Ukraine Revolt/Civil War News, Reports, Data, etc.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Article said:
"I’m not in Ukraine, I am in Novorossiya, which voted to secede from Ukraine in referendums last May 11th, after the violent revolution of Euromaidan installed an unelected, far-right government, I wear ‘separatist insignias’ because I think Novorossiya is a beautiful country. I’ve taken part in firearm drills to augment my experience, and understanding, as a war correspondent."

"I appreciate the support of my country, in a diplomatic capacity, and hope that my work here has enlightened our nationals to the real situation here, rather than the skewered misrepresentation sadly perpetrated by much of the British media, and the mistaken position of the British government."

We remind that Graham Phillips started to work in Ukraine as a journalist back in 2012. He started to work there for the journal What's on. In January 2014 he was on Maidan, where he started to shoot video reports for the first time in his life. Later he travelled all over the south-east of Ukraine on his own money, where he captured all of the important events in Kramatorsk, Slavyansk, Lugansk, Donetsk.

Well, my own opinion, after reading what he has been written in earlier articles, and now reading his responses to the UK government, is that this man is definitely not an objective journalist.

He may have started that way, but it is clear that his sympathies are with the separatists and that his role now is more documenting the war for the separatists from their point of view.

IMHO, he is clearly not objective...but that is just my own opinion.
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Jeff Head

Registered Member
I doubt any journalist is truly objective
Any good journalist is objective. It is part of the definition of journalism and what they used to be taught in journalism school, which used to be:

"Professional reporting or writing that is characterized by a direct presentation of facts or events without any attempt at interpretation."

A true journalist may well have their own opinions (we all do), but a true journalist does not let his/her opinion cloud objectivity...because journalism is supposed to be all about providing information not colored by bias.

Today you see more and more journalists thinking (and being taught) that just writing for a new outlets constitutes journalism and you see more and more clouding of their writing with what they think their listeners, their managers, or their own opinion wants...instead of that objective report without interpretation.

More's the pity.
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Senior Member
If somebody is posting something like that on the Internet under his own name


and calls himself a journalist I have doubts if he's paid or retarted. Maybe both. But keep men like that away from Eastern Europe.