Turkey Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Registered Member
Interesting that the air wing presented are UAV that are well advanced into development, the HURJET and no KAAN variant. They are keeping an interesting but humble figure about that carrier.
That carrier won't be commissioned before 2035 IMO. Plenty of time for other aircraft to be carrier capable by then. Who knows what's in store?

Edit: Here I speculate about a carrier capable AWACS based on the Akinci: Turkey Military News, Reports, Data, etc.

I would like to add, are they going for a KJ-700 like sensor suite with radar and a large EO/IRST? A Karat-400 perhaps?
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Registered Member
That carrier won't be commissioned before 2035 IMO. Plenty of time for other aircraft to be carrier capable by then. Who know what's in store?
For sure, but at least proposing it with what Turkey have in hands is better than overhyping it with an airwing not available yet. Even without something else they can use it with these and be relevant.


Registered Member
Erdogan is doing his best to maintain good ties but the Azeris still act like spoiled little brats:

View attachment 135043

Turkiye got nothing in return for their decisive support for Azerbaycan. Now they are left with nothing. No TRNC recognition, no more military contracts (they are buying no Turkish equipment although SSB is doing everything it can to persuade them) and at the same time they are teaching them NATO stuff and giving them military tech.
Must say that Erdogan was expecting unrealistic returns from Azerbaijan. In other words he is naive or driven by his ego than by cold-blooded calculation. Aliyev on the contrary is a very shrewd politician.

Azerbaijan is not bordering Turkey, Armenia does. To help Azerbaijan to take Nagorno Karabakh and further anger an enemy at the door-step, all for what? For speaking similar language? For supposedly related ethnicity? That is the most stupid motivation for a national leader. Look at Ukraine who shares even closer relationship with Russia, yet they are fighting the most bloody war in recent time. History has repeatedly tell us that only materialist interest bind people together, not race.

Erdogan also overthought his importance to Azerbaijan's victory therefor thinking Azerbaijan owes Turkey. In reality, it was Armenia's stupidity of getting further closer to NATO got it abandaned by Russia making it meat on the chop board. With or without Turkey Azerbaijan had a better position in fighting Armenia. Let us see the recent and ongoing history, when Georgia got too close to NATO Russia invaded it, when Ukraine got too close to NATO Russia invaded it, if Armenia got closer to NATO further, Russia would have taught it a lesson. By maintaining a relationship with Russia better than Armenia, Azerbaijan will win anyway. Turkey's assistance is favorable but not indispensable from Azerbaijan's perspective. Erdogan openly taking the credit for the Nagrono Karabakh war is extremely presumptuous and insulting to Azerbaijan.

TRNC is ONLY recognized by Turkey in the world, expecting Azerbaijan to be the second (for what really) demonstrates how delusional Erdogan is.

Last time Khrushchev did something like Erdogan we had Sino-Soviet split. If Erdogan knew history he should climb down from his high horse and the relationship may still be saved.
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Registered Member
Must say that Erdogan was expecting unrealistic returns from Azerbaijan. In other words he is naive or driven by his ego than by cold-blooded calculation. Aliyev on the contrary is a very shrewd politician.
Finally outsiders begin to see true nature of Erdogan. He is also a delusional islamist and ardent supporter of muslim brotherhood to the detriment of Turkiye. No objections here.

Azerbaijan is not bordering Turkey, Armenia does. To help Azerbaijan to take Nagorno Karabakh and further anger an enemy at the door-step, all for what? For speaking similar language? For supposedly related ethnicity? That is the most stupid motivation for a national leader. Look at Ukraine who shares even closer relationship with Russia, yet they are fighting the most bloody war in recent time. History has repeatedly tell us that only materialist interest bind people together, not race.

We learned not to trust armenians via the hard way. Do you know that there is an article in armenian constitution tasking the government to invade southern lands as far as Van and eastwards till caspian sea? Armenian national identity is based on hostility against turks; anatolian or azeri, it does not matter. They are totally delusional and can not be reasoned with. Azeris tried to find a diplomatic and peaceful solution for 25 years; and all they got were empty promises and mocking remarks. So alliance with azeris is a good and logical choice. It may not be apparent at the first glance but the problem here is iran. Iran is a staunch supporter of Armenia against Azerbaijan. For example in the last conflict, the battle turned in favor of azeris only when azeris pushed westwards near iranian border; cutting supply lines from iran to invaded azeri regions. To counter iran, Azeris developed very close ties with Israel, following the old rule "enemy of my enemy ...". Erdogan's total disregard of realpolitik and delusional stance against Israel seem to force Azeris make a choice between Israel and Erdogan (this is important: Erdogan, not Turkiye); with the latest attempt to steal valor being the cherry on the cake. Azeris knowing wannabe sultan is hated in Turkiye and his days are limited, chose Israel. IMHO reason is Erdogan with his muslim brotherhood agenda and anti israel stance became totally unreliable against the immediate enemy, i.e. İran.

Erdogan also overthought his importance to Azerbaijan's victory therefor thinking Azerbaijan owes Turkey. In reality, it was Armenia's stupidity of getting further closer to NATO got it abandaned by Russia making it meat on the chop board. With or without Turkey Azerbaijan had a better position in fighting Armenia.

This statement has a little bit of timeline problem. You may not be aware of it bu it was the armenians who started the last battle. When they realized that azeri army is not what it was used to be ( result of at least 10 years of officer and NCO training with elite turkish units together with infusion of modern equipment. We literally rebuilt azeri army from scratch, a solid NCO and officer corps is what separates good armies from bad ones and Turkiye provided that. ); armenians did everything to provoke azeris into attacking armenia (such as firing tochkas from bases inside armenian border to civilian villages in azerbaijan) to pull russia into the fight. Azeris stood fast and confined their operations within their borders. Observing that and not wanting to be deceived, Russians did not take the bait. Armenians, angry and frustrated, turned west for support but unable to get anything other than empty promises (as usual). With the iranian support cut off, armenians held out for a while more before giving up.

Let us see the recent and ongoing history, when Georgia got too close to NATO Russia invaded it, when Ukraine got too close to NATO Russia invaded it, if Armenia got closer to NATO further, Russia would have taught it a lesson. By maintaining a relationship with Russia better than Armenia, Azerbaijan will win anyway. Turkey's assistance is favorable but not indispensable from Azerbaijan's perspective.

Russians have their own agenda and left alone they will bleed both sides dry. In 1992 war they supported armenians causing massive loss of life and land. In this war concessions they managed to get from azeris for ceasefire are horrific and they stole a clear victory from azeris. Moreover, their stance concerning Iran is vague and unreliable at best. Turkiye's support is unconditional and acts as a powerful counterweight against Iran.

Erdogan openly taking the credit for the Nagrono Karabakh war is extremely presumptuous and insulting to Azerbaijan.

TRNC is ONLY recognized by Turkey in the world, expecting Azerbaijan to be the second (for what really) demonstrates how delusional Erdogan is.

Why do you scorn TRNC, i can't understand. It is a working solution. Nobody has died since 1974 in Cyrpus and both sides are better off by being apart. Compare it with Lebanon.

Last time Khrushchev did something like Erdogan we had Sino-Soviet split. If Erdogan knew history he should climb down from his high horse and the relationship may still be saved.

As I said relationships will get better as soon as Erdogan is gone. And speaking of horses, here is the reaction of one when our leader of this century tries to ride him:

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