Ukrainian War Developments

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Annalena Baerbock: "Germany is ready to commit economic suicide to please its masters in Washington DC"

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IMHO: Germany and any responsible nation in Europe should sent their US agents packing. These people do not serve Germany or Europe, these people serve Washington DC. This is getting absurd.
I think her NS2 comments are just empty talk.

NS2 is far too important for German Industry to be allowed to be cut off due to CIA interference


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I would simply say try not to get caught up in the overblown rhetoric and wishful thinking of the US. Putin has shown that just by moving his forces around and putting them through exercises, that he can bring the Ukraine (and to a degree NATO) to its knees. This of course assumes that these troop numbers are even real and not simply a self defeating imaginary invention of the West.
The rhetoric coming from Washington and delegates at Munich has more than an air of desperation about them.
Can it be that all the overblown rhetoric of recent weeks was supposed to be matched by actions on the ground that never happened? Have planned provocations been blocked by Russian Intelligence, making the West look very foolish?

Putin has many cards and has proved a very canny player. It would take more than one simple provocation to force him to take obvious and overt action and it is likely that the attempt to do so would mean a provocation on a scale which could not be hidden or misrepresented, thus providing a legitimate Casus Belli.

Never mind what Washington says Putin is going to do, only Putin knows how he will react and he is sharper than any of them.
Another point perhaps worth noting is the meeting between Putin and Xi at Beijing, presumably during which Putin in all likelihood would've briefed Xi on his intentions as well as Russia's actual game plan.

So any statement China makes and any action she takes would most certainly have been formulated well in advance and in concert with the Russian side.

Like you said, Putin is a sharp fellow. Whatever the rhetoric or response from the West may be, I reckon how China would respond may actually give us a clearer indication of where Putin's head is at. The US for their part is certainly aware of that fact, I'm sure, which is why they've been bandying sanctioning China for a Russian invasion, and breaking ties and all that, just to see which way China twitches.


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Annalena Baerbock: "Germany is ready to commit economic suicide to please its masters in Washington DC"

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IMHO: Germany and any responsible nation in Europe should sent their US agents packing. These people do not serve Germany or Europe, these people serve Washington DC. This is getting absurd.
When Germany end up freezing to death because of her stupidity, I wonder how long her life will last. Damn the USA is becoming a true liability to the world. One that should the nation fall, no one is going to help there worthless ass ever again and thus it will become imperative for other nations to sanction this idiot nation into the ground to show them just how pain things are when they get hit in return being being a c&*t on the world stage for so long

Here's the secret: The US is never going to be done with Russia.

Its do or die for Russia with much at stake but note as well, the stake are also very high for the USA as well, if they fail in the future, then expect the same thing to happen to the USA, neither Russia nor China will ever be done with the USA


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Russia is the only nation that support China in WW II when everybody abandoned China No China should stick it with Russia
China could send a peacekeeping force in Ukraine ? It could be epic ! Imagine the face of Nato when Chinese troop go in and bring security for east Ukraine. Everyone would be flabbergasted. Russia will say thank you, the UN could only agree and the rest would be so angry, lol.
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