Ukrainian War Developments

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I doubt it. Remember when Russia invaded Crimea China was neutral rather than pro China. I think China will do everything it can to avoid getting dragged into other countries internal affairs.
I remember when the Neocon/Neolib US and some of its vassal states decided to ignore Ukraine's sovereignty and international law by toppling the government of Ukraine in 2014. China most likely did not get more involved because of their Taiwan situation. If Crimea gets a referendum then it could be argued Taiwan could do the same. Separatists on Taiwan would love to get the opportunity without repercussions. Also, China did not want to antagonize the Neocon/Neolib US so openly by calling them out for their acts of aggression in Europe.


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More "independent" Neocon/Neolib thinking:

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by Bruce Anderson

I am not typically known to comment much on foreign policy unless I am on foreign shores. In which case it’s “local” to me anyway. But the current situation in the Ukraine has driven me off that comfortable perch.

Not only should the US be “involved” in the Ukraine crisis, but we should take a leading role. Military action, Mr. Biden says, is “off the table,” displaying the usual pandering idiot mistake of showing absolutely everyone your cards before trying to play the game. It should not be “off the table,” but rather “on the ground, in the air, and on the seas.”

The Ukraine is a “partner” in NATO, but not a member. What this means is that although their soldiers may be sent to Iraq, NATO has no return commitment.

The Russians are not our friends, and they have not been our friends since 1945 (when they were busily carving up eastern Europe and chaining up that region under Russian puppet Communist regimes behind what Churchill called the “iron curtain”).

The Russian people are another matter. They are a culturally amazing, productive crew, with a wonderful literary tradition and some of the best opera in the world - but their political regime is anti-democratic, crafty, and diametrically opposed to American interests.

The Americans need a Russia concerned with its internal issues, and with an electorate that actually functions as a brake on disastrous foreign military adventures. We had this under Yeltsin (remember him?), but he was quickly retired by an insurgency of billionaire ex-KGB types who lusted for a reboot of the Russian Empire - complete with double eagles...


More lies, half-truths, and projections by another neocon/neolib imperialist sympathizer.

I think the time might come where the free world (all sovereign and free countries, non- US vassal states) will have to teach these 21st century Nazis a serious lesson about sovereignty, freedom, human rights and international law.

Just like with Nazi thuggery in the 20th century, I seriously doubt that the Neocon/Neolib thuggery in the 21st century can be appeased. Just like Nazism; this imperialistic, expansionist, destructive, inhuman ideology belongs on the ash heap of history.

Personally I find neoconservatism / neoliberalism the greatest nation-state based threat the world had to face in over 75 years.

Will there appeasement or will the world confront this threat ?


More "independent" Neocon/Neolib thinking:

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by Bruce Anderson

I am not typically known to comment much on foreign policy unless I am on foreign shores. In which case it’s “local” to me anyway. But the current situation in the Ukraine has driven me off that comfortable perch.

Not only should the US be “involved” in the Ukraine crisis, but we should take a leading role. Military action, Mr. Biden says, is “off the table,” displaying the usual pandering idiot mistake of showing absolutely everyone your cards before trying to play the game. It should not be “off the table,” but rather “on the ground, in the air, and on the seas.”

The Ukraine is a “partner” in NATO, but not a member. What this means is that although their soldiers may be sent to Iraq, NATO has no return commitment.

The Russians are not our friends, and they have not been our friends since 1945 (when they were busily carving up eastern Europe and chaining up that region under Russian puppet Communist regimes behind what Churchill called the “iron curtain”).

The Russian people are another matter. They are a culturally amazing, productive crew, with a wonderful literary tradition and some of the best opera in the world - but their political regime is anti-democratic, crafty, and diametrically opposed to American interests.

The Americans need a Russia concerned with its internal issues, and with an electorate that actually functions as a brake on disastrous foreign military adventures. We had this under Yeltsin (remember him?), but he was quickly retired by an insurgency of billionaire ex-KGB types who lusted for a reboot of the Russian Empire - complete with double eagles...


More lies, half-truths, and projections by another neocon/neolib imperialist sympathizer.

I think the time might come where the free world (all sovereign and free countries, non- US vassal states) will have to teach these 21st century Nazis a serious lesson about sovereignty, freedom, human rights and international law.

Just like with Nazi thuggery in the 20th century, I seriously doubt that the Neocon/Neolib thuggery in the 21st century can be appeased. Just like Nazism; this imperialistic, expansionist, destructive, inhuman ideology belongs on the ash heap of history.

Personally I find neoconservatism / neoliberalism the greatest nation-state based threat the world had to face in over 75 years.

Will there appeasement or will the world confront this threat ?

They're actively courting war with both Russia and China at the same time. They're completely delusional.


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More lies, half-truths, and projections by another neocon/neolib imperialist sympathizer.

I think the time might come where the free world (all sovereign and free countries, non- US vassal states) will have to teach these 21st century Nazis a serious lesson about sovereignty, freedom, human rights and international law.

Just like with Nazi thuggery in the 20th century, I seriously doubt that the Neocon/Neolib thuggery in the 21st century can be appeased. Just like Nazism; this imperialistic, expansionist, destructive, inhuman ideology belongs on the ash heap of history.

Personally I find neoconservatism / neoliberalism the greatest nation-state based threat the world had to face in over 75 years.

Will there appeasement or will the world confront this threat ?
Looking at how things are right now, the west won't be ready for what's coming for it lol. Especially the US.

As for what exactly will happen to the US? Hard to say.
I do think one possibility (and something to take in consideration) is the decline of the British empire (from its peak, and then it going downwards), although at the same time, looking at the internal conditions of the US it really seems like it head for civil war/strife/riots, and the decline won't be as gradual and 'light' as the British empire.


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Looking at how things are right now, the west won't be ready for what's coming for it lol. Especially the US.

As for what exactly will happen to the US? Hard to say.
I do think one possibility (and something to take in consideration) is the decline of the British empire (from its peak, and then it going downwards), although at the same time, looking at the internal conditions of the US it really seems like it head for civil war/strife/riots, and the decline won't be as gradual and 'light' as the British empire.
One should remember that a lot of the collective West are more or less hostages of the US economically and militarily speaking. Germany and Japan are the prime examples of US vassal states that are still being occupied and partially controlled by US forces. It should be clear that Germany,France or Japan do not genuinely want a confrontation with Russia or China but they are compelled to act like this through US economic and military pressure. Then there are also Neocon/Neolib US sponsored agents/organizations in these countries that support confrontation with both Russia and China.

This situation reminds me of Nazi Germany and its vassal/satellite states during WWII. Back then, who in the right mind and in power in Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy , Romania wanted to really participate in Operation Barbarossa? I would think that very few wanted to follow the Nazi program / plans for the Soviet Union. In the end , they had few alternatives so they decided to contribute to Nazi aggression against the Soviet Union. We all know how that ended.

What is perplexing is that many European nations are basically not learning from this history. Supporting Neocon/Neolib US aggression against Russia and China will just embolden the Neocon/Neolib US to act even more aggressively, recklessly and criminally. Are Europeans ready to die for the imperialist/hegemonic ambitions of a far-right regime that thinks it stands above all on this planet ?


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One should remember that a lot of the collective West are more or less hostages of the US economically and militarily speaking. Germany and Japan are the prime examples of US vassal states that are still being occupied and partially controlled by US forces. It should be clear that Germany,France or Japan do not genuinely want a confrontation with Russia or China but they are compelled to act like this through US economic and military pressure. Then there are also Neocon/Neolib US sponsored agents/organizations in these countries that support confrontation with both Russia and China.

This situation reminds me of Nazi Germany and its vassal/satellite states during WWII. Back then, who in the right mind and in power in Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy , Romania wanted to really participate in Operation Barbarossa? I would think that very few wanted to follow the Nazi program / plans for the Soviet Union. In the end , they had few alternatives so they decided to contribute to Nazi aggression against the Soviet Union. We all know how that ended.

What is perplexing is that many European nations are basically not learning from this history. Supporting Neocon/Neolib US aggression against Russia and China will just embolden the Neocon/Neolib US to act even more aggressively, recklessly and criminally. Are Europeans ready to die for the imperialist/hegemonic ambitions of a far-right regime that thinks it stands above all on this planet ?
After reading the first two paragraphs, I don't see anything perplexing though. These countries are vassal and hostage with foreign proxies implanted, they have no choice even if their mind is clear.

Just add to the WWII examples, all the followers of Germany have sorts of conflict with Soviet Union (Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania) or deeply indebted to Germany like Italy (North Africa and Greece). These pre-WWII countries were in the same situation as the western countries after WWII.


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New York Times: Ukrainian army to be defeated in less than an hour

In the event of an armed confrontation with Russia, Ukrainian army units located on its border will be quickly defeated. The forecast was published on December 9 by the American newspaper New York Times

In an article titled “Ukrainian commanders say a Russian invasion would lead to defeat,” the paper cites the opinion of King's College London professor and US Marine Corps veteran Robert Lee.

“They can destroy Ukrainian troops in the east very quickly, in the first 30-40 minutes,” said the military expert.

The Kiev government and the United States regularly state the alleged threat of a "Russian invasion" of Ukraine.

Moscow denies these accusations.

According to the Russian Federation, this is an unfounded increase in hysteria to justify NATO's plans to increase the military presence near Russian borders.

Russia has repeatedly stated that it does not threaten any country and that the movement of troops on its territory is its sovereign right.


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Political scientist Andrey Koshkin: The West covers up a possible Ukrainian Armed Forces offensive to Donbass

Western media statements about the likelihood of Russia's "invasion" of Ukraine are information coverage of the Ukrainian Armed Forces' imminent offensive in Donbass, political-military expert Andrey Koshkin said in an interview with Krasnaya Vesna news agency in 4 from December.

According to the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, the West is actively preparing projects in the information space that should cover up the possibility of a Kiev military solution to the conflict in Donbass, the expert said.

Koshkin explained that if, in the event of a large-scale confrontation between the Ukrainian armed forces and the LDNR, Russia is forced to defend Donbass, then this protection "will be reclassified, and in the world consciousness it will already be perceived as our invasion."

"I think that very serious projects of an active offensive nature are being carried out against the LPNR, and today they are already very active against Russia," Koshkin said.

Previously, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service noted that the US State Department, through diplomatic channels, releases absolutely false information about the concentration of forces on Russian territory for a military invasion of Ukraine.

Furthermore, according to the SVR, the EU diplomatic corps perceives that the Americans and British "are artificially fueling the hysteria to present Russia as guilty of all the problems if Kiev's adventurers attack the Donbass".
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