.

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Also some unrest forming in at least one NATO country. Bulgaria is culturally and historically close to Russia. I'm not sure how the people would feel going to war with them.
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To me it looks more like your typical peaceful demonstration than unrest. And not a particular huge one.
So impossible to tell if it represents the common Bulgarian sentiment or not.
Most likely a vocal miniority supporting Russia and those exist in every European country. Nothing new.
Now compare this to one from the Czech Republic:
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