a lot of talk about an offensive on mariupol right now. I will stick with my opinion about debaltseve being the main effort and mariupol as only a diversionary attack. NAF can only attack the city from the east right now, unless it outmatches the defenders by a long shot in both quantity and quality, it will be impossible to make any meaningful progress. in the meantime if they want to maintain adequate pressure on the ukrainian army and keep it off balance, it's best to hit a easier target. debaltseve is obviously a easier target, i would say schastya is even more suitable for this phase of NAF's offensive but it seems that they want to concentrate further to the west. if i were the commander it would be schastya - debaltseve, and mariupol saved for last.
Where the rebels push will probably depend on where they have sufficient popular support, or at least sufficient discontent with the Kiev government, so that there isn't much or any consolidation needed after the fighting, assuming they win and it's not scorched earth. I find it difficult to try to predict anything as there are too many major soft unknowns such as to what extent the rebels are in agreement and co-ordinate with Russia, to what extent the rebels depend on Russian aid for offensive action and the ability to hold territory after capturing it, which way is the wind blowing in terms of popular opinion in the rest of Ukraine both in potential contested areas and farther afield, and what is Russia's game plan at this point? There has been a lot of talk about either federalization or disintegration of today's Ukraine but based on what has been going on so far it appears to me that Russia is pursuing both, working with whatever extent of local discontent there is in various parts of Ukraine.