Ukrainian War Developments

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It's much more than economic clout, although that certainly helped. It was military occupation.

US control of SK and Japan is reflected in the following aspects:
- Military: both countries host US troops and their own military is subordinate to the US military.
- Media: media corporations in both countries are heavily controlled, directly or indirectly, by US capital.
- Political: politicians in both countries are in the payroll of large corporations, which again, directly or indirectly, is controlled by US capital.
- Culture: widespread white-worshipping in both countries as anything Western is associated with wealth and high status.


Registered Member
China has 2 major battle right now: Taiwan and SCS. That's where it's geopolitical capital needs to be spent on.
If Russia emerges from this conflict a bigger threat, America needs to divide their attention between two fronts. Even today that's evident, America's F-35 future production capacity will be taken up by European countries. If it wasn't for that they'd be deployed against China. That alone is a big win for China. Then there's all the potential economic benefits we may see as America and Europe commit trade harakiri while China is economically stable.

Even if you look at the situation purely pragmatically it makes no sense not to help them if they need it. It could cause problems for China, but it would be much better than the alternative.

I get the impression you are pro American?


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Nope. Russia getting defeated means that China is next.
I am surprised that you can't understand this simple geopolitical fact.

In simple terms, China needs to to everything it can do to avoid a Russia defeat.
In any case, Russia will win but it is still important to keep in mind the wider geostrategic international environment
What exactly is a 'Russian defeat' defined as? NATO isn't getting involved.... Kiev is surrounded. I don't understand how Russia can be 'defeated', sounds hyperbolic. It's obviously going to win in Ukraine, just as a high economic cost which it will still survive... but likely as an international pariah for a long ass time.

China is forever targeted by US/NATO, with or without Russia. It's a matter of using Russia to distract the West and reduce containment pressure until China can grow into an Second Superpower.
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Junior Member
Early quitters never win. China should have pushed into Hanoi and replaced the government and army command. Vietnam was utterly spent after their war with the US and if China accepted additional losses, it would have also remodeled Vietnam's diplomacy lastingly. In fact, the attritional war throughout the 80s till 90s did exactly this - it was Vietnam who sued for peace and normalization, not the other way around. It would have been better to fight that same attritional war South of Hanoi than at Laoshan, in retrospect.
So much for China's lessons from the Sino-Vietnam war that China could learn from, in regards to it's support to Russia. It is better to fight the war against America in the Ukraine now than to have to fight it later along the sino-russian border if Russia falls.


Senior Member
Registered Member
FM Lavrov: The goal of sanctions is more strategic than just Ukraine. It is quintessence of West’s strategic course to marginalise, contain Russia, stop our development & reduce Russia to zero role in world politics, economy and trade, world sports, art, science and education.

Day 22 – where do we go from here? Two decisions | The Vineyard of the Saker

18 MARCH 2022 - 43666 Views - 360 Comments

Dear friend

I think that three weeks into this special military operation we can take a few moments to pause and think about where we are and where we go from here.

My first observation is this: there are, roughly, two main groups of people out there, those who “get it” and those who don’t. In practical terms, this is what this means for me: when I write I am either “preaching to the choir” or I am trying to reach folks who are “unreachable” (being polite here).

For the past three weeks, I have tried to debunk the US PSYOP narrative, alongside folks like ANDREI MARTYANOV at Reminiscences of the Future and Bernhard at MOON OF ALABAMA. My health does not allow me to sustain such a crazy tempo and I need to enter something of a “temporary rest mode” if I want to avoid being forced into rest by my body.

Yet I still get a daily deluge of questions from those who did not “get it” and, frankly, I am exhausted trying to debunk the same stuff over and over and over again.

So, one last time:

IN PURELY MILITARY TERMS, the picture we see now is simple: the Ukie military as a strategic instrument basically died in the first 24 hours. Then the Russians used a small force to bypass and block main cities. With some very notable exceptions (Mariupol) they did not try to enter them. WHY? For 3 crucial reasons:

1) they did not have the manpower needed (in Mariupol the force correlation is about 1:1 when it should really be 3-5:1 in favor of the attacker)

2) they wanted to kill as few Ukrainians as possible and

3) they did not want to flatten cities only to have to pay for their reconstruction.

So WHERE ARE THE REST of the Russian forces and WHAT ARE THEY DOING?

They are mostly in their permanent deployment bases and THEY ARE READY FOR A WAR AGAINST THE US+NATO.

And if you are the type of believes that “the Russians are running out of manpower” ask yourself why the BLACK SEA FLEET did not use its elite Naval Infantry, amphibious landing capability or its firepower (I remind you that all the huge damage done to the NATO BASE IN WESTERN UKRAINE was just a single salvo from one single small vessel (what the Russian call a “small missile ship”), probably with one (land or air based) Iskander to add some specific “punch” where needed. If the Russian were running out of manpower, would she not use the Black Sea Fleet to the max? Instead, she is keeping it NEAR ODESSA, ready to strike if/when needed, not only at the Ukraine, but at NATO too (ditto for the group of Russian ships in the eastern Mediterranean).

This is why Putin refers to this operation as a “SPECIAL MILITARY OPERATION” and NOT AS A “WAR” or a “combined arms operation”.

Again, you either “get it” or you don’t. It’s that simple, really.


However, I think that most people in Russia are stunned by what is a full-scale “hate war” on Russia which we can call the “Cancel Russia war“. In essence, the West did throw everything it had at Russia short of a overt military aggression and knowing the geniuses in power in the US+UK+PL I would not even put it past them to try to fight Russia directly.

So what began as a special military operation to denazify and disarm Banderastan in a preemptive war turned into a global “CANCEL RUSSIA” world war.

How could I blame folks in Russia for not being able to imagine the utter suicidal depravity of the western ruling classes when I, who was born in the heart of Europe and lived all my life in the West could not imagine these ruling classes to be so absolutely out of touch with reality?

Again, to be clear, Russians were not “naive” to “trust” the West about anything, but THEY INDEED ASSUMED that the ruling class of the USA WOULD NOT DECIDE TO BLOW UP THE PLANET economically and even possibly militarily because it would hurt the interests of the US ruling class. So if anybody is “dumbshit stupid” it is hardly the Russians, but rather the folks who rule over the USA (and, therefore, over the EU too).

There is also this Russian expression: “you should count your chicks in the Fall”. Let’s see by year’s end who was really dumbshit stupid and who will have prevailed.

Now I think that it is time for all of us, myself included, TO LET GO OF THE THOUGHT “no, they can’t possibly by THAT delusional” and ASSUME THAT YES, they are really THAT delusional.


Read the remaining substantial part and more intense one at the website, it's something related to US + UK + PL intention.

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