Ukrainian War Developments

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Moderator - World Affairs
The speech published by China's mission to UN in Chinese.
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In the speech, China acknowledged the diplomatic effort by Russia with France and Germany. China believe that European countries will make independent strategic decisions that serves their own interests.

China believe that every event has a reason. NATO expansion is a cause to the current Ukraine problem that can not be overlooked. NATO's expansion after the cold war is against the desire of common security. No country can build their security on the cost of others. Security must not be build by enhancing and expansion of military alliance. Some country does something and say something else etc. etc. etc.

The words that China said saying without saying are:
  • Europe (other than Russia) is not independent yet.
  • Europe (other than Russia) is not serving their own interests.
  • NATO expansion is the cause, and must stop.
  • NATO is the devil against peace.
  • USA is the root cause of the whole thing, in Europe and beyond.
The full speech by Chinese Ambassador Zhang Jun is more neutral than you are portraying it.

Yes, NATO expansionism is a problem and NATO should address Russia's concerns, but China is pushing for a political settlement, return to New Minsk Agreement, and reduction in tensions from all parties (including Russia). It's not giving Russia a 'blank check' to annex every part of Ukraine like you seem to be suggesting.

China seems to be playing the "Adult" in the room which is important for the legitimacy of UNSC.


Registered Member
Why was Kosovo allowed to be carved out of Serbia with the blessings of a supposed DEFENSIVE ALLIANCE CALLED NATO without the approval of the UN and the operation itself was against INTERNATIONAL LAW. Why was IRAQ allowed to be invaded by the U.S. despite failing to provide any semblance of evidence to support their FALSE CLAIMS of WMD against Iraq. Where was the so-called bullshit "INTERNATIONAL (American) rules based order" then?



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The Indian elites have really hitched their wagon to their new master a.k.a. the U.S. with one of their personalities making a case why allowing the attack on UKRAINE apparently sets a DANGEROUS PRECEDENT and then invoking the bogeyman that's China. With baseless allegations of China bullying smaller countries around it's periphery like which country has China invaded? Taiwan is an internal issue, a non dejure so-called country, recognized by none other than a few inconsequential (meant no offense) countries. The Indians are such shameless nuisance.

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