Ukrainian War Developments

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Moderator - World Affairs
Ukraine is a non-actor here, because it is being controlled by the US.

That's what ultranationalists said when Ukraine declared independence from Soviet Union.

Soviet Union in 1989: "Ukraine, you declared independence from me because you are US-CIA Puppet!"

So basically anyone who refuses Russian-domination as part of it's sphere of influence (or literal colony) is a "puppet of West". Got it.

The US is trying to put NATO forces in Ukraine, and that's a redline for Russia.
There is
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in Ukraine. How many NATO troops is too many for this "redline"?

There's no "should" here. Russia was never going to let Crimea go, as it is site to a strategically vital Russian naval base. If Ukraine had not turned hostile, Russia would have had no need to annex Crimea. Once Ukraine decided to antagonize Russia, there was never any choice for Russia but to annex Crimea.
Port Arthur (Dalian Port) was a strategically vital Russian naval base in China, giving Russia access to heart of East Asia.

Imagine if Russia said: "If those damn Ching-chong Boxers never was hostile to us mighty Whites, we would have no need to annex Port Arthur. Once those Ching-Chongs decided to antagonize us, we have no choice except to fully annex Port Arthur. It's "strategically vital warm-water port!" "

This is the ridiculous logic I cannot accept, as it can easily be applied to China if China ever becomes weak again (which I hope is never).

China will 100% support Russia in any Russia-NATO conflict, but until such a conflict happens, China wants to continue doing business with Ukraine.

If only because Russia is weak, and Chinese 'pit the barbarians vs. barbarians' strategy. Not because China believes of any Russian farcical claims to "Ownership of Slavic peoples".
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That's what ultranationalists said when Ukraine declared independence from Soviet Union.

Soviet Union in 1989: "Ukraine, you declared independence from me because you are US-CIA Puppet!"

So basically anyone who refuses Russian-domination as part of it's sphere of influence (or literal colony) is a "puppet of West". Got it.

There is
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in Ukraine. How many NATO troops is too many for this "redline"?

Port Arthur (Dalian Port) was a strategically vital Russian naval base in China, giving Russia access to heart of East Asia.

Imagine if Russia said: "If those damn Ching-chong Boxers never was hostile to us mighty Whites, we would have no need to annex Port Arthur. Once those Ching-Chongs decided to antagonize us, we have no choice except to fully annex Port Arthur. It's "strategically vital warm-water port!" "

This is the ridiculous logic I cannot accept, as it can easily be applied to China if China ever becomes weak again (which I hope is never).

If only because Russia is weak, and Chinese 'pit the barbarians vs. barbarians' strategy. Not because China believes of any Russian farcical claims to "Ownership of Slavic peoples".

It's telling that you have to be deliberately disingenuous to defend your position here. Ukraine is a non-actor because it is a weak country caught between two giants. It's a non-actor because it lacks the power to act, not because it lacks the will.

Next, you are either ignorant of the history of Dalian or deliberately twisting it to fit your narrative. The Russians lost Dalian to the Japanese, and then we kicked the Japanese out. The Soviets later on tried to take over Zhengbao Island, and we beat them back. That's how history works, winner takes the cake. If the Russians had not been strong enough to take over Crimea, then you wouldn't be here whining about it.

I don't know where you get your funny ideas on China-Russia relations. "Ownership of Slavic peoples"? Really? I can only shake my head at the kind of deep-rooted brainwashing so many overseas Chinese harbor from exposure to Western media.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
It's telling that you have to be deliberately disingenuous to defend your position here. Ukraine is a non-actor because it is a weak country caught between two giants. It's a non-actor because it lacks the power to act, not because it lacks the will.
Saying Ukraine is a 'non-actor' because "it's controlled by the United States" is no different than how Westerners trivialize Chinese citizens capacity for critical thought since "we are all brainwashed/controlled by CCP propaganda".

My point is it's an oversimplification to dismiss Ukraine's capacity for critical thought as merely a byproduct of "US control" as if somehow centuries of Russian colonization has no bearing on it's pro-West, anti-Russian foreign policy.
Next, you are either ignorant of the history of Dalian or deliberately twisting it to fit your narrative. The Russians lost Dalian to the Japanese, and then we kicked the Japanese out. The Soviets later on tried to take over Zhengbao Island, and we beat them back. That's how history works, winner takes the cake. If the Russians had not been strong enough to take over Crimea, then you wouldn't be here whining about it.
I am using your words by applying it to another strategic naval base that Russian controlled (e.g. Port Arthur in Dalian)

If you let Russia get away with Crimean annexation because Sevastopol was a strategic port and vaguely "they exhibited hostility" then the same logic could apply to Russians annexing Port Arthur because of Boxer Rebellion, right? I know Port Arthur was conquered by Japan, but just saying, it could have been annexed by Russia using your logic and reasoning.

I don't know where you get your funny ideas on China-Russia relations. "Ownership of Slavic peoples"? Really? I can only shake my head at the kind of deep-rooted brainwashing so many overseas Chinese harbor from exposure to Western media.

"ownership of Slavic people's" was more directed at this post rather than you.
@Phead128 bro Ukraine is Russian, it is part of Kievan Rus empire of old, the originator of the Slavic race and share the same religion, the Eastern Orthodox Church. Whatever problem they have like Taiwan it will eventuality reunite with their brethren.
Yes some overseas Chinese have drank the Russian kool-aid.
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Saying Ukraine is a 'non-actor' because "it's controlled by the United States" is no different than how Westerners trivialize Chinese citizens capacity for critical thought since "we are all brainwashed/controlled by CCP propaganda".

My point is it's an oversimplification to dismiss Ukraine's capacity for critical thought as merely a byproduct of "US control" as if somehow centuries of Russian colonization has no bearing on it's pro-West, anti-Russian foreign policy.

I am using your words by applying it to another strategic naval base that Russian controlled (e.g. Port Arthur in Dalian)

If you let Russia get away with Crimean annexation because Sevastopol was a strategic port and vaguely "they exhibited hostility" then the same logic could apply to Russians annexing Port Arthur because of Boxer Rebellion, right? I know Port Arthur was conquered by Japan, but just saying, it could have been annexed by Russia using your logic and reasoning.

"ownership of Slavic people's" was more directed at this post rather than you.

Yes some overseas Chinese have drank the Russian kool-aid.

You exhibit that typical Western mentality of applying your own narrow morality to international relations.

Yeah, we get it, for whatever reason you don't like Russia. However, regardless of what you like or don't like, Russia is a vital security and economic partner of China. Russia's mere existence diverts half the US military away from China, and that alone would be reason enough to support Russia.

Finally, a comment on your "pit barbarians against barbarians" idea. That is a strategy invariably used by weakened Chinese dynasties, such as the late Qing dynasty. At best it is a ploy to kick the can down the road, and at worst it's a self-delusion designed to maintain the illusion of one's own superiority.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
It is not kool aid. The existence of Ukraine as a separate entity distinct of Russia has been limited at best. At one point it was a part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth then it went back into Russia. Those areas under the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth don't even include Crimea or Eastern and South Ukraine. And it was the Russian Empire who conquered Crimea from the Turks in the first place. Not Ukraine. Modern Ukraine dates from the fragmentation of the Soviet Union. Crimea was receded to the Ukrainian SSR (mostly a ceremonial exchange since it was still under the same Soviet Union) under Khrushchev not that long ago.


Senior Member
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I doubt it. Remember when Russia invaded Crimea China was neutral rather than pro China. I think China will do everything it can to avoid getting dragged into other countries internal affairs.

China may eventually have to pick a side, which is to maintain soft support for Russia with economic assistance in the case of crippling sanctions. Offering military support may just antagonize EU, which is still necessary as a vital trading and technology partner against a hardened North America.

In a perfect world, there may be a chance for China to potentially mediate between the two. Conversely, Russian ties to India are also a barrier to India fully linking with the US and enfeebling the QUAD.


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More "independent" Neocon/Neolib thinking:

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by Bruce Anderson

The Russian people are another matter. They are a culturally amazing, productive crew, with a wonderful literary tradition and some of the best opera in the world - but their political regime is anti-democratic, crafty, and diametrically opposed to American interests.

What garbage pathetic false compliments was the above. Thats like saying:

"America makes Nazi Germany look absolutely tame, being the first nation in the world to successfully genocide another race out of existence (much less just a single ethnicity). But the american people are wonderful, they fully developed the hotdog with all the condiments and have some of the best comic books in the world."


Junior Member
Registered Member
What garbage pathetic false compliments was the above. Thats like saying:

"America makes Nazi Germany look absolutely tame, being the first nation in the world to successfully genocide another race out of existence (much less just a single ethnicity). But the american people are wonderful, they fully developed the hotdog with all the condiments and have some of the best pornography and weapons industries in the world."
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