Type 076 LHD/LHA discussion


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Honestly if true & with the 054B (& other recent developments like tank?) I do believe the PLA is being overly conservative with designs. It's a fine line but it feels like they've been erring too far on one side very consistently.


I wonder if it would help/be easier to load vehicles on to aircraft elevators, which then carries them to hangar level, where there is another elevator to well deck level.


I wonder if it would help/be easier to load vehicles on to aircraft elevators, which then carries them to hangar level, where there is another elevator to well deck level.
Type 071 has side access hatch door and ramp that allowed tanks and IFVs to drive into the ship's motor vehicle parking area directly from the sea port. The hangar hold hatch cover that need a crane would be more useful to load palletised cargo.

I have not seen photo or video of side access hatch door of type 075 in operation, but I would expect both type 075 and type 076 will have this type of hull side access hatch for battle tanks, IFVs and other motor vehicles.