The gringos can all pound sand.
This is like the US government war on Huawei 5G.
One point of that war, was that the US government had no evidence.
Therefore, trying to bad mouth the competition was their only hope. It did not exactly work.
Here, they are trying the same tactic.
However, they are not saying, do not use Huawei 5G because of security risks.
The US government is saying do not use China/Huawei products because they support the Russians, who are the new bogeyman.
Actually, this strategy of trying to blacken China Inc., because it is indifferent to the war in Europe, has a better chance of swaying the Europeans to the US side to ban Chinese products. There is an actual war going on. With Huawei, they had no proof.
This is a better tactic, but will it be a winning strategy for the United States to limit Chinese tech in Europe? Maybe, maybe not.
After all, the United States is coaching their TikTok influencers on how to do the messaging right, CIA-style.
Although my comments are not directed towards this current war in Europe, the United States is taking this opportunity to reignite the war against Chinese tech, which the US wants the Europeans to fall in line.
The Europeans probably have bigger problems on their minds now, but give the United States credit, they are sneaky enough and sharp enough to try pull crap at this most opportune time.