Turkey Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Registered Member
Finally outsiders begin to see true nature of Erdogan. He is also a delusional islamist and ardent supporter of muslim brotherhood to the detriment of Turkiye. No objections here.
I disliked him from almost day one.

Why do you scorn TRNC, i can't understand. It is a working solution. Nobody has died since 1974 in Cyrpus and both sides are better off by being apart. Compare it with Lebanon.
I am not scorning TRNC but only to lay out the situation where recognizing it by any state other than Turkey is a very odd move to take. So the cost of doing so is high, maybe too high for whatever benifit Turkey has to offer. Peace is good to have, but struggling for land is more common than retaining unfavorable (to someone) peace, besides Lebanon we are seeing Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Serbia, China, India, Pakistan, Argentina and UK etc. Some of them have cooled down, but not given up.


Registered Member
TAI is open to open a production facility in Egypt:

Demiroğlu (CEO) said, "Opening an office (in Egypt) is an easy thing, we can do it, but we would prefer to take it to a higher level rather than opening an office. We hope that the presence of TUSAŞ and TURKISH AEROSPACE (TAI) in Egypt will be an entity that can be designed to be at a higher level. God willing, even a factory can be established in the future."

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Registered Member
One thing I've noticed Baykar is bottom tier in compared to other defense companies is their engagement with defencemedia.

It's piss poor compared to Roketsan, Aselsan, BMC Power, Kale and the rest.

We got to know their plan to produce the engines for Akinci, Kizilelma and TB2 through a financial magazine (like wut?)

Has the collective Turkish defence media pissed the Bayraktar brothers off or something? Not even a giant like AA gets a nice tour of their facilities. Neither DefenceTurkeyMagazine has ever published a nice multi-page interview with Baykar (at least in the recent years iirc).



Registered Member
First TB2 to retire after 9 years and 10000 flight hours:

It'll be used for training purposes and to study its life cycle.

On average this TB2 has flown 3 hours every day. Meaning one needs to have 8 TB2 to have 24/7 coverage for 9 years.

8 TB2 and 2 ground stations is basically enough to have multi year persistent ISR coverage over a single area.
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Registered Member
First TB2 to retire after 9 years and 10000 flight hours:

It'll be used for training purposes and to study its life cycle.

On average this TB2 has flown 3 hours every day. Meaning one needs to have 8 TB2 to have 24/7 coverage for 9 years.

8 TB2 and 2 ground stations is basically enough to have multi year persistent ISR coverage over a single area.
Some extra info: It has flown more than 750 sorties so an average sortie duration of 13 hours, ~83 sorties per year or 1 sortie every 4-5 days.