Ukrainian War Developments

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@Appix Be ready for a False Flag operation, the American is determined to fight the Russian to the last Ukrainian. I hope sanity prevail in Washington DC as most of us don't signed up to be sacrificed in a Nuclear War for their ego and privilege.
You hope sanity will prevail in Washington DC..... LMAO!!????? Really????? Did you ever meet or see a group of far-right fundamentalist nutjobs that became sane and saw the error of their ways ? Did Adolf suddenly regain his sanity when knew the war was lost ? Nutjobs and groups of nutjobs usually double down. Has the Neocon/Neolib US learned anything from its wars and coups of aggression in the past 20 years!!???


Registered Member
You hope sanity will prevail in Washington DC..... LMAO!!????? Really????? Did you ever meet or see a group of far-right fundamentalist nutjobs that became sane and saw the error of their ways ? Did Adolf suddenly regain his sanity when knew the war was lost ? Nutjobs and groups of nutjobs usually double down. Has the Neocon/Neolib US learned anything from its wars and coups of aggression in the past 20 years!!???
@Laviduce Yeah bro, Hopium is the only weed I can smoke and afford, I don't have that privilege being an Asian middle age


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I have to say, folks, this thread is something else. I see a ton of chest thumping over nukes and what China will do, but very little on the front of what is happening on the ground. Clearly, not much is being reported or none that is worthy of comment.

Let me toss bits into this feeding frenzy pit.

1. I've wondered how Ukraine could remotely or even plausibly ID so many of the soldiers or officers they claim to have killed. Yes, many have dog tags, all seemed a little odd. Either it was blatant propaganda (say it ain't so!) or something else was up. Still probably a lot of propaganda, but they might have a way to quickly ID the dead.

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2. An interesting potential development for the IT world of Russia: a claim they will run out of data storage in about 2 months with the sanctions. This is coming via the Kommersant, so be a bit cautious. Do we have a data storage salesman from China to go with the drone salesman?

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3. Kommersant is also reporting Gavrilov's resignation. Still Kommersant, so tread carefully.
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4. Russian losses. IF (and only if) Oryx is remotely accurate, Russia has lost about 14 BTGs + Tank battalions worth of tanks, IFVs and APCs. Others here have pointed out they think Oryx has over reported some kills (different angles of the same equipment), which I find plausible. However, we also know not all of the kills are reported, so I would call their numbers to be a minimum amount of equipment killed to be likewise plausible. For the Russians. Their Ukrainian numbers are utter bunk, to put it politely.

5. I've been hearing about the kessel in the east since the war started. The Russians were imminently going to surround the eastern Ukrainian army. Its the logical thing to do, imo, from my not quite armchair. Yet, it has not happened.

6. However, there does seem to be progress by the LNR & DNR. Rubizhne appears to have been taken. However, Donetsk is still being hit by rocket/missile fire. So their advances can't be that far.

7. I am hearing rumors of the Russian army attempting to run up the Left Bank of the Dnieper and meet up with forces coming south. That could be the kessel closing or it could be bunk, too.

8. The Ukrainians claim to have conducted counterattacks. Localized ones outside of Kiev seem to be most of them. One across the Dnieper driving towards Kherson supposedly as well. There was supposedly a video posted by a Ukrainian MP driving through the route. If true, that could be mildly wild. I have sincere doubts. However, if the Ukrainians are doing this and it is a substantial effort - again, doubts, lots of doubts - and IF the Russians are stretched thin, this could be problematic if the Ukrainians can park themselves on the Russian supply lines or do a running raid through the Russian rear. I don't doubt the Russians would crush the incursion, but if the Ukrainians ran wild for a time...

9. I'm owning up to being very wrong on the Russian warship. Feel free to mock. I am hear to accept my shame.

10. The Pentagon claims the Tennessean National Guard members reported killed in the Donbass is fake and they are alive in the US. Propaganda and lies. Let's remember all sides have reason to sow false information in the war. Ghost of Kiev or dead TNG. Deep fakes of Zelenskyy or claims of mass arrests of Russian generals or FSB officers. Or...ahem...destroyed Russian warships. Let's be on our toes. Me included. Especially me.

11. It occurs to me the reason the Russians keep moving amphibious ships near Odesa isn't do conduct a landing at all, but rather to tie up forces to counter a potential landing. The USMC did the same in the Gulf War off Kuwait as a distraction for the Iraqi military.

I do want to underscore the rage Ukrainians feel. This is not abetting with despair. People keep saying the West is willing to fight to the last Ukrainian. That's not quite accurate. Increasingly, I wonder what Putin's exit strategy is. A puppet regime doesn't seem plausible at all to me. But, happily, I don't lead one of the most powerful nations on the world. He hopefully has thought that through. Because all I see are two of the most obstinately stubborn cultures in the world have gone to war with each other.

Three weeks in and Ukraine has not fallen. Kiev, Kharkov, Sumy, Odesa, and even Mauripol still stands. For now. That last I expect to fall relatively soon.

Time will tell. I hope all of you are also safe in your armchairs and continue pontificating in health.


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You hope sanity will prevail in Washington DC..... LMAO!!????? Really????? Did you ever meet or see a group of far-right fundamentalist nutjobs that became sane and saw the error of their ways ? Did Adolf suddenly regain his sanity when knew the war was lost ? Nutjobs and groups of nutjobs usually double down. Has the Neocon/Neolib US learned anything from its wars and coups of aggression in the past 20 years!!???
We are doom. At least I live in the southernmost city in the world.


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Even among the oligarchs in Russia you have basically two groups. The ones which picked up, for pennies on the dollar, state owned corporate assets with export potential after the fall of the Soviet Union and the ones with businesses which operate mostly inside Russia.

The first group is universally reviled inside Russia and ran extractive businesses which leeched Russia to pile up fortunes stashed in the West.

Putin's massive state backed construction program over the past decade created a huge amount of private construction businesses in Russia. This is the second group. These companies have limited dealings with outside countries. When Putin made the counter sanctions against the EU, after the annexation of Crimea, a huge amount of those construction oligarchs moved into agribusiness and got fabulously rich. Putin also privatized most of the MIC into state owned corporations. He put the majority of oil&gas exploration under state control as well. This is a huge segment of the corporate sector in Russia both private and state backed. A lot of these people will see in the current Western sanctions a chance to get rich just like they did with the agribusiness. And those with connections to the West, thanks to Western asset seizures, lost a lot of the leverage they had in Russia in the first place.

See? My conspiracy theory is not so crazy after all! Putin is using this war to clean house, the west thinks sanction hurts him.... jokes on them he loves this shits!


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Moderator - World Affairs
But will China be able to save itself once NATO is finished with destroying Russia? I'm sure China has a better chance of winning its struggle against NATO with Russia still around, trying to appease the west wouldn't change their intentions to destroy China.
Did you even watch the video? Putin is threatening nuclear war with NATO/US. NATO-Russia will eradicate each other in a nuclear exchange. So why should China defend itself against NATO when NATO will cease to exist as a entity?

Here is the video again:
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