Ukrainian War Developments

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Ships loaded with kit head West from Russian Far East:

Oligarchs fleeing?

On top of Vladolf Putler's unhinged rant, there's this mysterious u-turn:

For that u turn, Bloomberg asked Zhao Lijian about that and he told them to go ask the Bild about it. Basically that’s a sarcastic way of saying, “gtfo with that fake s**t”. In short, it’s fake news.


More like I wondered if you were actually worth my time. You're not.
No, everyone who can chew you up and leave you with no rebuttal isn't worth your time, you debate champ, you. But sorry, if your time is for making yourself feel good, or non-stupid for that matter, then you're really wasting it here, especially with me.

james smith esq

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I am still waiting to see the Tu-22M3 enter the conflict. That is when they will really start blowing shit up.
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The Russians are acting with kid gloves in the Russian majority areas. But once those get overrun I do not know if they will continue like this.
I’ve long expected this on Ukrainian troop concentrations. I’m guessin’ there are no long linear fronts that would present the best targets?


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I have to say, folks, this thread is something else. I see a ton of chest thumping over nukes and what China will do, but very little on the front of what is happening on the ground. Clearly, not much is being reported or none that is worthy of comment.

Let me toss bits into this feeding frenzy pit.

1. I've wondered how Ukraine could remotely or even plausibly ID so many of the soldiers or officers they claim to have killed. Yes, many have dog tags, all seemed a little odd. Either it was blatant propaganda (say it ain't so!) or something else was up. Still probably a lot of propaganda, but they might have a way to quickly ID the dead.

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2. An interesting potential development for the IT world of Russia: a claim they will run out of data storage in about 2 months with the sanctions. This is coming via the Kommersant, so be a bit cautious. Do we have a data storage salesman from China to go with the drone salesman?

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3. Kommersant is also reporting Gavrilov's resignation. Still Kommersant, so tread carefully.
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4. Russian losses. IF (and only if) Oryx is remotely accurate, Russia has lost about 14 BTGs + Tank battalions worth of tanks, IFVs and APCs. Others here have pointed out they think Oryx has over reported some kills (different angles of the same equipment), which I find plausible. However, we also know not all of the kills are reported, so I would call their numbers to be a minimum amount of equipment killed to be likewise plausible. For the Russians. Their Ukrainian numbers are utter bunk, to put it politely.

5. I've been hearing about the kessel in the east since the war started. The Russians were imminently going to surround the eastern Ukrainian army. Its the logical thing to do, imo, from my not quite armchair. Yet, it has not happened.

6. However, there does seem to be progress by the LNR & DNR. Rubizhne appears to have been taken. However, Donetsk is still being hit by rocket/missile fire. So their advances can't be that far.

7. I am hearing rumors of the Russian army attempting to run up the Left Bank of the Dnieper and meet up with forces coming south. That could be the kessel closing or it could be bunk, too.

8. The Ukrainians claim to have conducted counterattacks. Localized ones outside of Kiev seem to be most of them. One across the Dnieper driving towards Kherson supposedly as well. There was supposedly a video posted by a Ukrainian MP driving through the route. If true, that could be mildly wild. I have sincere doubts. However, if the Ukrainians are doing this and it is a substantial effort - again, doubts, lots of doubts - and IF the Russians are stretched thin, this could be problematic if the Ukrainians can park themselves on the Russian supply lines or do a running raid through the Russian rear. I don't doubt the Russians would crush the incursion, but if the Ukrainians ran wild for a time...

9. I'm owning up to being very wrong on the Russian warship. Feel free to mock. I am hear to accept my shame.

10. The Pentagon claims the Tennessean National Guard members reported killed in the Donbass is fake and they are alive in the US. Propaganda and lies. Let's remember all sides have reason to sow false information in the war. Ghost of Kiev or dead TNG. Deep fakes of Zelenskyy or claims of mass arrests of Russian generals or FSB officers. Or...ahem...destroyed Russian warships. Let's be on our toes. Me included. Especially me.

11. It occurs to me the reason the Russians keep moving amphibious ships near Odesa isn't do conduct a landing at all, but rather to tie up forces to counter a potential landing. The USMC did the same in the Gulf War off Kuwait as a distraction for the Iraqi military.

I do want to underscore the rage Ukrainians feel. This is not abetting with despair. People keep saying the West is willing to fight to the last Ukrainian. That's not quite accurate. Increasingly, I wonder what Putin's exit strategy is. A puppet regime doesn't seem plausible at all to me. But, happily, I don't lead one of the most powerful nations on the world. He hopefully has thought that through. Because all I see are two of the most obstinately stubborn cultures in the world have gone to war with each other.

Three weeks in and Ukraine has not fallen. Kiev, Kharkov, Sumy, Odesa, and even Mauripol still stands. For now. That last I expect to fall relatively soon.

Time will tell. I hope all of you are also safe in your armchairs and continue pontificating in health.
I suggest all armchair generals here to be way more prudent in putting personal opinions and analyses on the war development in Ukraine...

amidst THE FOG OF WAR...

let the Real Experts and better informed sources do this part... folks like Andrei Martyanov, Dmitry Orlov, Elijah J. Magnier, retired US Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor, and those at The Saker and The Moon of Alabama... also those with their youtube channels: Alexander Mercouris; Alex Christorou; Richard Medhurst... also few good channels at Telegram also in Twitter with careful reporting not tendentious, they all are much more careful in putting their views and analyses, and definitely better access to the actual sources of info.

“In war, truth is the first casualty.” — Aeschylus

*** I indeed ignore all the BAGHDAD BOB style reporting! Don't want to waste time for the junks.


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OK, which ones? There are only 17 T80BVM;s listed so should be easy to point out which of the images are of the same tank. Here's the link:

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hey the first link I opened

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how do you even tell it’s Russian not Ukrainian?

Same with this one

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And this one

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And that’s just the first few I opened. did you even look at some of the photos before so blindly supporting oryx? I’m genuinely curious.


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Testimony of evacuated civilians from Mariupol:


Posted on 18 March 2022 by UkraineMaps

Information from today, 18 March 2022, they left Mariupol. Mass evacuation started since yesterday, 17 March 2022.

Miraculously surviving refugees from Mariupol told why they could not leave the city earlier Why didn't you leave earlier? - Because no one let us out!

They say that AZOV did not allow them to leave Mariupol. You have it here in English

Greek refugee from Mariupol: “Ukrainian soldiers stopped and threatened us, Russian soldiers calmed us down” (VIDEO)

The shocking moments that were experienced when escaping the horror of the war were described by ethnic Greeks originally from Sartana on the outskirts of Mariupol in Eastern Ukraine.

The refugees from Sartana have been in hosting facilities of the Municipality of Zografou in Athens for a week now and their children have already started school.

In speaking about their escape from Mariupol through a corridor, one refugee speaking in Greek with a distinguishable Ukrainian accent said to OPEN TV: “I remember when leaving Mariupol, Ukrainian soldiers stopped us and threatened us.”

“Russian soldiers in tanks were trying to calm us down after all of that,” she added.

The woman’s account of being attacked by the Ukrainian military matches that of another ethnic Greek from Mariupol who said he could not escape the besieged city because he would be killed by the neo-Nazi Azov battalion.

In late February, with Russian forces besieging Mariupol, in which 120,000+ ethnic Greeks live in and its surrounding villages including Sartana, SKAI news spoke with Mr Kiouranas who lives in the city and described the Ukrainian “fascists.”

When asked by SKAI news if he planned to leave the city, Kiouranas responded “how can I leave? When you try to leave you run the risk of running into a patrol of the Ukrainian fascists, the Azov Battalion.”

“They would kill me and are responsible for everything,” he added.

( . . . ) 18 MARCH 2022
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Of course, Azov *hates* the locals in Mariupol and they have already carried out atrocities against Mariupol citizens when they re-captured the city in summer 2014.

The reason why AZOV et al do not care about civilians in Mariupol is that in 2014 when the Ukrainians fled from the city during the Donetsk militia offensive the locals raised the Russian flag & elected a new pro-Russian mayor before the Kremlin told the DPR to stand down.

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Russia's nuclear arsenal is not as credible as the US's nuclear arsenal. They have a lot of warheads but have limited ways of delivering them to their targets. China has the same issue, which is why the US establishment does not fear nuclear war with either country. They know that in the end, they will win.
no, it's actually due to hubris. Russia test fires salvos of Bulavas and Topols at full range every year. So they're welcome to roll the dice with their own existence but I think that Biden trying to deescalate is a sign they don't want to. If they truly believed this they'll call the bluff and escalate.
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