Where was the so-called bullshit "INTERNATIONAL (American) rules based order" then?
Are you suggesting its ok for Russia to invade Ukraine?
Where was the so-called bullshit "INTERNATIONAL (American) rules based order" then?
What happened to "Non-interference in domestic affairs" principle in Chinese foreign affairs?Are you suggesting its ok for Russia to invade Ukraine?
The Indian elites have really hitched their wagon to their new master a.k.a. the U.S. with one of their personalities making a case why allowing the attack on UKRAINE apparently sets a DANGEROUS PRECEDENT and then invoking the bogeyman that's China. With baseless allegations of China bullying smaller countries around it's periphery like which country has China invaded? Taiwan is an internal issue, a non dejure so-called country, recognized by none other than a few inconsequential (meant no offense) countries. The Indians are such shameless nuisance.
What goes around comes around. Western powers have been abusing their powers by invading, sanctioning, and threatening countless nations. Nothing was done to stop them. They have been getting away for so many years and so many times.Are you suggesting its ok for Russia to invade Ukraine?
It isn't about right or wrong anymore. It is about hard power. Russia is no longer afraid of the US sanction because the US has misused its sanction. Since Russia has little to lose, then you can't stop Russia unless you are willing to go to war.
It doesn't apply to besties. Problem?What happened to "Non-interference in domestic affairs" principle in Chinese foreign affairs?Or does that not apply to "best buddies"?
Well, don't poke the bear, don't poke the panda, and don't poke the eagle especially you are their neighbors. Both Nations and people might have forgotten that Russia is a military power that the US doesn't dare and want to confront.If it was wrong for the US to do it, then it is wrong for Russia.
If it was right for the US to do it, then it should be for Russia now if they feel the need.
That's what I am pointing out.
As for power, it's always been about that.
Why don't you answer my question and then I'll answer yours after.Are you suggesting its ok for Russia to invade Ukraine?
To you and @Phead128 MIGHT MAKES RIGHT. As much as some of us would like to believe but what I said above is the absolute truth. Question: If China is militarily a joke do you think that the US and it's hilarious "RULES BASED ORDER" would be applied to China? I don't think so. Let's not kid ourselves power, hard power matters greatly from an individual level, company level, and definitely more so on a country level where the fight for control and independence is paramount.Are you suggesting its ok for Russia to invade Ukraine?