Ukrainian War Developments

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What can Russians do?

Simply by cutting off all gas exports to Europe.

40% of Europe depends on gas from Russia. Some EU countries have more than 60% of their national energy composition based on Russian gas.

The price of electricity will skyrocket in Europe and part of Europe will be without power, which will cause temporary blackouts, business closures, families will be without electricity, among other generalized consequences.

What does this imply?

The sector that most depends on gas energy is industry.

Highly industrialized countries like Germany, France, Italy, Spain among others, basically those in Western Europe will simply see their industries dwindle.

And for the US?

The EU is the US's biggest trading partner. Exports to the EU make up 18.7% and imports make up 18.9% of the total balance of trade, this means that the EU alone has a total percentage of 37.6% of US foreign trade.

Clearly, Americans can withstand these economic effects, but the EU cannot, especially considering the world we are living in with tremendous political instability, high energy prices that can even prevent sanctions, and high commodity inflation in general.

America won’t be able to withstand the economic effects. Not the average joe at least. 61% of Americans (70% millennials) are living paycheck to paycheck which was reported not even half a week ago.

Energy prices in Europe is not an isolated factor. Global Energy prices will surge for everyone across this planet. This isn’t simply just blackouts for Europe but will affect everyone from the Americas to Africa to East Asia.

If Russia cuts energy exports then Europe will be forced to buy energy on the spot market which will lead to global energy prices to explode higher.

james smith esq

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Damn, I sure am going to miss these, homemade, bacon, pepper-jack, and avocado sandwiches when I’m in post-nuclear survivalist mode!


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Yes, invasion of another sovereign independent country is by definition 'Imperialism'. What else is it? "Defensive offensive action?" Use some common sense.

The notion of Imperialism is subjective, how do you like America labeling China's actions to protect its interests in the South China Sea as being imperialist? Your decision to label Russia's actions to protect its national interest as "Imperialist" shows your malice towards Russia.

America is also an imperialist country. Russia is an imperialist country.

America is an Imperialist country that seeks to Destroy China. Russia on the other hand is Chinas primary ally in resisting American aggression and Imperialism. But instead of supporting Russia, you push for narratives that paint Russia in a bad light, and Guess who gains from all this? America. You are Supporting American narratives that is aimed to drive a wedge between China and Russia relations.

Still two White Imperialists at the end of the day, and I am anti-White imperialism (Russian or American).

Obviously, you are just using anti-white Imperialism as an excuse to mask your Pro-Western and Anti-Russian attitude. Let me just remind you of some Facts. Both Russia and China have NO existing border disputes. Period. Relations between the two countries are at a historic high. Meanwhile, America is churning propaganda 24/7 about how China is an Imperialist country that wants to enslave its neighbors, wants to lure countries into debt traps, committing Genocide in Xinjiang, and all other sorts of smear campaign designed to denigrate China's reputation to the world. And Here you are, repeating the same propaganda that America is throwing at Russia. This raises a lot of serious questions about your REAL intention. What ever it is, its obviously not for the benefit of China.


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If Russia invades Ukraine under the pretense of protecting ethnic Russians then China should vote in UNSC to condemn the invasion. To do otherwise will certainly alarm SEA countries with large Chinese diaspora.

Of course, China should also veto any resolution seeking to sanction Russia.


Registered Member
Everyone seems to have forgotten that Biden publically said that he has reliable intelligence that Russia is going to invade Ukraine on wednesday. The entire western media has somehow forgotten that, and continues to claim that they have reliable evidence that Russia will invade.

The Anglos will continue to goad Russia into attacking Ukraine, and we will continue to see escalation of violence in the seperatist regions.
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