Interesting, 022 in NSG. Talks about a new missile boat flotilla involved in an exercise. It took 3 years to fully form the flotilla, perform whole system training, do missile launches and joining part of war exercises.
Says this new boat is very modernized, has long range strike and high penetration capability. A lot of training is required. Just the propulsion system alone requires 10 learning topics like computer, micro-electronics, automated control. In order to quickly reach combat capability, the sailors went to the shipyards in advance to help test out the equipments, formed over 60+ operational manual and 30+ operational procedure.
Says this new boat is very modernized, has long range strike and high penetration capability. A lot of training is required. Just the propulsion system alone requires 10 learning topics like computer, micro-electronics, automated control. In order to quickly reach combat capability, the sailors went to the shipyards in advance to help test out the equipments, formed over 60+ operational manual and 30+ operational procedure.
interesting in this part that it talks about YJ-83 as a new AShM even though it's been in service with PLAN for a few years now. It talks the crews involvement in developing combat strategies for the new missile.东方网10月15日消息:硝烟起处,风卷残云。仲秋时节,一场复杂电磁环境下的全系统防御与导弹攻击演练在某海域展开。笔者在现场看到,北海舰队某快艇支队新型导弹艇编队快速出击,发射导弹精准命中目标。该支队仅用3年就完成了新装备艇队组建、试航接装、整体训练、导弹实射、联合演习等一系列重大任务,成功实现了由“从零起步”到成建制成系统形成战斗力的跨越。
某新型导弹快艇,是新世纪人民海军换代战艇,现代化程度高,攻击距离远,突击威力大,被誉为“海上狙击手”。它集众多高新技术于一身,仅动力系统就涉及计算机、微电子、自动控制等10多门学科。为让新装备尽快形成战斗力,战艇还未驶进军港,官兵就提前来到造船厂,全程参与设备调试,自己动手编写了60 多套操作预案,细化完善了30多种操作规程。一项新纪录写在支队史册上:第一代“种子艇员”们不仅提前4个月完成了试航任务,还向厂方提出改进建议120 余项,被全部采纳。
砺剑更待亮剑时。随着新型战艇不断加入战斗序列,支队根据新装备在信息集成、指挥操纵、系统控制、作战效能、攻击手段等方面的变化,将“想定作业”变 “真演实练”,提出“操作手训练打破建制、协同训练打破程序、实弹射击打破序列”训练法。针对新装备列装不同步、受训人员多的实际,采取“滚动训练”新模式,制订了《某新型导弹快艇战斗力考核实施细则》,探索出7种战法训法,在实兵对抗演习和导弹批检等多项重大军事任务中,发射导弹全部准确命中目标。