Type 076 LHD/LHA discussion


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Junior Member
Registered Member
I feel like the most helpful way to understand 076 atm is just as a natural evolution of the 075. PLAN feel the need to operate fixed winged UAVs to fly ISR missions and maybe even OAS and DEAD missions, using a notional F-35B sortie chart flying from a LHA as reference.
Thus design wise, the EM cat is to facilitate launching fixed wing UAVs and the size increase is a natural result of optimized deck ops. The rest of 076 is still very much just whatever 075 does. v2-56dbdea3e3519b816c49d6884a72a696_r.jpeg


Registered Member
I feel like the most helpful way to understand 076 atm is just as a natural evolution of the 075. PLAN feel the need to operate fixed winged UAVs to fly ISR missions and maybe even OAS and DEAD missions, using a notional F-35B sortie chart flying from a LHA as reference.
Thus design wise, the EM cat is to facilitate launching fixed wing UAVs and the size increase is a natural result of optimized deck ops. The rest of 076 is still very much just whatever 075 does. View attachment 130349
...and smooth fixed wing uav operation requires angled deck.
For some reason people still consider taking off from the deck as the main problem.
The larger problem is to land, preferably not disrupting the whole deck, especially in emergency situation.


Senior Member
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The reasonable design is to have 2 emals for redundancy and angled landing strip for safety reasons.


Junior Member
Registered Member
I think the “reasonable” expectation at this point is that this is not designed as a carrier and should not be viewed as such. It seems to be more along the lines of a LHA with increased (or experimental) capabilities, and not a wish.com aircraft carrier