Ukraine Revolt/Civil War News, Reports, Data, etc.


Junior Member
I also agree that there are no US troops fighting on the side with Kiev. PMCs are mercenaries and not formally state soldiers.

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US State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki called allegations over US troops or mercenaries operating in Ukraine false.


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WASHINGTON, January 27 (Sputnik) — Allegations that US private army or mercenaries operate with the Kiev government are incorrect, US State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki said on Monday during a press briefing.

“There have been rumors, which my understanding they are false,” Psaki told journalists when asked about US private army operating in Ukraine, referring to recent videos depicting English native speakers patrolling streets of Mariupol, a city in the southeast of Ukraine.

The first uniformed armed man speaking English was accidently recorded on the video by the Mariupol News Service. He refused to comment on the correspondent’s question and quickly went away with the words “Out of my face, out of my face, please.”


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The other video depicts a uniformed man scouting the area for unexploded ordnance, following Saturday’s heavy shelling attack, which claimed at least 30 lives. The videos raised questions about the alleged involvement of foreign military contractors in the Ukrainian conflict.

“There are no [US] troops operating [in Ukraine], there was also an accusation that there is a NATO legion in Ukraine…there have been a range of rumors out there which are inaccurate,” Psaki underscored.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday called Ukraine’s army “a NATO-controlled foreign legion, which is not serving to protect Ukraine’s national interests.”

Currently, the US officials are claiming that they are providing exclusively non-lethal support to Ukraine, as well as military advice. Last Tuesday the US Ambassador to Ukraine announced that the US Congress allocated $75 million to support Ukrainian defense sector in 2015, in addition to $119 million it had already provided in 2014.


Junior Member
Battlefield gossips that Saker said to read with a huge bag of salt. Note that Strelkov no longer has any role to play in the conflict and he had busied himself with organising humanitarian aid to the Donbass of late.

Strelkov: UAF Units Defecting to NAF, Debaltsevo Cauldron Under Way
The dust hasn't settled yet, but all reports seem to suggest that the Ukrainians have suffered a massive defeat

We've been closely watching the latest developments from the NAF's "winter surprise," and while it's still hard to say exactly what the situation is on the ground, we feel comfortable reporting that things are not looking good for the Ukrainian Army and its punitive battalions.

Strelkov, who is world-famous for his no-BS demeanor,
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(Ukrainian Armed Forces) units have defected to the NAF (Novorossiyan Armed Forces) and are now helping to mop up what's left of the Ukrainian Army. If true, this would be an absolutely remarkable turning point in the conflict.

Just as incredible are the
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suggesting that the NAF
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troops at Debaltsevo; some are even claiming that the cauldron is complete, with UAF troops surrendering or attempting to flee.


Even Ukrainian government officials
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that around 200 UAF soldiers have been captured.

This all seems to
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, which suggests Ukrainian forces have suffered huge losses and are panic-stricken.

If you have any updates on the situation, please share them in the comments!

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Junior Member
Azov's commander with his cry for Ukrainians to unite to face what he claimed as the catastrophic collapse of the frontline with thousands of Kiev soldiers killed and tanks destroyed. And Kiev govt lying to the people about the truth.

"Following Bones Grishin zaisteril and Beletsky. The regimental commander "Azov" Andrei Beletsky appealed to Ukrainians with the alarming message, he said that the situation is critical at the front, the West did not help, and the Ukrainian media and military leaders are lying about the thousands killed and their militias burned tanks . "The situation at the front is critical. I do not want to be like tens and hundreds of heralds and rear heroes that soothe the nation."

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Lieutenant General
Battlefield gossips that Saker said to read with a huge bag of salt. Note that Strelkov no longer has any role to play in the conflict and he had busied himself with organising humanitarian aid to the Donbass of late.

Strelkov: UAF Units Defecting to NAF, Debaltsevo Cauldron Under Way
The dust hasn't settled yet, but all reports seem to suggest that the Ukrainians have suffered a massive defeat

We've been closely watching the latest developments from the NAF's "winter surprise," and while it's still hard to say exactly what the situation is on the ground, we feel comfortable reporting that things are not looking good for the Ukrainian Army and its punitive battalions.

Strelkov, who is world-famous for his no-BS demeanor,
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(Ukrainian Armed Forces) units have defected to the NAF (Novorossiyan Armed Forces) and are now helping to mop up what's left of the Ukrainian Army. If true, this would be an absolutely remarkable turning point in the conflict.

Just as incredible are the
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suggesting that the NAF
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troops at Debaltsevo; some are even claiming that the cauldron is complete, with UAF troops surrendering or attempting to flee.


Even Ukrainian government officials
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that around 200 UAF soldiers have been captured.

This all seems to
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, which suggests Ukrainian forces have suffered huge losses and are panic-stricken.

If you have any updates on the situation, please share them in the comments!

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Just curious dose the captured UAF troops included some of the wounded as well? And how are they being treated right now?


Junior Member
I think the rank and file are pretty decently treated if you use past reports. At least more better than captured militia in the hands of the Kiev volunteer battalions. Perhaps those saboteurs caught doing rear attacks will face harsh treatment. Remember that Donetsk has implemented execution for criminals caught committing serious crimes.

Just curious dose the captured UAF troops included some of the wounded as well? And how are they being treated right now?


Senior Member
Saker's 26th Jan SitRep in which he advices against overconfidence in rumours of the collapse of Kiev forces.

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very good assessment from saker as always. i find it quite perplexing that despite being no more than five km away from the highway through debaltseve, the NAF has failed to make that one final armoured thrust that would cut it off completely and virtually put the last nail in its occupant's coffin. similarly, why is the Ukrainian leadership not ordering its troops in debaltseve to abandon the city and attack northward to avoid being cut off?


Junior Member
I think the answer is the NAF is really not as strong as most people think they are. Even they have declared that in terms of manpower they are outnumber, but in artillery and armoured vehicles they have almost parity.
Not forgetting that NAF is also putting pressure on Mariupol to force Kiev to commit their reserves to protect that city. So NAF cannot be strong everywhere.

I am thinking that the NAF real goal is not to close that cauldron but to squeeze the pimple slightly and see what pops out. They have set up filtered kill zones to catch what comes out as well as placing the outside areas fully under their artillery fire and strong points to block Kiev counterattacks.
So more likely the plan is to force Kiev to commit more and more troops and tanks into the battle, especially that large Kiev force still sitting quiet North of Donetsk, as Saker had mentioned. That unit is most likely Kiev's intended spearhead for their Spring offensive but which NAF is preempting now and attempting to destroy as Kiev throws their forces into the battle piecemeal.
A Meat Grinder then.

very good assessment from saker as always. i find it quite perplexing that despite being no more than five km away from the highway through debaltseve, the NAF has failed to make that one final armoured thrust that would cut it off completely and virtually put the last nail in its occupant's coffin. similarly, why is the Ukrainian leadership not ordering its troops in debaltseve to abandon the city and attack northward to avoid being cut off?
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Senior Member
I think the answer is the NAF is really not as strong as most people think they are. Even they have declared that in terms of manpower they are outnumber, but in artillery and armoured vehicles they have almost parity.
Not forgetting that NAF is also putting pressure on Mariupol to force Kiev to commit their reserves to protect that city. So NAF cannot be strong everywhere.
yea but my point being they are so close though. I personally would relocated any surplus personnel from say the airport or mariupol front to debaltseve to complete the encirclement.

and at the same time, Ukraine should not be so fixated on keeping NAF out of mariupol, if anything it should be good to draw them into two major battles over a hundred km apart. NAF at the mariupol front is especially susceptible to flanking maneuvers by the ukrainian army. if they have surplus manpower and armour, better to make good use of it when the enemy is stretched. though i do also concede that Ukrainian forces along with its leadership are probably in such dismal state that they are no longer capable of putting a proper offensive together, thanks to the egregious breach of trust some of them have committed during the battle of the airport.


Junior Member
I see Kiev as under a lot of "face" pressure to attempt to do all things in the hope of being able to produce some kind of real battlefield victory for public consumption. According to Saker, Kiev is still trying to recapture Donetsk airport so NAF can't pull their forces there to help close the couldron. Not forgetting they are also trying to push Kiev out of the villages near Donetsk city from where Kiev artillery are targeting the civilians.

NAF don't have the luxury of numbers too.

yea but my point being they are so close though. I personally would relocated any surplus personnel from say the airport or mariupol front to debaltseve to complete the encirclement.

and at the same time, Ukraine should not be so fixated on keeping NAF out of mariupol, if anything it should be good to draw them into two major battles over a hundred km apart. NAF at the mariupol front is especially susceptible to flanking maneuvers by the ukrainian army. if they have surplus manpower and armour, better to make good use of it when the enemy is stretched. though i do also concede that Ukrainian forces along with its leadership are probably in such dismal state that they are no longer capable of putting a proper offensive together, thanks to the egregious breach of trust some of them have committed during the battle of the airport.