Ukrainian War Developments

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Even a TV hostess now understands that logic. Note that Chinese government has never ever publicly stated or explained to the Chinese public the strategic rationale.
I feel amazed that some experienced members here have not got such understanding that China won't stand idle seeing the west ganging up to beat Russia. Any good leader in Beijing, not only Xi, won't let such thing happen as long as the west behave like this one... and it may take some centuries to change the habits, attitude, values, way of life, ideology... in the west to regain some genuine trust of Chinese! In particular the Anglo-Saxon or Anglo-America group! At least Russia is more trustworthy, more sincere and not busy body to interfere and dominate other people's life! Not some one who's trying to force-feed / subdue / alter you!


Registered Member
The reason of bagged side ERA is the width of the tanks.

The T-72 3590mm, the Russian railway gauge 3750, means the tank has 80 mm on both side during loading.

So it is not possile to load and transport the tanks on railway with ERAs on the side.

The maximum allowed width for road vehicles is 2600 mm , means the T-72 on normal roads could hit obstacles with its side.

I mean, the allowed width means the road/railways designed width this rules, anything wider than this could hit obstacles with its sides.


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Remember when China sent people in to help Vietnam communists fight America? How well did that work out for China? Is Vietnam bonding over China for years and decades to come?

You are coming out more and more as a appeasenik with loads of FUD to pass around till next millennium, sometimes even bordering on gaslighting with loaded questions. Is that how they do in psywar preps? Why so risk averse? You can't stay hidden and refuse to take charge of situations to your advantage while China is a power that Biden is calling to threaten - threaten China to get China's help in the situation for Pete's sake. Did you see the absolute lunacy of that attitude? And you are suggesting that's just fine and it's okay to live with that as long as possible? It doesn't matter China ships weapons or not, the matter is don't try to shape China's behavior to your advantage with threats and economic, financial coercion. It's China's sovereign choice to make, not anybody else. Are we ready to face the world as a great nation, do we have strong legs to stand up, that's the question.


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yes. I will talk more about it on the Malacca strait thread

so you have no issue with not providing military assistance. As for semiconductors, that's up to the companies themselves to decide.

One country initiated the invasion.

If Ukraine wins, that's the fallout of Russia's epic blunders and terrible planning.

China has 2 major battle right now: Taiwan and SCS. That's where it's geopolitical capital needs to be spent on.

Remember when China sent people in to help Vietnam communists fight America? How well did that work out for China? Is Vietnam bonding over China for years and decades to come?
"I make a categorical distinction between countries that host US troops and ones that don't; I consider the former to be under military occupation."
This is a question that people living in countries which host USA troops never are willing to ask themselves, because the answer is what it is and is hard to admitted.


Registered Member
so you have no issue with not providing military assistance. As for semiconductors, that's up to the companies themselves to decide.
No, it isn't, just like it isn't up to LockMart whether or not to provide weapons to Taiwan. How many semiconductors and of what kind go to Russia is a Chinese strategic prerogative, and companies who don't like it will do it anyway.
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One country initiated the invasion.
I'm not about to buy Europe's moralizing and pearl clutching. Even if they're completely right about this war, the blood dripping from their hands from all their criminal wars should shut their mouths forever. They're the absolute last people to talk about invasions and unjust wars.
If Ukraine wins, that's the fallout of Russia's epic blunders and terrible planning.
Ukraine cannot win. This war is being waged on its territory while Russian territory and supply lines are untouched. However much Russia bungled this war, this fact remains unchanged.
Remember when China sent people in to help Vietnam communists fight America? How well did that work out for China? Is Vietnam bonding over China for years and decades to come?
There's a lesson here. America occupied the countries it fought in and remade their political systems while China withdrew as soon as the fighting was done. Let's hope China understands the mistake it made and corrects it in future.
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